Supreme God King

Chapter 3299: Total War

When the last few masterminds that could be found were completely refined, and the shadow of the king of light brains was no longer found in the infinite domain, the rule of the king of Taoism came to an end.

The King of Light Brain has become a real "ghost". Every king in the world understands that the King of Light Brain cannot be completely wiped out, because Meng Fan also said that he could not do it, but when the King of Light Brain did not survive He is just a ghost in the soil of the earth, and his secret has been mastered by the future heaven, so it doesn't matter whether he is still there.

In the next few days, the ancestor of Mingyi reverted to his original appearance, and then entered a state of half asleep and half awake.

Only a handful of gods knew that the ancestor of Mingyi was performing a huge calculation.

In the process of calculation by the ancestors of Mingyi, the infinite realm is undergoing drastic changes again and again.

First of all, the capital of the infinite realm was handed over to the future heaven, which is equivalent to the "beheading" of the infinite realm. The members of the Senate could only choose other places to establish a provisional government. There is inevitably some confusion.

At the same time, almost all of the thirty-one large circles showed signs of furnaces. Even if I lied, the Heavenly Court has actually built more than 20,000 furnaces in just a few days, and the resources invested far exceed the expedition to the infinite field.

There are four big circles, and Tao Lu completely replaced the light brain.

This matter was naturally opposed by members of the Senate.

When the infinite realm is in chaos, it is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity. Each big circle is like a lost child, and urgently needs to be put into the arms of adults. The Senate is an adult. You can use panic and fear to quickly integrate the infinity. In the first two days after the King of Light Brain was destroyed, the Senate had great power and prestige. The commoners all hoped that the fragmented civilization would be glued together as soon as possible and become orderly. The only problem is that the decree cannot be issued.

However, the emergence of the furnace has solved the urgent needs of various large circles. The four large circles with a large number of furnaces have even restored all the order of the past. This has caused the people in the infinite realm that were originally full of rejection of the heavens to begin to change their attitudes. Also began to question the ability of the Senate.

In the infinite realm, there is a term called "populism", which is a derogatory term that means "foolism" or "emotional world", because no matter it is in the infinite realm or the world, it is agreed that the elite should manage In this world, the common people cannot be allowed to manage this world. Infinite Realm also tried to guard against the "popular" in its naive period. After all, the populace cannot see the reality. From any angle, the people's wisdom and ability are far away. Less than the elite, if the people are allowed to manage the world, everything will fall into chaos.

The God Realm is an example.

When the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor and the Hongtu Old Man were beheaded, the Protoss immediately weakened, they began to split, began to question, and even began to sing praises to Meng Fan. The Protoss were not ordinary races. They were born as the kings of the gods and are the most powerful in the world. Race, but just because the group of dragons has no leader and no leader, they fall into ignorance.

This problem has also begun to appear in the infinite field.

The people can’t see too far and cannot judge whether the appearance of the Dao Lu is a good or bad thing for them. They only know that the Dao Lu has solved their immediate problems. This is enough. In contrast, the Senate has always Failed to solve these problems, so their ability will naturally be questioned.

But just like the Protoss, because the Protoss has been a sad nation since ancient times, they must be united together. Therefore, although there have been many problems in the God Realm and there are signs of division, the division is only spiritual, the God Realm There is no real division.

The same is true for the infinite realm, because they have been a world and a civilization since ancient times, so the various large circles did not mean to be independent, but there were signs of spiritual division.

Therefore, the reason for the Senate’s real anger at the Daolu incident is not because of fear of division. These old politicians have wisdom and foresight, and they know that division is unlikely to happen.

What they were really angry about was that the Infinite Realm could finally stand up and walk, but was beaten back to its original form!

In the long years of the past, the Infinite Realm was not actually a healthy civilization, but a deformed civilization. The Infinite Realm was a child, even a baby, who could not even eat and walk.

Because the entire Infinite Realm grows on the "King of Light Brain", the King of Light Brain is like a baby chair. All civilians in the Infinite Realm can be taken care of by the King of Light Brain. They don’t even need to think, light The king of the brain gave them the answers to all their questions. The once infinite realm, whether physical or mental, was a baby.

Members of the Senate believe that this crisis, the eradication of the king of light brains, is actually a huge good thing for the infinite realm. It will allow this civilization to grow rapidly, no longer a state of babbling, and a real rise. , Standing among the worlds, let all kinds of thoughts bloom.

The councillors even hope that there will be some chaos, war, and fighting in order to baptize the infinite realm. Of course, this baptism should not be too intense. It is not good to pass it too late.

But they found that in the future, the heavenly court would never give the Infinite Realm this opportunity to be baptized.

When the baby started looking up at the sky for the first time, he had doubts about everything. For the first time, he walked with his legs open and wanted to step into the sky. Someone blocked the sky and pushed the baby back to the bed.

So the Senate once again discussed with the Expeditionary Army, hoping that the Heavenly Court would stop sending furnaces in the future.

This time, it was not Fairy Bai Xue who was talking with the Senate, but the One.

When Zhao Hanchan, Chen Jushan, and Ba Ziyuan saw that the one who came was the One, their hearts were half cold.

The answer given by Zhiwei is very simple.

They are doing legitimate trade with various large circles, and they doubt that the Senate has the ability to represent the entire infinite field.

Therefore, the center of this discussion was the three party leaders explaining the leadership of the Senate, but as a result, they played a procrastination strategy. Every time there was no satisfactory result, they could only be postponed again and again. It took three days before and after.

Within three days, the Heavenly Court will not stop sending furnaces to various circles in the future.

When Zhao Hanchan, Chen Jushan, and Ba Ziyuan had given up, thinking that the talks would not be fruitful and were ready to return to the interim government to make new preparations, Zhiweiyi suddenly gave them the answer.

In the future, Heavenly Court recognizes that the Great Senate can represent the entire infinite field and has the highest leadership position, so it stops sending the furnace.

This incident surprised the three party leaders and told them the news. However, unlike the congressmen who were so excited that they had finally won a diplomatic victory, the three party leaders believed that everything was impermanent.

Immediately afterwards, the sky in the future released news to various large circles.

The Senate could not accept the future behavior of Heavenly Court sending the furnace, so the Heavenly Court will stop this behavior in the future and take back the furnace that has been sent out before.

As a result, populism began to surge, and the condemnation of the Senate became more intense.

The Senate that received the news fell silent.

In the capital.

Zhiwei looked at Chen Qingyu with a solemn face and smiled lightly: "The war is about to begin."

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