Supreme God King

Chapter 3256: Endure

Road to Road, very Avenue.

Originated from the ancient humanity book "Kang Jue Zhi".

Humane civilization is the most prosperous. It has made complex and detailed explanations of the world's mysteries, knowledge, and philosophy. That's why the Hundred Saints of Humanity were born.

In the days when humanity was naive, the doctrines of the Hundred Schools were very superficial, and they had to compete with each other, thinking that the world they described was the real world. Other theories had loopholes and problems.

When humanity develops to its peak, all doctrines become profound and at the same time they no longer pursue the so-called monopoly. They are all recognized, part of humanity, and respected.

Among them, the "Taoist" theory focuses on explaining the relationship and laws between heaven, man and all things.

Today, there are the five great sages of the humanity hundred sages.

And this is the sentence that laid the foundation of Taoism.

Road to Road, very Avenue.

There is a sentence after that.

Tao can be said but not Tao.

The first person who said this sentence was named Kang Jue, and he was called Lao Er. There are differences in the meaning of what he said, and they have different understandings according to different people.

But Meng Fan believes that Kang Jue, who was 600 million years ago, has inadvertently realized the true meaning of Tao.

Road, very much.

As long as Meng Fan has read the knowledge and philosophy of the world, he can draw inferences and understand the whole situation. He has read too many ancient books on humanity. Perhaps the Hundred Sages of Humanity alone will come up with any of them. They are not as good as Meng Fan in the interpretation of the humanitarian chapter.

Before the retreat, Meng Fan began to think about the true meaning of Tao. Throughout the ages, countless powerful people and countless people on the road have walked on the road that he pursued. But what the road is, there have always been differences. Meng Fan believes that if he can If you understand the true meaning of Tao, you can solve your doubts for yourself.

After that, you can solve the doubts for all beings.

When seeing "Kang Jue Zhi", Meng Fan vaguely caught something.

But from the first time he saw Kang Juezhi, and then carefully studied Kang Juezhi, more than eight hundred years passed.

When Meng Fan was in retreat, apart from enlightenment, he kept reading and looking for answers. In fact, long before the retreat, Meng Fan had answers to everything in the universe, but Meng Fan was not a person behind closed doors. He knew that his understanding was just a family statement. At the same time, he did not find the answer that could solve all problems.

And all the problems in the world, no matter what you do, will eventually fall on the Tao.

Therefore, it is really important to find the true meaning of debut.

Eight hundred years after scanning Kang Juezhi, Meng Fan read many books one after another. He read Kang Juezhi again, and he had some insights. Then, Meng Fan flipped through all the books of Kang Jue's life.

Kang Jue believes that everything in the world is impermanent, everything is changing, even the seemingly unbreakable laws are changing.

And the first level of understanding of Dao by sentient beings is the rules and laws.

Tao has countless levels that can be analyzed. First of all, all kings agree that Tao is synonymous with all rules. By relying on Tao, you can explore the evolutionary trajectory of living beings, the flow of time, and the will of heaven.

But the rules can be broken, so the common way does not exist.

For this, Meng Fan agrees.

Subsequently, Meng Fan spent nearly two thousand years looking through all the classics from ancient times to the present, from strange and strange novels to classics on the great roads, and even some manuscripts of unknown kings.

He re-understood Tao through the perspective of countless people.

Tao can be a rule.

It can be a pursuit.

It can be the depth and breadth of life.

But these are not the true meaning of Tao.

So Meng Fan returned to his head and returned to the basics.

He thought of the birth of heaven.

The Way of Heaven is the first road born in the world.

Meng Fan waved his hand, and the law that kept gathering around him suddenly disappeared.

The emperor frowned tightly.

Meng Fan: "Where did you come from."

This sentence is not a question.

Make the Emperor of Heaven more solemn.

"In the era of Hongmeng Taichu, sentient beings could not survive forever and could not live forever. It is a fluke that an dynasty can stand for thousands of years. The living creatures do not consider future generations, but only consider their own stability, their civilization, culture, skills, poetry, and martial arts. Learning cannot be passed on to future generations, just like when everything in this world was first born, everything is unknown, maybe a tall building will rise today, and a building will collapse tomorrow.

This kind of uneasiness and turbulence caused all beings to find a way to live forever while suffering.

Life cannot live forever.

Eternal life is a sin.

So the creatures began to think about how to pass on their blood, so that their offspring could survive in the world.

The "Mei" was born.

Years later, in the hands of the sages, Yi has created a stable world for all living beings without fear of the future.

The sages are like guides, holding instruments in hand, leading all living beings on the glorious road.

Therefore, the sages replaced the word ‘yi’ with the word ‘dao’.

A few years later.

When the Tao has already worked out all the laws of chaos, sentient beings no longer need to pray for mercy, stability or good weather from the'Heaven'. The Tao has the power to be counted as heaven, so the sages added'Heaven' in front of the Tao. word.

When the Dao of Heaven rises to destroy the gods and all living beings, the Dao of Heaven also realizes the terrible chaos. In order to stop the chaos, the Dao of Heaven refines its laws, establishes the rules, and formulates the true meaning of the Dao.

Many years later, the four ancestors were born.

Emperor Chaos began to pursue his own way in order to seek eternal life.

In order to make the weak human race prosper and create an evergreen civilization for generations to come, the ancestors of humanity formulated countless laws and established the embryonic form of humanity.

The great dragons steal the divine will, turning their offspring into innate sacred blood, and the pure-blooded Tianlong clan survives to this day.

Like the master of great wisdom and foolishness, pursuing power, his descendants still have a place in the world today.

You have fought with all beings for tens of billions of years.

Why fight?

You can’t bear to steal your mystery from others, and you are also afraid that one day all beings will destroy you, just as you destroyed all beings countless years ago.

In order to survive, you absorb the wisdom of sentient beings and transform them into creatures, so that you can think like creatures.

If there were no Hundred Step Immortals ten years ago, the Three Thousand Avenues would have been extinct, and only the Way of Heaven would survive forever. "

Meng Fan stretched out his hand and pointed his five fingers at the Emperor of Heaven.

Around them, Jiuding is hovering.

This Jiuding is something that Meng Fan has never seen before, nor has any sentient being.

"I thought for a long time what kind of existence the Taoist master is. I interspersed the poets' words into a complete article. I know the eternal pursuit of the Taoist master and the supreme significance they grasp.

If the meaning lasts, the Taoist will not die.

If the meaning lasts, then come back to life.

God, I must kill you, this is not a personal grudge.

Hmm... well, I admit there are some personal grievances.

When I knew you were controlling my destiny, when you killed my sister in front of me.

There is a deadly battle between you and me, and there is no relief.

Only by killing you can I really see the Taoist master.

I finally understand why they are the master of the "Tao".

The true meaning of Tao—of course, this is just my understanding—is a way to survive. "

Meng Fan's five fingers slowly moved closer together.

Jiuding, exploded!

Afterwards, Meng Fan turned the fist one direction.

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