Supreme God King

Chapter 3325: Rule world

The advent of the new calamity caused the school of law to be questioned and severely hit, so a new school came into being, and faith in the gods appeared again. This was in line with the will of all living beings. When encountering force majeure, you can only deceive yourself to believe God.

At this time, the school of law began to split due to the blow. The ancient school of law believed that everything is determined by darkness and light, so they were once called the Sun God school. After the split, a school that studied more laws emerged.

"The new era of chaos has begun?" Meng Fan asked.

The old man with the stick nodded: "Yes. At this stage, among the laws of later generations, the most important basic laws have almost all appeared, that is, the laws of light, darkness, yin and yang, the five elements, good fortune, etc., almost all have appeared. So the world is almost maintained in a stable state, but this kind of stability is only in a relatively old period, because these laws are far from the true meaning of the road, and are quite fragile, so there are always fluctuations, but every fluctuation, no As for destroying all creatures at once, it will always lead to a mass extinction."

After the thunderstorm hurricane lasted for more than ten years, almost all of these water empire civilizations disappeared, and some new empires appeared.

The underwater empire.

The creatures that could not swim began to die, but the creatures that could live in the water began to thrive.

In the primordial era of Hongmeng, because there was no exact race, all living creatures were intermingled, which gave birth to countless possibilities. Therefore, all living creatures can continue to continue. Otherwise, if all living creatures with wisdom are terrestrial creatures, then civilization will immediately Will disappear.

Therefore, the creatures in the water are getting stronger and stronger, and the creatures on the land are also trying to hybridize with the creatures in the water.

During this period, three distinctive civilizations emerged. One was the surviving ancient water empire with only a few large ships, the other was a glorious empire that lived under water and built many underwater palaces. The three are the descendants of the water empire and the underwater empire. They have a low status and are always rejected. Because of their unstable blood, they often give birth to some monsters. Several times they have been attacked by other two civilizations. So they can only establish weak tribes in some corners.

Because of the change of civilization, the thoughts that once bloomed brilliantly were annihilated a lot during the change, and sentient beings once lived to the era before the Changsheng the Great, and their thoughts were blank.

At this moment, a powerful creature appeared in the mixed-race civilization.

The mixed-race civilization gave birth to many monsters because of the unstable bloodline, but there is a small chance that powerful and intelligent creatures can be born.

This powerful creature doesn't have a name, but he has high intelligence, and has an extremely strong perception, can feel the existence of vitality, vitality, and more importantly, he can feel the fluctuation of the law.

Seeing this powerful creature, Meng Fan couldn't help being startled: "I was born to know it?"

The old man with the cane nodded: "Since ancient times, there have been too few creatures known to be born. In the age of Lord Heaven, there were only two people, one hundred steps immortal, and one Zhao Qilin. This is true. Poets have traveled countless times. The world has only seen these two, Bai Buxian has died out, and only Zhao Qilin is left."

Meng Fan looked back again.

The blood of the creature that was born to know was incomplete, so he only had a life span of more than ten years, and he could clearly feel the passing of his life. It’s terrifying to feel that oneself is getting older every day, and even knowing which day one is about to die. It will make a creature do its best to expand the breadth and depth of his life and fulfill his dream.

As long as the existence of the **** king realm generally reaches the two calamities, he can feel the passing of his own vitality and deduct his own life. Therefore, the **** king will work hard, never stop, and constantly change his fate. .

The same is true for this creature. He doesn’t have the idea of ​​giving everything to all beings. He just wants to make himself live longer, so he desperately feels the law and hopes to find a way to survive for a long time in his own tribe. Among them, he named the seventeen laws he felt, and started deduction based on it.

Before that, sentient beings only named two laws, one is light and the other is darkness. Although the law school later believes that there are more laws in the world, they cannot observe or feel it, and can only guess.

But this creature is still dead.

After his death, the seventeen laws he named were acquired by some of the remaining law school thinkers. They were like treasures, and when they saw those deductions, they were shocked to the point of indescribable.

These deductions later became the formulas of the law school. In the long years that followed, searching for and naming the laws of the world became the main goal of the law school.

The Great Flood has existed for more than two million years.

Meng Fan came to some other places in the prehistoric universe.

Sometimes, he can see the world of Heng Jiyuan, where the laws are full of order and everything grows; sometimes, he sees a world with very powerful laws, such as a place where the laws of space are highly condensed. , The world is made up of a space maze, and space often moves, tearing the world apart.

Whether it is a world with good laws or an extreme world, Meng Fan has not seen a particularly brilliant and splendid civilization. Sometimes he can see some scattered small kingdoms. Of course, he also sees a very powerful empire with more than 30 million. Living beings, but this empire is in ignorance, there is no thought, only the most primitive beliefs, this empire can exist because of good luck, in a relatively fertile and stable world, as long as there is a slight change, they will not be able to respond s.

Indeed, as Meng Fan thought, only three hundred years later, this ignorant empire was buried by the boundless sandstorm and turned into a big desert because of the imbalance of laws.

"The flood is about to pass." The old man reminded.

Meng Fan returned to the world of the Great Flood.

The water level is getting lower every year. Water will flow, spread to other worlds, and the land will gradually be exposed.

The numerous maritime empires in the past could only continue to migrate to places with water.

When the earth was completely exposed, the ocean empire disappeared on this land.

The maritime empire will take root in more distant places and develop a different civilization.

The earth has been soaked in sea water for a long time, and most of the traces of civilization have disappeared. The creatures who set foot on the land can only build palaces and cities again.

The ancient thoughts, knowledge, and philosophy have almost disappeared. Among the few intellectual philosophy that still exist, the thoughts of the School of Law are the most complete.

In the newly established world, the law school gradually ceased to be the "law school".

They relied on naming the laws and deduced various laws. They effectively predicted several small-scale fluctuations of the laws. By this time, the laws were no longer a single thought or belief.

It has been accepted by most of the creatures on this land.

It was also at this stage that some creatures appeared and called the world in which they were "the world of laws."

Everything is nothing and meaningless, dreams and desires are not important.

There are only rules, which are supreme.

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