Supreme God King

Chapter 3258: Finite infinite

"The road we have taken."

As the unidentified Confucian sage walked, ripples spread out, the stones fell into the water, dripping into the form, and the wide-clothes and large sleeves radiated platinum and gold.

The Zhan Tian giant had retreated several times before him.

Blood was constantly flowing out of his forehead, and his armor was full of gaps.

Rusheng took a step forward.

Zhan Tian giant threw a punch.

The Confucian scholar greeted this punch.

After the violent loud noise, Saint Confucian's body paused, and the Giant of Heaven also paused.

The duel between the two has always been like this. The majestic and vigorous battle giants have no skill in every blow of the duel. They only pursue the Confucian sage with heavy sword and no edge. It seems that every time they fight, they are equal, even the battle giants. A little bit better.

But after continuous fights, the battle giant gradually became unable to resist.

The power of humanity is being blessed on every saint.

The three saints who have just stepped into the Seven Tribulations are certainly strong, but they are not necessarily the opponents of the battle giant and the veteran strong Qilin Ruihuang, but the power of humanity blessing is too strong, in the mind of every **** king present All reverberating in the saints' chapters, word by word, verbal and penal, people have to retire.

In the future, there will be one hundred and twenty top **** kings in the heavens, and they will face off against seventy saints.

Even if the central emperor is no longer, so.


Fasheng speaks.

The battle giant couldn't help but look sideways.

Eighty steps away, Fashen was confronting Qilin Ruihuang, inviting the Moon Palace Lord to find an opportunity to attack the Fashen from an extremely tricky angle, but was easily cracked by the Fashen.

The word "Fangyuan" was spit out, and the painted ground was a prison, inviting the Moon Palace Master to be bound by invisible chains, and then suppressed by a huge stone tablet on which a poem was written.

The Humanitarian Chapter of Ancient Times, "Eternal Sorrow".

No matter how struggling the Invite Moon Palace Master, he could not leave this stone tablet.

There were no pupils in his eyes, and the iron-faced Dharma Sage didn't look at Palace Master Yingyue any more, his gaze was still concentrated on Qilin Ruihuang. Compared with the giants of the sky, Qilin Ruihuang is in much better condition. After continuously fighting against the Dharma Sage, Qilin Ruihuang only breathed slightly, and did not fall into a disadvantage.

The Zhan Tian giant looked around.

All the saints present have gradually broken away from the concept of "human". They have no expressions, no emotions, and most of them are intangible and cannot see their faces, but it does not mean that they are transformed into Taoism or other things. In existence, they are still beings, but they are separated from human beings and become true sages. They don't think about the emotions of worldly mortals, and there are deeper problems in their minds.

In contrast, the kings of the heavenly court in the future, and these true saints, do not exist in the same world at all.

It can even be said that the Hundred Saints of Humanity are no longer the traditional **** king.

The word **** king comes from heaven.

Heaven brings disasters, obliterates living things, and when living things endure disasters, they become God Kings, and then God Kings of Two Tribulations, God Kings of Three Tribulations, God Kings of Four Tribulations, and so on.

God king is the realm of heaven.

Humanity is establishing its own system, rules, imperial examinations, titles, and titles.

As early as many years ago, under the leadership of the Central Emperor and the Hundred Saints of Humanity, Humanity had parted ways from the traditional realm of tens of billions of years.

The word **** king can no longer be used to describe these humane powerhouses.

They are another existence.

The Zhantian Giant's gaze returned to the Confucian Sage who was close at hand.

Then he punched fiercely.

"A gentleman country, stay still."

Rusheng made a loud voice.

Without dodge, he used his body to take the punch!

Rusheng took six steps backwards, his body slightly bent.

It gradually became straight again.

The Zhan Tian giant gasped.

"Today's humanity, you can't match it." Confucianism spoke lightly. "The decline of heaven, the rise of humanity, this is an unfair duel, even if you try your best to kill a few saints, it is meaningless, we can kill and become benevolent, and the body is dead, but the morality is still there. , You can’t shake the humane orthodoxy, it’s impossible to win-seek sage."


In the distance, someone Lang Lang spoke: "ZhengZhou."

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the city walls tore through the natural spar, rising to the sky, dividing the battlefield!

