Supreme God King

Chapter 3343: Law of Kings

In the inner sanctuary, the seven main gods signed a series of new laws, which greatly restrained the power of the king, and wrote at the end of the law, which will begin when the fourth king takes over. Execution, and the seven main gods will act as supervisors.

In the "law of the heavenly kings", the status of the future heavenly king and the future heavenly seven main gods tends to be equal. The future heavenly king is the nominal leader of the future heavenly court, but the scope of authority is limited to a relatively narrow space.

These laws stipulate that the future heavenly king has the highest right to know, and all affairs within the heavenly court in the future, the secrets of the major divine palaces and individual **** kings, as long as the future heavenly court is related, the future heavenly king has the right to know.

Secondly, in the future, the heavenly king can "question" the main gods and sub-gods of the seven major gods. When he "questions", the seven major gods and the seven second-level gods need to be reviewed. The review will be made up of a temporary review committee by members of other gods. Proceeding, the Sun King’s question is established. The seven major gods or the seven second gods need to peacefully resign and pass on their position to the "second person". This second person is not determined by a certain **** alone. Generally speaking, the main **** resigns. Then the position is given to the second god, and the second **** resigns, then the position is chosen by the main **** from the old patron or Changqing, but it needs to be approved by the future king.

Third, the seven divine palaces can cooperate with each other in various affairs, but in the future, the heavenly kings have the right to participate in, or even lead, in any affairs carried out across the divine palace.

Fourth, the future kings of the heavens will participate in the work of the world conferences, whether they are the leaders of an organization, or just as an ordinary member of a certain organization of the world conferences, they do not need the consent of the future kings of the world. Decided, but the future king has the right to request any king who joins the world conferences to resign and return to the future heaven, because the king who joins the world conferences is first the **** king of the future heaven, which is the highest responsibility, and then to the world conferences Be responsible for.

The four laws fundamentally determined the power of the king of the future, and these four laws were born because of the worries in the heart of Zhiwei. He was afraid that the heavens would be too "inclusive" in the future, and he would lose his own after a long time. Advantages, the loss of this advantage is easy, for example, the heavens will become world conventions in the future.

If the heavens in the future have all kinds of powerful powers in the world congresses, in other words, the world congresses are not only a symbol of the hegemony of the heavens in the future, but the world congresses are the future heavens, then the boundaries will not be clear, and finally the future heavens Evolve into world conferences and become independent of each other. In the future, heaven will be easily assimilated and even divided by world conferences.

The simplest example. Invite the Moon Palace Lord to become the commander of the allied forces of the world, but she is also the Lord God of Hongwu in the future heaven. Then, the commander of the Allied Forces of the world or the Lord God of Hongwu, which is higher and lower? Will the king of the future be qualified to order to invite the Lord of the Moon? If Gongyue Palace Lord stepped down as the Hongwu Lord God and was only the commander of the allied forces of the world, then she was still not a member of the future heaven?

This kind of problem will not happen now, because the **** kings who make up the heads of the heavenly court and the leaders of the world conferences are all around Meng Fan. It is impossible to have any other thoughts, but when Meng Fan leaves , After a few hundred years?

Therefore, the One is not only to determine the authority of the future heavenly king, but also to clarify the boundary between the future heavenly court and the world conferences, and to determine the future heavenly court's leadership and advantages.

After these laws are finalized, if the same thing happens, it will be resolved.

For example, the Heavenly King has sufficient decision-making power to invite the Moon Palace Lord, and can directly request the Moon Palace Lord to step down as the commander of the world coalition forces, return to the future heaven and continue to serve as the Hongwu Divine Mansion. If the Moon Palace Lord does not agree, then first, invite the Moon Palace Lord Be a member of the future heaven. Secondly, the palace lord of the moon is the commander of the allied forces of the world. In the future, the heavenly king can punish the palace lord of the moon and even remove her. Once she is expelled, she will no longer be a member of the future heaven. The Moon Palace Lord has no status and cannot become the commander of the world coalition forces. This is well understood. Of course, the commander of the world coalition forces must be recommended by a member of the World Conference. If the Moon Palace Lord is invited to be removed, she will not Any power belonging to the world conventions.

At this time, if the Lord of the Moon is invited to choose to change the power, then this member power will be punished and sanctioned by the first-level members in the future, and the result will be even more terrible.

After determining the authority of the future heavenly king and the boundaries of the future heavenly court, Zhiweiyi proposed the second part of the law.

Restrict the king.

The future heavenly king can question all the main gods and secondary gods in the future heaven, and similarly, the main gods of the seven divine palaces can also question the future heavenly kings.

This kind of questioning is much simpler. The seven main gods each have one vote. When the five main gods question the future king, the future king must step down without reason or review, and the selection of the new king will be decided by the seven main gods. The requirement is that the seven main gods must uniformly identify with one **** king, and the realm of this **** king must be the six-kage **** king or higher. As long as one of the main gods disagrees, the position of the future heaven king needs to be vacant. During the period of vacancy, Bo, the lord of the Heavenly Palace, will replace the future heavenly king to exercise power. The vacancy time cannot exceed fifty days. Once it exceeds, the oldest of the seven main gods will be elected as the future heavenly king.

This is the first type of questioning. In addition, there is also the second type of questioning. It was named "pan-questioning" by Zhiyi. It refers to the seven divine palaces, including the palace of the heavenly kings. All priests have a vote and can question the future king. If the number of votes exceeds half of the priests, the question is established, but after the question is established, the king of the future will not directly resign, but the seven major gods will decide whether to resign. The process after resignation is the same as the first question.

Both types of doubts can make the future king resign, but as long as the two doubts do not appear, the future king will not resign and sit until the end of his life. Before the end of his life, the future king can choose to "resign" to the king's throne and retreat. The requirement is This future king must be in power for more than ten years before he can choose to renege. The object of his renunciation also needs to be approved by the seven main gods, but such approval does not need to be unanimous, as long as five votes are enough, the same, The future heavenly king who is renounced must also have the lowest level of the Six Tribulations God King or higher.

The “Law of the Kings of Heaven” signed by the seven main gods, which is the first to draw together, stipulates all the powers of the future Kings, and also allows the future Kings and the seven main gods to form a relatively perfect balance. At the end of the Law of the Kings , There is a special law.

When a war breaks out, or in a special period, the future heaven will adopt any of the "heavenly kings legal system" or the "seven lord gods". The so-called heavenly kings legal system means that the future heavenly kings will have supreme power instantly. You must obey the king of heaven, and there must be no disagreements, doubts, and so on. The same is true for the seven gods, but the highest power will be attributed to the seven gods, and the king of heaven will become a symbol and decoration.

As for which system to adopt, it is still up to the future heavenly kings and the seven main gods to decide. At that moment, