Supreme God King

Chapter 3327: Sages

Darkness and coldness struck the great empire, but it did not destroy this splendid civilization like the previous era, because the great empire was deduced to this day long before the advent of the dark period, although there were many changes during the period, such as the time when the darkness came. The time they predicted was many years late, making them think that the dark period would not come. But in general, the empire is defensive, and their skills are superb, and they have built many palaces that can prevent cold and blizzards.

However, the crop failure caused by the ice caused a famine. Tens of millions of creatures began to flee in order to fill their stomachs. When they came together, they formed a force that the mixed-blood natural spirits could not ignore. They were like locusts. All food is eaten everywhere, and huge riots often occur.

So the mixed-blood natural gods began to suppress these victims, but the primitive political thinking made the suppression very brutal and brutal, making the problem that could be solved with food become the use of soldiers. When the number of victims surged to 200 million, the highest level Life is still prosperous and wealthy, and the victims on the roadside have become frozen bones. An awakening and uprising is inevitable.

In just a few months, the uprising swept across the entire empire. The second-class creatures stood in opposition to the third- and fourth-class creatures. Massacres and cannibalism always occurred. The mixed-blood natural gods were tired. response.

In the end, it was the highest pure-blooded natural spirits who concluded that this dark period will last a long time, food will become less and less, and about half of the creatures will die. According to this situation, the uprising will continue. And it will consume a lot of resources, so they came up with a solution. Since the second-class and third-class creatures don't agree with the first and second-class creatures as domineering, then the split is good.

All creatures can establish their own territories, while first-class and second-class creatures allocate large amounts of resources to other creatures.

This kind of generosity really effectively suppressed the uprisings and wars at the beginning, but the famine continued, and the cold continued. The lives of these creatures were unsustainable. They could only continue to plunder and find an outlet for anger, so It pushed the natural gods to the opposite.

Two years after the uprising, the disintegrated empire fell into a terrible circle of war. The gods of nature made the decision to abandon all creatures and return to their own nature, and those who are willing to follow the gods of nature will serve as slaves. , And leave with them.

After more than 300,000 natural gods migrated and left with more than 2 million servants, the great empire struggled in the war for several years. As more than half of the creatures died in wars and famines, there was less food to eat and the land changed. It was wide enough, food was enough, and the war gradually subsided. After more than ten years, some new countries were established on the glacier, and more or less continued the system, laws, and ideas of the great empire.

And those natural gods and their servants, it took nine years and more than 40,000 miles to settle around a volcano, where the temperature is suitable and the land is fertile. They established a new empire here. .

Seeing that the re-established empire is getting stronger and stronger every year, Meng Fan said indifferently: “Although this process is very slow and difficult, and full of countless uncertainties, the seeds of civilization are indeed spreading little by little. And take root and sprout, starting from the Great Emperor Changsheng to the natural gods empire, this world is gradually lit up, like a starry sky in the dark."

"In the next million years, the seeds continued to spread and took root and sprouted." The old man with the stick said. "In the past million years, some subtle fluctuations in laws will bring disasters to many civilizations and countries. Sometimes half of the living beings will disappear within a few decades, but civilizations are always spreading and countries are constantly being established. Even if some new laws have appeared in these millions of years and have shaken the balance, the fire of civilization will always be there."

"The next million years will be another era of chaos?"

"According to our way of measuring the balance of laws, yes."

"Extinctions, countless disasters, wars, plagues, famines, cold, and heat are all telling sentient beings that everything is impermanent. In the process, sentient beings realize that the most serious problem comes from the fluctuation of the law. The rules of measurement algorithms, deduction rules, and insights into the rules have become more profound with the development of civilization." Meng Fan murmured: "The age of the sages is coming."

"About tens of millions of years later, the first sages will be born."

The old man finished.

Time passed quickly.

Meng Fan saw the vast cosmos, and experienced thousands of large-scale disasters and hundreds of thousands of small-scale fluctuations in the law. However, civilization grasped the railings in the storm and did not die.

Millions of years later, a new Era of Era began.

In this new Era that has existed for 150,000 years, countless worlds are in a relatively stable state.

Then came the era of chaos of 300,000 years.

It is another eight hundred thousand years of Heng Ji.

4.7 million years of chaos.

Five million years of Hengji.

A chaotic era of 1.9 million years.

One million years of Hengji...

Era of Chaos and Era of Eternity continued to alternate over the next tens of millions of years, and civilizations thrived in such storms, and some empires that existed for more than 50,000 years even appeared.

Until one day.

With the rising of a new round of sun, the whole earth is shining.

Another permanent era has arrived.

There is a huge river running through the earth.

The tributaries created fertile fields.

To the north of the river, there is a large desert.

A country with millions of living creatures was established here. After more than two thousand years, this country has grown to have 500 million living creatures.

Meng Fan and the old man came to the north of this river, where a large desert is.

There are two figures in the wind and sand.

The one walking ahead is tall and looks like a human, but the skin is transparent, and the muscles and internal organs can be seen in it, and the eyes are goose yellow, without pupils, it is hard to say what kind of creature it is.

And this creature is almost naked.

Behind him, there was a very petite "woman", who could only be called that for the time being, because the creature looked like a woman, and its skin was transparent, which looked very strange.

"Herrogynous?" Meng Fan asked.

The old man nodded: "This is a hermaphroditic creature that can reproduce by itself. However, a creature that reproduces on its own will have a single bloodline, and it will be difficult to adapt to this cruel world without changes, so this creature can reproduce by itself. , You can also choose to breed with the same species."

When she got closer, Meng Fan discovered that the petite woman was actually not small. She was a full one-foot-three, but compared to the creature in front, she looked too petite. The creature in front was nearly two-foot tall.

The woman behind is carrying a huge box.

They are walking towards the country built in the middle of the river with 500 million creatures.

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