Supreme God King

Chapter 3254: witness

More and more **** kings are gathering in the center of the source of the heavens.

After the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, more than twenty gods were added.

However, these **** kings were all standing at the outermost periphery. They could hardly see Meng Fan's fight with the Emperor of Heaven, only the light and shadow looming in the mist.

After everyone stopped for a while, two gods finally took their steps.

They folded their hands together and wore a Buddhist armor-robes.

They are the **** of root burial and the **** of virtuous robbery.

The two Six Tribulations God Kings walked 30 steps forward together.

Beyond God Zaiqing, and the dragon king who does not know his identity.

"I'm at the end." Xian Jie Shen Buddha said lightly, neither happy nor sad, fearless. "You can continue."

"It doesn't make much sense to take you a few more steps." Root Burial God and Buddha refused.

Xian Jie Shen said: "At this moment, taking a few more steps is very meaningful."

The root burial **** and Buddha fell silent for a while and continued to move forward.

Go to the thirty-third step.

After the two gods and buddhas, three more six-kalpa **** kings appeared one after another.

However, like the dragon king, the mysterious **** kings unknown to the kings, they all reached the position of about thirty steps.

But shortly afterwards, among the three mysterious Six Tribulations God Kings, a gray-haired old man took a few more steps.

When he reached the thirty-fourth step, his bones rang out, indicating that he was overwhelmed, so he stopped.

This old man is a demon king.

"One of the nine elders of the Demon God's Mansion, Kui Fazi." Root Burial God Buddha said.

The old man looked at the root burial **** Buddha and bowed his hands.

The Demon God Mansion is the latest Dao World to be established, but because of the tens of billions of years of history of the Demon Race, and the splendid culture that is not much inferior to humanity, there are also thousands of Demon Races scattered around, plus the strong support of the future heaven. This avenue world can be said to be quite powerful.

The Demon God Mansion has always been relatively mysterious, and the top powerhouses are hidden, but every world knows that a race with such a long history, long existence, and a number close to the human race, there must be countless powerhouses.

Therefore, although the palace master and the nine elders with the highest status of the Demon God Mansion have almost never shown their faces in front of the worlds, the world knows that the strength of these ten demon kings cannot be underestimated.

Kui Fazi is one of the more famous among the nine elders. Among the relics of the eighteen demon gods, two of them were discovered by him, and as early as several million years ago, when Xiao Lian was enshrining demons, Kui Fazi had already existed. Fame.

"To witness the new era, or to witness the survival of the Demon God Mansion." The Root Burial God Buddha asked calmly.

There is a lot of profound meaning in this question.

Although the Demon God Mansion is powerful, among the worlds, the Demon God Mansion is still a "second-class world."

The first-class world is now recognized as having three.

The future heaven, the human world, the infinite realm.

The strength, number of kings, and influence of these three worlds far surpassed other worlds.

In addition to these three worlds, it is the second-class world.

Nowadays, the Dragon Realm, Demon God Mansion, Demon Realm, and Wild Realm are all regarded as the second-class world.

After that, it is the third-class world.

The world of Buddha, the realm of gods, and the future craftsman empire.

At one time, the Cthulhu Dynasty was added to the third world.

The worlds other than these worlds are considered to be "marginal worlds." They have little influence on the primordial universe. Maybe it is the highest celestial dynasty, maybe it is a sect with only a few gods in a corner, or some The secret ancient country.

After the Heavenly Court defeats the Siyuan Dynasty in the future, the monk civilization will completely become the center of the universe. All worlds will revolve around the monk civilization, and almost all worlds, whether they are second-class or third-class, or those marginal worlds, Attach or obey to some first-class world.

Demon God's Mansion, Wasteland, and Future Craftsman Empire all follow the future heaven.

Dragon Realm, Demon Realm, Buddha Realm, these three worlds were once in the Sun Moon Peak Alliance established in the Infinite Realm.

The humane world in many fringe worlds is subject to orders from the human world.

After that, the Sun Moon Peak Alliance survived in name only, and the humanity was in the hands of the Central Emperor, approaching unification, regardless of each other, and truly maintaining a strong alliance is the "Future Alliance."

Meng Fan's victory or defeat will determine the future of Heavenly Court.

And the survival of the heaven in the future will determine the future of all members of the future alliance.

This is the deep meaning of the root burial **** Buddha's words.

It seems peaceful, but in fact it hides mystery and even murderousness, the characteristics of Buddhism and Taoism.

Kui Fazi said calmly, "What's the difference?"

"Yes." It was the Xianjie Divine Buddha standing behind the two who spoke. He looked at his nose and looked incontrovertible.

Kui Fazi looked back at Xian Jie Shen Buddha and whispered, "The two are here to witness the new era or to speculate?"

After the Root Burial God Buddha and the Xianjie God Buddha were silent, they chose to ignore the words of Kui Fazi at the same time.

At this moment, the **** king standing on the outermost periphery suddenly had some commotion.

They evaded to the sides.

More than a dozen **** kings with amazing weather appeared.

Dragon world.

Dragon Emperor, Sifang Shenlong, and Ten Golden Dragon Kings.

There are vast celestial phenomena on them! Obviously at the time of the war of gods, these powerful dragons as the leaders of the Dao made a very wise choice. They did not participate in any disputes, but were steadfastly looking for benefits and wealth. In this source of heaven, they I don't know what I found, or how much power it has swallowed. At this moment, the power of the Dragon Emperor and the Sifang Shenlong is almost gushing out!


They were silent, with stern eyes, striding meteors, and walking straight to the final battlefield.

The Ten Great Five Tribulations Golden Dragon King walked forward five steps to ten steps.

The Sifang Shenlong took 30 to 35 steps.

When the ten golden dragon kings and the Sifang Shenlong all stood still, only the Dragon Emperor continued to move forward.

He passed the old man with missing months.

He didn't look to either side, all the way forward without any deviation.

He took sixty steps, side by side with the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs.

Then keep on walking.

You can see that he moves indifferently.

Always, seventy steps!

The powerful God King present almost all saw at this instant, the Dragon Emperor, it is already possible to step into the Eight Tribulations!

After seventy steps, Longdi's movements slowed down.

His speed is slightly slower.

At the seventy-seventh step, he stopped.

Then he raised his head and looked forward.

At this time, there was a gleam of light in his cold eyes.

Obviously, he saw something.

But the Dragon Emperor took the limelight, only for this moment.

Subsequently, the eyes of all the **** kings present shifted again.

Whether it is the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, the old man with missing the moon, the four-way dragon, Wei Fazi, and the gods and Buddhas, they all look back at this moment.

Their eyes fell on a "person".

In this world, I am afraid that no one else can bear the word "person" in this way.

A pale golden robe.

Put your hands behind your back.

He is two nine feet tall.

Take a stroll in the courtyard.

Ignore all **** kings.

The world is the master.

The central emperor.

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