Supreme God King

Chapter 3338: Underground world

It took 68 years for Haoshui Longzi to make the most primitive ritual, and in the following seven years he successfully predicted six torrential rains, two polar nights lasting forty days, and one drought.

These small disasters are nothing to the kingdom of the sages, and Haoshui Takako and his rituals did not attract the sages' attention. In fact, there are not a few machines that can measure small catastrophes like yis.

But Haoshui Takako and his followers all know that Yi has a power that other machines can't match, that is Tao.

When Haoshui Takako was two hundred and ten years old, he used the instrument to calculate a huge catastrophe, and even deduced a relatively accurate time, just six to eight years later.

According to his deduction, this catastrophe was caused by a substantial increase in the laws of vitality, because the world has been in prosperity for too long and the number of creatures has reached an alarming level.

The growth of the law of vitality is a good thing in itself. When the law of vitality is surging, all things grow and prosper. The Tongtian Pagoda also clearly measured this point, but Haoshui Takako obtained a terrible result through the measurement of the instrument, and the law of vitality increased. After high, the Yin-Yang Law and the Five Elements Law will be out of balance.

He immediately told the sages of the news and suggested to make preparations immediately. Hao Shui Longzi believed that this cataclysm may be the biggest disaster after the establishment of the sage kingdom, and it was a hundred times more terrifying than the invasion of the Kun nationality world. If you can't deal with it, the kingdom of the sage will even be destroyed. At this time, the kingdom of the sage has included almost all the known worlds. The destruction of the sage's kingdom means that the entire civilized world may collapse.

In fact, Haoshui Takako's inference has also received the attention of some sages. The reason why sages are sages is because they listen to it. However, Haoshui Takako's inference results seem a bit extreme. The sages do not think that the entire civilized world will be collapse.

Moreover, even if this is true, disasters will break out in six to eight years. How will the kingdom of sages with tens of billions of creatures respond?

It is impossible to deal with it at all, but if the news spreads, it will cause huge panic and turmoil.

In order to convince the sages of his inferences, Haoshui Takako lobbied day and night, and showed the results calculated by the instrument again and again. He said that the world of law is very fragile, and a little bit of law changes. All can lead to great changes in the entire world of laws, and the growth of the laws of vitality will cause a series of terrible chain reactions.

But the sages still didn't listen.

After being discouraged, Haoshui Takako left the center of the sage kingdom with his followers and built a sanctuary in the mountains.

Six years later, as expected, the law of vitality began to explode.

After the explosion of the law of vitality, the civilized world ushered in a great prosperity. The lifespan of living creatures has become very long, the preservation and inheritance of knowledge has become easier, and sentient beings have more time to pursue their own thoughts and realms. The physical realm.

This great boom lasted for nearly fifty years.

Because of the great prosperity, the believers who believed in Haoshui Longzi began to question and left one after another. By the end of the fifty years of the great prosperity, only a dozen believers were left by Haoshui Longzi.

After the great prosperity, the law of yin and yang really began to be out of balance. This time, all machinery, including the Tongtian Pagoda, had not expected it.

The imbalance of the law of yin and yang caused some confusion in the beginning, but it was not impossible to solve it. For example, the time of day and night is no longer stable. Sometimes, the day will be several times longer than the night. This change makes the civilized world fall into a "dappled" state. In some places, the day is too long and the glaciers melt. It was submerged by floods, and some places did not have glaciers and fell into a major drought. In other places, the temperature continued to drop because the night had existed for too long, and instead fell into freezing.

But for the kingdom of the sages, these problems are minor problems.

Then, more serious problems appeared.

The imbalance of the Five Elements Rule has caused almost all machinery to fail.

The kingdom of the sage is a country that relies entirely on machinery. Everything from the craftsman’s craftsmanship to growing food, grazing, storing knowledge, etc., relies on machinery.

The kingdom of the wise is actually very much like the original craftsman empire.

However, all mechanical operations are carried out in accordance with the laws of law, especially relying on the law of yin and yang and the law of five elements. For example, a kind of steam machinery scattered throughout the kingdom of sages relies on the changes of yin and yang and the five elements to release energy to operate.

When a large number of machinery failed, the kingdom of the sage plunged into darkness and chaos.

In the second year when the Five Elements Rule was out of balance, a famine broke out because of insufficient food production; because of insufficient coal mining, the night became more difficult to bear. Even when dawn arrived, countless frozen bones appeared on the street.

In the third year of the imbalance of the Five Elements Principle, many creatures began to have problems with their bodies because they could not adapt to the changes in Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

In the next few years, the kingdom of the sages is like a flower that has stepped into the winter solstice, withering constantly. All the sages are doing their best to solve these problems, but they are too late to prepare.

In the north of the sage kingdom.

The dozen or so shelters established by Takashi Haoshui began to accommodate refugees.

In the underground of the shelter, countless plants are cultivated in a large number of greenhouses. In a deeper place, a kind of heat energy newly discovered by Haoshui Longzi-inflammation block, has become the energy source of all shelters.

Many believers, including Haoshui Takako, have also entered the martial art.

Long before the creation of the instrument, Haoshui Takako realized that it is correct to rely on various external forces to fight against the chaos of the law, but it must be "internal and external". He found that spitting out vitality and strengthening his own vitality can also An important condition for surviving in the chaotic era, he has an ideal country in his mind. In this ideal country, not only the machinery and technology are very powerful, but all beings also absorb vitality, practice martial arts, and become very powerful. The environment can also do well, and can even rely on its own strength to change the entire world.

The dozens of shelters built by Haoshui Longzi contained thousands of creatures. These creatures began to practice martial arts and assisted Haoshui Longzi to build more shelters.

This era of chaos has lasted for a long time, and the kingdom of the sages is also torn apart. The sages everywhere use their own methods to fight the chaos, continue civilization, and create machinery that can adapt to the new environmental laws, but their continued civilization cannot be peaceful. Compared with Shuilongzi.

Thirty years after the era of great chaos, Haoshui Longzi has established hundreds of shelters and protected hundreds of thousands of living beings.

With the continuous expansion and spread of the sanctuary, a huge underground world was established, and Takashi Haoshui became the leader of this underground world. It was also at this time that Takashi Haoshui found that his perception and realm had improved again. I don't know, at this time, he already has the power comparable to the **** king.

Yi once again began to calculate the whole world.

Haoshui Takako began to deduct the world afterwards, and began to plan to restore civilization.

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