Supreme God King

Chapter 3329: Origin of money

On the seventh day after the start of the world conferences, Chen Qingyu went to the future heaven.

According to reason, he is leading the infinite realm that is absolutely obedient to the future heaven. He should be in the supporting scene of this world conference. After all, there is a civilized leader, and this weight cannot be ignored.

However, the Infinite Realm left to Chen Qingyu is a somewhat shabby stall, and many things are waiting for him to deal with. In addition, the Infinite Realm is indeed a little far away from the future heaven. Unlike the waste world, the shortest route between the future heaven and the heaven is nothing. Within a few hours of journey, if you use the large teleportation formation of the Zaifu Divine Mansion, a few Divine Kings can reach within a few breaths. Even if it is the Demon Divine Mansion, it takes only one day to reach the future heaven by taking the ordinary route.

Therefore, under the constant urging of Zhiweiyi, Chen Qingyu arrived at Dragon City on the seventh day after the conference.

Inside the Tiandao Divine Mansion, Chen Qingyu sat with a cold face and waited for an hour, until Weiyi walked in with a few priests, and he seemed to be in a hurry while walking and asking something.

When I greeted Chen Qingyu with Chen Qingyu and waved away the priests, Chen Qingyu said coldly, "Master God, why do I have to come to Dragon City? The relationship between the infinite realm and the future heaven is well known. I have asked the messengers before they set off. , Everything is looking forward to the future of the heavenly horse. What does it matter whether I am or not?"

"Angry?" Zhi Weiyi sneered, sitting on the throne of the Lord God, looking at Chen Qingyu with his legs up. "Since you understand this principle, you should restrain your emotions. When you are in your state, emotions are very easy to control, and you can even forget your memories that you don't want to recall in a short time. Are you deliberately indulging emotions to maintain some dignity? ?"

Chen Qingyu took a deep breath: "Master Lord, please tell me, what is it for me to come."

"I want your currency algorithm." Zhiwei said with a smile while holding the round table with both hands.

Chen Qingyu frowned: "Money algorithm?"

"Yes, that's the algorithm of your virtual currency that I mocked in the Senate."

In the main hall, fell silent.


Longcheng, Fasi Shenfu, Cewang Palace.

As soon as the talisman was opened, the billowing vitality turned into countless formulas and appeared in the air.

The leaders of Tian Xing Cang, Fairy Bai Xue, and Xuanyuan Aohan all raised their heads and looked at them. These extremely complex formulas have become very simple in their eyes. Divine King’s comprehension and understanding capabilities are amazing, but these young Divine Kings are not citizens of infinite realms after all. They can understand the laws of these formulas, but Don't understand its meaning.

Not far away, the arrogant man sitting there hesitated for a moment, and said: "This is the currency formula of the infinite field?"

"Yes." Zhiwei nodded: "Senior Xingao is well informed."

"When Chen Qingyu is in Heaven in the future, I will have a lot of contacts with him, and I have learned some things in the infinite field. However, as one, as you said in the Senate, I also think this kind of nihilistic currency is a bit ridiculous-you Is Chen Qingyu brought here for this formula?"

Zhiwei pointed his finger at Tian Xing Cang: "In the Senate, when I commented on various strange systems in the infinite realm with extreme arrogance, Xing Cura told me not to make judgments about what I did not understand. In those days of the Infinite Realm, I spent a lot of time studying the system of the Infinite Realm, and discovered that in addition to technology, there is one thing that we don’t have in the Infinite Realm—there is a huge virtual world in the Infinite Realm. The meaning of it even surpasses the meaning of existence in the real world."

Lonely proud thoughtfully said: "This is why I think their system is ridiculous."

"Senior proud." Zhiwei smiled. "This is not only you, but also the world, the reason why the kings of the gods cannot understand the infinite realm. The world we live in, the way we pursue, has a very important concept called "returning to nature". In our eyes, nothing is added, no Subtracting one thing is the true essence, and abandoning nothingness is the true heart. But in the long development process of the infinite realm, their world has evolved from the real world to the nihil world, and the proportion of the nihil world in the infinite realm is greater than The real world is much larger, and it can even be said that the nihil world is the'reality' of the infinite realm."

Lonely blinked proudly, obviously not understanding.

Zhi Weiyi continued: "meaning."

When these two words appeared, Gu Xinao seemed to understand a little bit, and Tian Xingcang, Fairy Bai Xue, and Xuanyuan Aohan seemed to have thought of something.

"The most important reason for all beings from dull animals to intelligent beings, creating brilliant civilizations and creating martial arts, is because we invented meaning, we attach meaning to various things, and we also pursue meaning. But meaning, in Our world is difficult to develop as vast as the infinite field because we don't need it.

Looking at the history of the infinite realm is a process of weaving meaning continuously, and then escaping from reality to nothingness. They created a wide range of religions, relying on religions, gathered hundreds of millions of religious people, formed the same ideas, and jointly developed civilization. They have established a country with a strict system, and even created a completely nonsense concept of'imperial power', as well as loyalty to the monarch and patriotism. These are non-existent. The woven meaning is completely nihilistic, but it is relying on These meanings, the infinite realm, the world of doomsday, have been developed until the appearance of the light brain. "

Lonely and proudly startled, as if suddenly discovered the essence of one thing: "In our world, it doesn’t need to be so complicated. As long as a powerful monk appears, a huge empire can be built. This monk only needs to Mastering enough martial arts disciplines, and hiding the secrets of them, and only passing them on to their descendants, can create an eternal royal family. Although we also have many rules and systems, strength is the most important and the most important. The only criterion, then there is no need to create too much meaning, as long as the pursuit of strength and longevity is enough."

"That's right." To nod again and again. "But the infinite realm originated in the world of the end of Dharma. In the world of the end of Dharma, the power of sentient beings is actually the same. The power of an adult may only be equivalent to the sum of the power of a dozen babies. Even if an adult pursues power all his life, to the end , He may be only four or five times stronger than ordinary people. This gap is completely negligible in our world. Therefore, power is no longer the only criterion in an infinite field, and it must rely on other criteria to maintain a huge The empire or civilization of the infinite field created countless meanings of nothingness, which is the foundation of the infinite field.

And the digital currency in the infinite field that we once mocked, in my opinion, is the most fundamental and important system in the infinite field!

There is an important period in the history of the Infinite Realm. It is difficult to say in detail, but in simple terms, it is the awakening of consciousness. The people of the Infinite Realm began to question religion, theocracy, imperial power, privileges, etc., and began to question them. The universe of, it should be said that they began to question everything and advocate freedom as never before.

Under such circumstances, there must be a new meaning that is stronger than anything else to replace all the old meanings.

Mortals cannot pursue higher realms and powers, so what will mortals pursue?

Power no longer exists because of the collapse of faith and meaning.

Only wealth is left.

Currency becomes everything. "

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