Supreme God King

Chapter 3235: Heaven is in fear

"Emperor Bo Wu, retired."

The ancestor of Mingyi said to Nangong Jingyu.

"The central emperor and the Hundred Saints of Humanity went to the source of the heavens, but in the human world, there are still thousands of semi-sages stationed.

Among these thousand semi-sages, there is also the existence of the Five Tribulations God King, which is the next sequence of young God Kings cultivated in the human world just like our future Heavenly Court ‘Old Zhongqing’. "

Regarding the semi-sage, the Heavenly Court has always been concerned about it in the future. After the unification of humanity, the Hundred Sages of Humanity strived to create a humanitarian method, abolished the title system, established three titles of "gentleman", "sage", and "semi-sage", and vigorously promoted the younger generation from the imperial examination and the army, which derived There are thousands of semi-sages, thousands of sages and gentlemen.

Although this force is not as a luxuriant gathering of heroes in the heavens in the future, it is also a quite astonishing force.

Nangong Jingyu said: "Half saints put out the civil strife in the Imperial City?"

"I don't know." The ancestor Mingyi shook his head: "But the civil strife in the human world has subsided. It took only a few hours before and after it did not cause any damage or impact. I always feel... Emperor Bo Wu retreated too quickly. "

Nangong Jingyu couldn't help but frowned: "Yes, he brought anger, revenge, and even an army of former enemies into the world, but retreated so quickly, even if it is a semi-sacred city, it shouldn't be the case. "

"This is a mystery." The ancestor Mingyi closed his eyes again.


When the source of the heavens is fighting fiercely.

Somewhere in the east of the monk civilization, in a hidden volley.

Several members of the infinite field, and an incarnation of the king of light brain, have their dignified eyes.

There is only one person with a smile on his face.

This ridiculously smiling man seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. Unlike the **** king of the Infinite Realm, he was dressed in a robe of monk civilization, his hair was combed into a ponytail, and his face was handsome.

The second generation evil god, Qin Taichuan.

"You definitely can't understand." Qin Taichuan smiled and said to the incarnation of the King of Light Brain: "I don't understand why Emperor Bo Wu just retreated like this."

"He left with a few of his cronies, and ruined all the warships and reinforcements we sent in the world." A member of the Diet said angrily: "We were not prepared, not even a greeting."

"So what, do you still want to seek revenge?" Qin Taichuan made no secret of his sarcasm. "A God King of Seven Tribulations, the once great emperor of the world, would be afraid of too many enemies? What's more, don't forget the subversive battle ten years ago."

"Is he so because of hatred?" The King of Light Brain silently turned his head and looked at Qin Taichuan: "If it is because of hatred, I will despise the emotions of living beings even more. How can I be emotional when doing big things."

"Hate this thing, it's hard to talk about." Qin Taichuan leaned arrogantly in the chair, with one leg on the long table in front of him: "But, Emperor Bo Wu is not because of hatred."

Several lawmakers made no secret of their disgust towards Qin Taichuan. One wanted to ridicule each other and said coldly: "I have never seen anyone lose a country, lose a great cause, lose heart, and fall from a mountain to the bottom of a valley. Laugh at others."

"Heh." Qin Taichuan still smiled, not caring about the ridicule of this congressman. "The general trend of the world is complicated and confusing, or it may go up or down. It has been like this since ancient times. It is not a big thing to beg for mercy or kneel down. A failure is a death and aspiration?" He turned his head and looked at the splendid monk civilization. Muttered: "That's a fool."

King of Light Brain said: "Qin Taichuan, it's up to you to take action."

"Okay." Qin Taichuan stood up from the chair and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't bother you guys, I will deal with my own affairs."

After that, he walked out of the volley ark.

Take a few steps and cross the void.

The direction is toward the Glory Empire.

However, when he stepped out of the range of the volleyed ark, he suddenly turned around and headed straight to the source of the heavens!

All the congressmen in the volley were stunned.

The King of Light Brain is still standing.

Did not say anything.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

In other words, what to calculate.

But everyone knows.

It took ten years to learn about human nature, the human mind, and the king of the light brain who understands the emotions of sentient beings. In fact, he did not learn anything.


The source of the heavens.

The central location.

In front of the guard.

No one has seen such a confrontation since ancient times!

There is no fancy way, any esoteric martial arts, just the purest, the most terrifying, the collision of rules and rules!

Centered on Meng Fan and the Emperor of Heaven, in nearly ten thousand layers of void, the true meaning and laws of the great avenue, the most immortal power in the world, may dance lightly, or shake the sky!

Some **** kings strayed into this area and disappeared almost instantly, turning into the smallest particles, and even the gods and souls were disintegrated.

Only a handful of lucky **** kings did not fall directly. Instead, they were caught in the turbulence of the law, trapped in the maze of layers of void, or in the torrent of time, in just a few blinks. Old age, lifespan is exhausted.

Some fell into infinite darkness, no light, no way out; some were sealed by eternal ice, their souls turned into ice crystals; some were torn, beaten, and turned into ashes...

This is a realm that no **** king can understand.

Since ancient times, all beings have relied on one thing to understand the world.

That is the law.

Some have a superficial understanding, and some have a thorough understanding.

In the eyes of ordinary people, light, darkness, and the law of time are night, day, aging, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

But no matter the way of understanding is superficial or profound.

They are observing the whole world through laws.

Because the law is unchanged.

However, when the two beings that have the ability to control all the laws in the world begin to fight with each other by the laws, all cognitions and opinions will be subverted.

Maybe an old person will become a child in an instant.

Maybe a woman will become a man.

Maybe space is no longer distance.

Maybe after the darkness, it is no longer light, but another color.

The confrontation between Meng Fan and the Emperor of Heaven is no longer a "fight".

It's a duel on another level.

In the face of this kind of confrontation, all the **** kings who feel the horror will find themselves in a life-and-death confrontation with others, like a child playing a house.

The duel between the Emperor of Heaven and Meng Fan was a real war.

A war that determines all the laws of the world.

"I do not understand………………………"

A voice of anger and fear echoed in the source of the heavens.

"I don't understand... I don't understand... I don't understand!"

In the future, the heaven and earth will be the battleground of the gods.

Many **** kings raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Master Zhuge subverted the world, created his own absolute realm, and forced back the ghost sage of the human world, but there were also blood stains on his face. After hearing this voice, Master Zhuge smiled.

"The Emperor of Heaven, really began to fear."

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