Supreme God King

Chapter 3331: Tower of Babel

Meng Fan and the old man walked through mountains and rivers, and also saw many huge civilizations with more than 100 million creatures.

This is a relatively constant and brilliant era.

However, the repeated disasters have made the creatures know that the constant is precious, and their hearts are also full of fear of losing this stability at any time. Therefore, the discovery, naming, calculation, and deduction of laws are still the most important work of all beings.

Since the appearance of the first clock, sentient beings have learned to use simple methods to monitor the laws. In this brilliant era, temperature can also be measured. Days and nights are given laws. The emergence of medicine makes death become Can be conquered, Mingyi is no longer a demon.

This is a glorious era.

But sentient beings still have an unsolved problem.

They have not yet understood the essence of the law, but only understand the superficial level.

For example, the flow of the law of time cannot be expressed by clocks and watches. Clocks and watches only allow sentient beings to understand the meaning of time. However, sentient beings have no idea what time is, especially although the law of time is relatively stable, there are still speeds. No clock can accurately express the speed of time.

In a sense, sentient beings have ushered in the dawn, but they are still one step away from real light.

In this step, sentient beings have spent tens of millions of years without crossing it.

No matter how exquisite the instruments are made by sentient beings, they can only measure and measure the laws from the surface.

"For the study of the law, enough has been accumulated, martial arts will appear." Meng Fan said softly.

The old man pointed a direction silently.

In a deep mountain, a creature with thorns all over sat cross-legged.

In front of him, there are hundreds of different creatures, imitating his appearance, breathing slowly.

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

These creatures are devouring vitality and feeling the law.

They are a school of thought that the law and sentient beings coexist rather than oppose each other. The law is everywhere, including sentient beings, and it is also a product of the law. Therefore, it is wrong to measure the law with equipment. The real law should be felt by oneself. , In other words, they regard themselves as "clocks and watches" to test the algorithm.

The source of martial arts appeared.

However, when martial arts has not become a system at all, and even beings have no concept of martial arts, beings who can feel the vitality and laws, choose one in a thousand, are born alien.

Meng Fan took a step forward.

This step came directly after ten million years.

The former prosperous world has now become a vast ocean, and it is a boiling ocean, with almost no living creatures.

Meng Fan looked towards the sea.

Hundreds of creatures are distilling sea water. Look carefully, they are purifying, purifying some crystalline substances from the sea water.

"Except for machinery, alchemy, and medicine, they are all developing rapidly. These are all developed based on laws." Meng Fan nodded.

Although everything is developing, the speed of their development is not fast.

They just develop around the law, and have not yet touched the essence of the law.

And that group of thinkers, whom Meng Fan called the source of martial arts, has gradually explored the core of the law.

Across tens of thousands of miles of barren mountains, a small kingdom with only a few million creatures appeared in front of him.

This small kingdom stands in the middle of the barren hills, but has very advanced technology. They dig huge wells, artificially create canals, irrigate fields, and in the north of the kingdom, there are many intelligent creatures grazing, and there are roads extending in all directions. The canal connects the entire kingdom.

In the middle of the kingdom.

A huge ball is being built.

This ball, at first glance, looks very similar to the original more accurate clock. The only difference is that the clock of the year was only the size of a fist, while this bronze-colored spherical building was as high as a hundred feet! A building of this scale is already a miracle in this ancient world.

Many craftsmen built around the spherical building day and night, and various precious materials were transported here through canals and roads from all over the kingdom.

Meng Fan was surprised: "So these rivers and roads are not tools to rule the country, but to build this spherical building?"

He suddenly discovered that all the roads of this small kingdom converge near this spherical building.

"This kingdom is just a by-product." The old man said. "A sage was initially regarded as a teacher by the creatures of dozens of villages. He predicted several torrential rains, floods, and droughts, and led these villages to escape these natural disasters.

He is a congenital alien creature with a life span of hundreds of years. He learned the knowledge of the law in a distant empire, and followed the school of martial arts source to feel the vitality and the law, and then traveled around the world, observing the laws of the world, and finally arrived. Here.

He also built some simple instruments for the creatures here according to the ancient method. These instruments not only help them measure the laws of the algorithm, but in the long years, in order to observe the laws, the laws of machinery are fast. He also built many waterwheels and exquisite machinery to help the creatures here.

About fifty years ago, based on his years of research, he finally drew a complicated drawing. He thought that he might be able to build a machine that could monitor and deduce all the laws instead of just one.

When he said his dream, the creatures in more than a dozen villages dedicated their wealth to the sage, and then together helped the sage to make this huge machine.

Later, more and more surrounding villages heard the news and gathered to help the wise man make this machine. "

Meng Fan sighed: "In the age of the sages, the sages had huge dreams, and sentient beings can follow the sages without hesitation and give everything. This is indeed a beautiful era, but this era is destined to never appear again. Only in a precarious era, when civilization is likely to be destroyed at any time, can all beings look down on secular wealth, life and death, and work together for a dream."

"Yes." The old man nodded. "In order to transport precious materials, they began to build roads. In order to feed more and more creatures who gathered here to help build instruments, they had to reclaim wasteland and cultivate agricultural products, but this was not enough, so the creatures in more distant places took the initiative The food I produce is delivered here.

The canals and roads extending in all directions, huge wells, and densely packed buildings all appeared for the purpose of building this instrument.

This kingdom has no capital, but this instrument is the center of this kingdom. "

Meng Fan saw that by the side of the instrument, a creature with gray hair all over his body, old-fashioned, holding a huge drawing in his hand, raised his head and looked at the huge ball, his eyes full of sadness, and the craftsmen coming and going. , Did not notice the sadness in his eyes.

"He is dying." Meng Fan said. This sage has only one year and seven days of life left. This sage can breathe vitality and feel the existence of the law. Although he does not have the precise vision of Meng Fan, he can also feel that the end is coming. In his guess, it may only be a few years away.

A few years is not enough.

This huge instrument can simultaneously measure the seven laws of time, space, darkness, and light, and express the ups and downs of these seven laws. This is already very rare, but in this era, thinkers already know that this world is not It is determined by one kind of law, but is composed of countless laws. The change of any one law will affect other laws. This is why all beings always want to calculate and deduce the law, but find that no matter what they do, The reason for the uncertainty, so what this sage wants to build is a big instrument that can measure all the laws at the same time and sum up all the conditions, so as to measure the changes of the whole world.

How big is this project?

One can imagine.

So, this is just a dream.

A year later, the sage could no longer walk, his breath became weaker and weaker, and many creatures came to visit him.

And that huge instrument is still far away from completion.

Someone promised that after the sage died, other sages would be invited, no matter how difficult it was, they would definitely be invited, and then continue to build this instrument.

Then, they hope that the sage can give this instrument a name.

The sage said: "Tens of thousands of villages, speaking different languages ​​and different creatures, gathered together to build this instrument. I hope that in the future, all beings will go hand in hand for this instrument and give up your struggle. I won, and walk towards the vast sky together... it's called Tongtian Pagoda."

After saying this, the sage is dead.

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