Supreme God King

Chapter 3282: Do nothing

The future heaven, dragon city, heavenly palace.

The blue-haired Qilin Ruihuang, who looked like a teenager, dressed in a purple robe, stood at the end of the corridor, looking at his portrait, a little unhappy.

Several priests hurried past. The celebration had just ended, and many things were about to begin.

"Senior, what do you think?"

A priest stopped and greeted Qilin Ruihuang with a smile.

This priest is just a three-failure god, belonging to the young generation of the Heavenly Mansion, and he was born in the heavenly dynasty.

Qilin Ruihuang raised his hand and clicked on his portrait: "Can't you change one?"

On the hanging portrait, Qilin Ruihuang sits solemnly behind the throne of the heavenly king, with long golden hair and purple robe. Several **** kings stand beside him, namely Xie Jingyi, Wang Haicheng, and Nangong Jingyu. Among them, they are talking.

This portrait was painted in the future when Heavenly Court lost the Battle of Dragon City and returned to seclusion, Xuanyuan Jingzhe died in battle, and Qilin Ruihuang was ordered to take control of the situation.

Quite realistic, in the picture, Kylin Ruihuang is also very majestic.

"What's the matter?" The Three Tribulations God King asked unclearly.

"Repaint a picture now, it was too old then." Qilin Ruihuang frowned.

The King of Three Tribulations was taken aback for a moment, then he lost a smile, and felt that he was courteous again, and quickly reduced his smile and said, "Senior doesn't like the old look?"

"Who doesn't like being young?"

"But the portraits and sculptures on the corridor of the Heavenly Kings cannot be moved easily. You must ask Master Nangong for instructions. But Master Nangong said that this portrait has a profound meaning. When you see it, you will think of those difficult years. In fact, we agree with it. ."

Qilin Ruihuang waved his hand: "Get out."


As soon as the King of Three Tribulations left, Nangong Jingyu walked over with a scroll in his hand. He saw Qilin Ruihuang and said hello with a smile: "Senior."

"Can you change it?" Qilin Ruihuang said, pointing to the portrait.

Nangong Jingyu shook his head: "No."


"That kid has already said that this portrait has a profound meaning." Nangong Jingyu said as he walked past Qilin Ruihuang to the innermost side of the corridor, looking at a portrait next to Qilin Ruihuang. .

In the portrait, it is a solemn middle-aged man sitting on the throne of the heavenly king with a few young dragons entwined around him.

Under the portrait is written, the future heaven, the first generation of heavenly king, Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

This was written by Meng Fan himself.

Below, there is a very Meng Fan style sentence.

"Faced with the many problems in the early days of the Heavenly Court, Mr. Xuanyuan Jingzhe, the first generation of Emperor Xuanyuan Jingzhe, the old and respectful first generation of heavenly kings, responded calmly and facilitated the integration and collaboration of many families. He is a trustworthy and reliable leader. ."

Then, Nangong Jingyu looked at the portrait of Qilin Ruihuang again. Below is also a paragraph written by Meng Fan himself.

"The future heaven, the second generation of heavenly kings, Ruihuang.

After the Battle of Dragon City, the Heavenly Court is facing the biggest crisis in history in the future, and it is faltering. The Emperor Rui is in danger and is ordered to take over the throne of the heavens. "

Finally, Nangong Jingyu looked at the portrait of Qilin Ruihuang, which was the portrait of Meng Fan.

The portrait was created by Meng Fan during a conversation with the kings in the Palace of the Heavenly Kings. Among them, Meng Fan is rarely seen wearing a casual white shirt with a faint smile on his face and sitting on the throne of the Heavenly King.

Under the portrait, only the third generation of the future heavenly king, Meng Fan, is written, but there is no comment.

Meng Fan said that he was the one who wrote the comments to the first and second generation kings, so his comments should be written by the successor.

"Ten years, three generations of heavenly kings." Nangong Jingyu sighed. "Looking at these portraits, and the name on the future monument on Zhiyang Square, reminds me that we have come so far."