The Zhantian Giant, and the Confucian Sage, were locked in between the four walls.

On the city wall, there was a blazing fire.

The figures of soldiers flickered.

The Zhan Tian giant looked at the city wall and sneered: "Many years ago, the human race was a very weak existence in my eyes. It was not until I saw Meng Fan that I realized that a weak race can also give birth to a strong. I learned about the Purple Light Empire, the Great Qin Empire, and the human world that was later established. I suddenly realized that I was sitting in a well and watching the sky. The strength of the human race is not reflected in the blood, but in the "dao", but no matter how high I look at the human race At a glance, today I still found that I didn’t look far enough."

"The way of heaven will be destroyed, and the way of humanity will stand." The Confucian sage still speaks unhurriedly. "The ancient humanity chapter is full of longing and yearning for the world. Some of this yearning is about climbing high and looking far away, some thinking about human nature, some thinking about inheritance, and some thinking about science education. Today, all visions are turning into reality, and humanity has unlimited possibilities. , You are powerless to resist."

"Yes, we are powerless to resist." Zhan Tian giant nodded.

This strong man, who has never given up or bowed his head, admitted today.

In the face of reality, denial is just hypocritical, and Zhantian Giant is not a hypocritical person.

He admitted that the humanity at this moment was so powerful that he couldn't believe it.

"We don't have to fight to kill the net, this is not wise." Rusheng said lightly. "You are no longer able to fight with us, and we have to fight with you to the end, and we have to pay the price. Since the victory has already been divided, it is worse than Mingjin to retreat. You have done your best.

"How can we do our best?" Zhantian Giant smiled: "Meng Fan did our best. We just did what we could. Baisheng, you know that we are impossible..."

The words of Zhantian Giant stopped abruptly.

The earth is shaking.

Rusheng also lowered his head.

The shaking of the earth was not violent, but very weak.

But the vibration seemed to resonate, and both the Heavenly Giants and Confucian Sage could feel it. The scope of the vibration was very wide, and the source of the vibration was also far away.

The battle giant blinked his eyes, listened for a moment, and hesitated: "The entire source of the heavens is shaking."

Confucian sage looks at the giant of the sky.

At this time, the earth cracked.

Not a deep rift.

It is a series of cobweb-like cracks.

Narrow, dense, and infinite.


The city cage.

The champion Hou walked out of the gap.

He was greeted by the evil **** Qin Taichuan, Devil Emperor, Xu Ji Devil King, Hu Tian Devil, and Jiuquan Demon Lord.

In the other direction.

Are twenty-three saints.

"Champion Hou, I know what I'm going to say next, you may dismiss it." Qin Taichuan, who broke the city wall with his own hands, smiled. "The rise of humanity is the end of the evil spirits and savages killing the five realms. Humanity is naturally opposed to us. At this moment, we need an alliance. This alliance is only temporary. I believe that you don’t want to see the renewal or collapse of the heavens. Later, the rise of humanity, neither result was bad.”

Champion Hou looked at Qin Taichuan and the Devil, and then at the saints who were taking back the Taoism not far away.

After the appearance of the Devil Emperor and Qin Taichuan, they attacked the saints with the momentum of thunder, beheaded six statues, broke the formation, shredded the city, and released the champion.

The champion Hou turned his head and looked at the Devil Emperor.

"You have all the orthodoxy of Old Yuan Xu."

The Devil Emperor nodded solemnly: "Not bad."

The champion Hou looked at Qin Taichuan again: "I really did not dismiss your alliance's proposal."

Qin Taichuan had expected it, and smiled and gave in.

The champion Hou went straight forward.

at this time.

He stopped.

Both Qin Taichuan and the Devil's complexion changed slightly.

The earth was shaking slightly.

The entire source of the heavens was trembling slightly.

The Devil Emperor looked at the center of the source of the heavens.

He murmured: "What is going to happen?"

Qin Taichuan walked a few steps and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Devil Emperor: "What will happen next may be a scene that no one has seen in the past and present."

Champion Hou took a look and walked away.

The Devil said in a low voice, "Are we lucky or pitiful to live in this era."

Qin Taichuan smiled and said, "It depends on what will happen next."

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