Supreme God King

Chapter 3336: Battle report

On the second day after the layout of the war front line was completed, Xuanyuan Aohan brought three hundred young elite guards into the territory of the Kun nationality world, and announced the 16 crimes of the Kun nationality world.

These crimes are real, but in the eyes of the world, whether they are true or false, whether they have weight, it does not matter. Although the Heavenly Court will establish a new world order in the future, and destroy the law of predation of the weak and the strong, which has been the rule of the universe for tens of billions of years, this cannot be done overnight. This world is still a "powerful" hegemonic world.

With a hard fist, what you say is reasonable.

But even so, the sixteen crimes listed by the heavenly court in the future are indeed convincing enough. These sixteen crimes all revolve around one theme-the threat of the civilized world.

From the early days of civilization, the Kun nationality has been a threat to all civilized worlds. They are powerful and possess amazing reproductive capacity, but it is difficult to create a decent civilization and they do not have their own way. Therefore, the Kun nationality will only reproduce and pursue power blindly. Then they will plunder and destroy the civilized world. They are the periodic plague of the civilized world. Since they are plagues, they should be wiped out.

In the future, the heavenly court did not say in the sixteen crimes that the Kun nationality world would be exterminated. At least according to the conventions of the world conventions, the Kun nationality world still has room for negotiation, but negotiation requires an object. The Kun nationality world that has been torn apart, unless immediately Stop fighting, unite again, and then send a **** king who can represent the entire Kunzu world to talk to the future heaven.

The question is, can the Kun people do it?

If this is the humane world, or the world of other races, it does not seem to be difficult. In the face of powerful enemies, most civilized races will immediately abandon their own internal prejudices and disputes and unite in concert with the outside world, especially humanity. There are countless examples of this kind, and humanity will thrive whenever crisis strikes.

But can the Kun people do it?

The conquest texts drafted by Xuanyuan Aohan, Tianxingcang, and more than two hundred young **** kings of the coalition army generals are also very clear. As long as the Kunzu world can send a **** king who can represent the entire world, negotiations can be carried out. Negotiations may not necessarily end the war, but at least there are talks. If the Kun nationality world is still in civil strife and torn apart under such circumstances, there will be no vassals representing the entire world, so peace talks will not proceed.

And whether they can understand the general situation, understand the righteousness, and turn the tide, the rise and fall of the Lord is a race, a world, whether it is the standard of a civilized world, if the Kun people cannot even do this, they are not a civilized world and can be eliminated .

Xuanyuan Aohan spread the 16 counts and conquest texts throughout the Kun nationality world. It took four days before and after. The interesting thing is that after four days, Xuanyuan Aohan returned with a full guard army without any damage. .

Xuanyuan Aohan said that none of the 80 princes of the Kun nationality in the world blocked him or attacked him.

"There is no prince who wants to be the first attack target of the World Congress. They have a naive and extravagant hope that they can survive our offensive. Then when all the princes are eliminated, the survivors will become The leader of the Kun nationality world, I have received courtesy in many places. This is a ridiculous and ignorant world."

This is Xuanyuan Aohan's evaluation of the Kun nationality world after his return.

The sixth day after the layout of the war front.

Eight thousand **** kings of the advance army entered the Kun nationality world and launched a thunderous assault on the princes closest to the front line. The war ended in just one day. The prince who led the 5,000 Kun national **** kings soon Surrender and hope to become an ally of the Allied Forces of the Worlds, who can serve as a guide for the Allied Forces of the Worlds to attack the Kunzu world. The only request is to leave a piece of land for him after the Allied Forces of the Worlds destroy the entire Kunzu world.

It was also on this day that Zhiwei stepped into the front line of the war as the king of generations. When he heard about the battle report, he couldn't help but laughed: "Senior said it was right, they are bugs."

Facing how to deal with this prince and the more than two thousand **** kings who survived in his hands, Zhiweiyi gave advice-be kind and under house arrest.

In fact, many generals in Tianxingcang and the coalition have suggested that they should be killed directly, especially the artisan commander, who has stated several times that they will personally kill the surrendered Kun people, but Zhiweiyi has persuaded almost all of them to make this proposal The king of gods.

The worlds despise the Kun nationality very much. This contempt comes from the disgust of the Kun nationality in the bones. This can be seen from the treatment that the mother Qinglin received when entering the worlds, whether it is the Central Emperor, Or champion Hou, evil **** Qin Taichuan, Devil Emperor, Dragon Emperor, no matter which Dao leader or Dao world, facing the Qinglin Mother Emperor who was even higher than Meng Fan at that time, they all despised.

Therefore, Zhiweiyi's suggestion to be kind to house arrest was even questioned by many **** kings of the coalition forces, which led to many **** kings who began to doubt the ability and character of Zhiwei.

In this regard, the One One’s answer is: "If thousands of people question me, I will also question myself and be shaken. Why should this kind of willpower take the predecessor’s class? When darkness falls, when everyone is confused, and be a sentient being Back, I have to stand on the cusp of the storm and do what I think is right."

Finally, for the first time, Zhiweiyi used his identity as the "generation king" and issued a series of orders to treat the captives who surrendered.

His practice was heard by the Inviting Moon Palace Master who was in retreat, and said with a smile: "I think of Meng Fan's promotion of the first iron law."

The captives were treated kindly, and the prince really became the guide for the allied forces of the world to attack the Kunzu world.

On the tenth day after the layout of the war front line was completed, the various legions of the world coalition forces stepped into the Kun nationality world one after another.

On the eleventh day after the layout of the war front line was completed, fifteen princes of the Kun nationality surrendered. At the same time, the Moon Palace Lord was invited to break through the realm and accomplish the Seven Tribulations.

On the twelfth day, the Moon Palace Lord was invited to leave the customs and arrived on the battlefield. So far, most of the 230,000 gods and kings of the world coalition have stepped into the Kun nationality world and swept the Kun nationality world with a sweeping force.

On the fourteenth day, among the 80 princes in the Kun nationality world, 25 princes surrendered, and 15 of them were executed for various reasons after the surrender. Another twelve Kun nationality princes died in battle. Half of them are occupied.

On the fifteenth day, the Lord of the Moon Palace was invited to order the implementation of a scorched earth policy in the Kun nationality world to destroy everything.

On the sixteenth day, Palace Lord Lin Xiu met the coalition forces at the site of the old capital of the Siyuan Dynasty, and a great battle broke out. This was the first and last battle after the allied forces of the world entered the Kun nationality world. Palace Master Xiu’s army fought quite bravely. During this period, seven princes announced their refuge in Palace Master Lin Xiu and jointly fought against the allied forces of the world. The war lasted thirty-six hours. Finally Palace Master Lin Xiu died. The clan army was defeated, and the only hope of reunification in the Kun clan world was wiped out.

On the twentieth day, an army of five thousand gods and kings led by the Lord of the Moon Palace arrived at the northwestern border of the Kunzu world and planted the battle flag of the allied forces on a barren hill.

On the 21st day, all the princes in the Kunzu world were either beheaded by the world coalition forces or captured. The Kun nationality world, a civilization in which the lower class absolutely obeys the upper level, has no brains and can no longer organize any decent counterattack, and the Kun nationality world has completely fallen.

on this day.

The One who had been asking for kindness to all the captives and surrendering princes, suddenly left and returned to Dragon City on the grounds of dealing with some matters, and only said a word before leaving.

"I think it is a better choice for the craftsmen empire to preside over the disposal of prisoners of war in the Kun nationality world and the entire Kun nationality world."

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