Qilin Ruihuang did not speak, but he also calmed down, obviously lost in memory.

Indeed, ten years.

To be precise, it was ten years and four months.

Looking back, after so much, many people have left forever.

"Well, what did that kid say?" Qilin Ruihuang asked suddenly.

Nangong Jingyu smiled and said, "He said, "Don't do it," he said, "Too bad."

Qilin Ruihuang laughed.


Longcheng, Erythrina Street, is located in the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion consisting of a spatial maze.

In the garden compound, the most frowning frown, aside, sitting proudly on the stone stool, smiling without speaking, not far away, inviting the Moon Palace Master to look at the flowers from time to time.

Master Zhuge, Wang Haicheng, Xuanyuan Aohan, Tian Xingcang, and Fairy Bai Xue surrounded Zhi Weiyi to form a circle.

"For one, I can understand you." Master Zhuge smiled.

"You can't understand it!" Zhi Wei was angrily dissatisfied. "The turbulent years have passed. Although many things have not happened yet, anyone can see that in the future Heavenly Court has become the unquestionable overlord of the world. In the past ten years, we have experienced so much blood and fire, in the midst of disaster. The future Heavenly Court that has been trained has already had enough systems and laws. Newcomers only need to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors. There is no need to make changes, in other words, nothing can be done.

Furthermore, the Emperor Rui, the predecessors, and the big bosses are all very young. The founder of the country is still in his youth, and he is only retiring, not leaving.

Don’t talk about others, just talk about seniors. They are only more than 10,000 years old. Even if you count the time spent cultivating in the long river of fate, they are only tens of thousands, tens of thousands, don’t be too young!

In this situation, what can I do if I succeed as the fourth-generation future king? On the contrary, because I am the king of the future, there are more constraints, and many things cannot be done.

Too awkward, too awkward. "

It was full of complaints.

Wang Haicheng couldn't help but smile.

Solitary and proudly said: "Well, it is not a whim for you to take over the position of the fourth generation of heavenly kings. In fact, it has been brewing for many years. You should understand this since you became the main **** of the heavenly gods. Tiandao Divine Mansion is the youngest mansion, and you are also the youngest main god. Whoever serves as the main **** of Tiandao Divine Mansion is equivalent to the leader of the young generation of God Kings in the future. Lao Meng is here to cultivate you to become the first Four generations of heavenly kings, you are extremely talented. Can't you think about this?"

"Senior Xinao, I know that you are not far from the Seven Tribulations God King." Zhiwei Yi said suddenly, and then looked at Master Zhuge. "Master, I also know that you have reached the pinnacle of the Six Tribulations, and Senior Invite Yue has also stepped into the pinnacle of the Six Tribulations. You are all characters who are expected to step into the Seven Tribulations within a few years.

In addition to you, Dragon City also has two Seven Tribulations God Kings, Emperor Rui and Ancestor Ming Yi. In addition, in the next stage of the rapid ascent of Heaven in the future, there will be more God Kings stepping into a higher realm, but what about me? Why am I in a big position? I just stepped into the Six Tribulations not long ago, and now my foundation is still unstable, and the gap is too big. In my age, I am too young, with insufficient qualifications and experience. "

Xuanyuan Aohan blinked his eyes and said, "One, you who are usually so arrogant are now humble. You are really unscrupulous in order not to be the king of the future."

Zhi Wei shook his head: "Don't do it, just don't do it! Niuniu is the blood of the predecessors, and is also the leader of the younger generation. In fact, she is the leader of the younger generation. If she is not allowed to speak, she is not allowed to express opinions on anything. She is still the leader of the younger generation and she can take this position."


A thick voice sounded, and the kings turned their heads and got up one after another.

The one who came is the ancestor of Mingyi.

"Is the matter of the alternation of the heavenly kings played by you? For one thing, your succession was arranged long ago. Everyone knows that what is unclear about you? Your succession also indicates the future of heaven. Changes with each passing day."

Zhiwei cried and said, "Mingyi ancestor, I was prepared for a long time, but I never said it, but I didn't expect that Senior would step down so soon!"

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