Supreme God King

Chapter 3238: Old white

"In the fringe corners of the universe, a very interesting civilization has emerged, called a technological civilization, an infinite field.

That civilization used to be the Dharma Doom world. Only humans possessed wisdom. All the beasts were barbaric and uncivilized. So, the question is, why in the Dharma Doom world, where there is no martial art, human beings are stronger, but the animals are weak?

People in the infinite field have made many analyses and made many conclusions, some of which are very rough and naive. For example, before the infinite realm opened to the starry sky, there were some conclusions that it was human beings that controlled fire, that human beings were more intelligent, and that human beings possess language, writing, and so on, which made humans stronger than beasts and can be in the end. The world has established a splendid civilization.

However, after just a few years, people in the infinite field had a high degree of consensus and finally reached a conclusion that could convince everyone. "

Wearing a short white, yellow and purple gown with a normal face, the man with a little beard on his chin put a pen on the paper and wrote a few words at random.

These words, or a few drawing symbols, look very peculiar and seem to have no meaning at all. They are just the result of men's random actions.

The black-robed woman sitting across from him looked at a few painted symbols and was silent. The woman's face is delicate, she seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, and she is still in full bloom, but the light hidden deep in her eyes makes people frightening-the light is very like a wolf walking in the dark, glowing with a faint green.

Moreover, the black-robed woman looked at the characters while rubbing her chin and squeezing her knee with the other hand, she looked more like a handsome man.

"This conclusion that everyone agrees with was relatively naive at first. The reason that humans are better than other beasts is that the beasts will reproduce when they are full. There is only pure instinct, and humans will think after they are full. More stuff."

"It's very naive." The woman finally said, her voice was slightly hoarse, but it was also very magnetic, making it comfortable to hear.

"But for the infinite realm where wisdom has not yet been fully enlightened, this conclusion can convince some people. Later, the conclusion evolved into that all beasts have only instincts, and humans have pursuits.

Later, Infinite Realm added a suffix after this sentence.

The beasts only have pure desires, and humans want to pursue higher meanings. "

After hearing the man's last sentence, the woman smiled slightly: "It's interesting."

"Then, for a long time, people in Infinite Fields began to argue about whether pursuit is more important or the meaning of pursuit is more important. The answer is actually obvious. If there is no meaning, there is no difference between pursuit and desire.

It is meaning that has changed mankind. When human beings look up at the starry sky and do not know why, they fabricate gods and Buddhas, have faith, and have faith that spans tribes, races, genders, and ages, bringing together many people together to form the oldest and primitive kingdom.

Even in the apocalyptic world, human beings will pursue'justice','nation','righteousness','black and white','right and wrong','achievement','cause','effect','law','road', ' "Patriotic", and so on, these things do not exist, humans created these things and gave them meaning, and in the world of doomsday, the beasts only pursue the simplest law of the jungle.

From the origin of human civilization, the difference between the human race and other races is shown in the human race's pursuit of meaning.

In the future, there will be a tower of meaning in the heaven, and the spire of the tower will always be empty. In fact, there is a meaning that can be placed on the spire of the tower, that is, survival. For any creature, survival is the highest meaning. In order to survive, everything can be abandoned, but humans will not. Humans will not put the word survival at the top of the tower of meaning, because that is the meaning of beasts, not Human meaning. "

The black-robed woman shrugged, "I want to know, Lao Bai, what did you invite me to do?"

"Look at a universe given a new meaning." The man called Lao Bai waved his hand, and several names appeared in front of him.

Emperor Changsheng.

To Ruyan.

Hao Shui Takako.

Like the Lord.

Emperor Longchen.

Thick soil.

"I have been looking for an agent of the great universe." Lao Bai said.

The woman nodded: "I know, but in such a long period of time, every agent whom you have been photographed has disappointed you in the end. Almost all have failed to achieve great success and died first. For these, you don't need to care. To meet your standards, to accomplish such a huge achievement, to dominate the entire universe, it is simply too difficult, how can it be so easy to do? It is also you, too stubborn, if you want to, help at the right moment, A suitable agent has long been cultivated."

"What's the point then?" Lao Bai shook his head: "boring, very boring."

"You are too lonely." The woman smiled.

Old Bai also smiled: "Aren't you?"

The woman said indifferently: "We are lonely at the height where we are. We should get used to this kind of loneliness. Not to mention us, those who have reached the pinnacle of power in the cosmos, they will also feel invincible. Cold, high and widowed, boring, lonely, but at a high place, we should be lonely, we have to bear it, you have always wanted to see a person who understands everything by his own strength, and finally stands at our height, the result? A Wang Yin, I was brought into our world by you, but it was just a slave. A Chaos Great Emperor is really powerful, but now it has caused a mess of our world, and several gentlemen will ask you for their sins."

Lao Bai smiled: "Why haven't you come to inquire?"

The woman frowned: "You are just arguing."

Old Bai laughed.

The woman said: "You have to choose an agent. It has been delayed for so many years. It was originally your housework, but after the Great Chaos came out to make trouble, many people began to pay attention to your housework, Meng Fan, Qinglin Mother Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, these names have been poured into our ears early, I heard that Meng Fan, Heavenly Emperor, have reached the realm of the Nine Tribulations God King? You should understand that if a Five Tribulations were elected a few years ago God King, even the Six Tribulations God King, it’s okay to be an agent. We can enshrine the gods. Even if he has other thoughts, he can’t set off many storms, but Meng Fan and the Emperor of Heaven are already in the Nine Tribulations. God King, if the ultimate agent is produced between them, I am afraid that another Chaos Emperor will appear, that is not something we can hold.

"Whether the ultimate agent is between these two people is not certain."

"It's not them, who would it be? The Central Emperor? That is also the strong man who has stepped into the Eight Tribulations, leading the humanity. If Meng Fan and the Heavenly Emperor fall, and the Central Emperor rises, it will not be much better. It is still a heart disease—— Lao Bai, I still don't understand, why do you always cultivate someone who can challenge your authority?"

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