Supreme God King

Chapter 3323: Mythological period

After the death of Emperor Changsheng, the Prosperous World continued to uphold his philosophical development. Although the Prosperous World did not develop its own ideas, they became the perfect successors of Changsheng the Great’s thoughts. Only six years later, the number of creatures in the prosperous world was Recovered to its heyday, this is also due to the unrestricted hybridization and reproduction of beings in the barbaric world.

In the next fifty years, the prosperous world began to expand continuously because of the increasing number of creatures. In the last few decades of the chaotic century, most of the world was in a phase of law balance, and sentient beings could quickly Breeding and recuperating, the prosperous world has tripled in 50 years, and it has also begun to conquer some of the surrounding worlds, or fully occupy or force them to surrender. In this process, it is philosophical that it is faster than their occupation. Spread, the philosophy of Emperor Changsheng continues to spread outward with the conquering of the prosperous world.

And these philosophies, in other worlds, blossomed and bear fruit. After the death of Emperor Changsheng, based on his philosophies, new philosophies began to be continuously derived.

Compared with this huge civilization centered on a prosperous world.

Most places in the primordial universe are still in savage darkness at this moment.

There are no intelligent creatures in more than 70% of places.

This prosperous world can be said to be a little light in the dark age.

But after fifty years, the expansion of the prosperous world suddenly stopped.

Because a crisis broke out in the prosperous world.

What's interesting is that, unlike the previous history, all races and civilizations erupted in crises before because of "natural disasters" and because of the fluctuation of laws, but this crisis of the prosperous world is its own problem.

For the first time in history, when sentient beings were not threatened by natural disasters, when all sentient beings thought that survival was going to be simpler, their own problems began to surface.

Before the catastrophe broke out, the prosperous world once thought that because they believed in the philosophy of Changsheng the Great, they ushered in a prosperous and safe world. Although there is no necessary connection between the two, they think so.

This catastrophe stems from unlimited crossbreeding and reproduction.

Among all living beings, there appeared a species with relatively low intelligence but amazing reproduction ability. Not only did they grow rapidly, they also continued to crossbreed with other species. This crossbreeding only lasted a few years. The number of creatures in the prosperous world has suddenly increased by four times, but the occupied world cannot feed so many creatures. This is one of them, and the second, it has also led to the emergence of large groups of less intelligent creatures in the entire prosperous world. They had a distorted understanding of the philosophy of Emperor Changsheng, which also caused a huge impact on the idea of ​​a prosperous world.

The dual impact of material and ideology caused the prosperous world to start civil strife. The world that was originally surrendered around it also began to shut down and did not allow the influx of refugees from the prosperous world. In the last few years, these surrounding worlds began to invade the declining prosperous world. , And at this time, put forward a very vague concept of race-they began to selectively kill the less intelligent but amazing reproduction ability species.

This civil turmoil lasted for nearly thirty years. In fact, it is all intelligent species and the war against this low-intellectual species.

Thirty years later, an imbalance in the law of yin and yang caused the environment to become worse. The less intelligent species found it difficult to adapt and began to die in large numbers, and the civil strife finally ended.

But the once prosperous world has also been occupied by the surrounding world, and a lot of traces have been erased.

However, the philosophy of Emperor Changsheng still dominates the thinking of this world.

For the first time in the new prosperous world, the law began to be established. This law is not an exquisite design. Unlike later generations, the law they established is only to prevent the repetition of the same mistakes. For example, various countries signed some basic peace rules, and A policy of genocide was implemented to exterminate any creatures with low intelligence but too fast reproduction.

In that barbaric era, this approach was not cruel, and it should have been recognized by all intelligent creatures.

In this way, stability continued for about thirty years.

But thirty years ago, the imbalance of the law of Yin and Yang was only the beginning.

The last catastrophe of Chaos Era was brewing and broke out.

The intersection of the Law of Yin and Yang and the Law of Light led to a mass extinction.

This mass extinction did not happen suddenly, but slowly. It took a few years from the first outbreak to the end of the extinction situation. In these years, the prosperous world thinkers who studied the philosophy of Emperor Changsheng I began to think about why the world suddenly became so sinister, why plants began to wither, why day and night became irregular, and so on.

Some people think that their leader is not pious enough and does not firmly believe in the philosophy of Emperor Changsheng. Some people think that Emperor Changsheng is still alive and must find a way to call him back and continue to lead the prosperous world. Others think this is The evil spirit descended.

In general, the thinking of that era was quite primitive.

No matter what thought they used, in the end, more than 80% of the creatures in the prosperous world were extinct.

When the law of yin and yang is also balanced.

The second Heng Era has begun.

The prosperous world has become a mess of darkness, leaving only a large number of ruins and creatures who re-follow the laws of the jungle.

But tens of thousands of miles away, some small civilizations began to sprout.

These small civilizations, also from the prosperous world, are the products of two schools of thinkers. One group of thinkers believes that the environment has become bad, rather than the problem of the gods, so they migrated with their own people, and the second group of thinkers believed that they wanted to find Emperor Changsheng, so he took a small number of expeditions to explore the outside world.

The clansmen of these two schools of thinkers and their descendants established some civilizations in the distant world after the beginning of Hengji.

After the beginning of the Heng Jiyuan, most of the laws were in a state of almost perfect balance, so these civilizations, which were scattered in various places like dandelions, developed rapidly, and the most powerful civilizations even developed to thousands. All living beings.

It was also at this time that the scene that Emperor Changsheng had dreamed of seeing appeared, and his thoughts began to bloom.

Because these civilizations originated from the two schools of thought, they didn’t know that they could gain a foothold and develop rapidly, but because the law reached a balance, they all believed that their thoughts were correct, so this formed two beliefs. One is to continue to believe in the Emperor Changsheng. They think that although they have not found the Emperor Changsheng, they have been blessed by the Emperor Changsheng because they have pursued the Emperor Changsheng. The "Changsheng Great Emperor" who has always been called a **** without a name is named Changsheng Great Emperor.

Another group of thinkers and civilizations who consider environmental issues began to believe in nature. They believed that there are countless gods in nature. Emperor Changsheng is just one of them. There are also gods of thunder, fire, water, and so on. They can only worship all the gods. Get the protection of all the gods, otherwise, if you worship the **** of fire, the flood will break out, and if you worship the **** of water, the sun will be hot.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan smiled slightly: "Polytheism and monotheism."

The old man with the stick said: "The mythical period has begun."

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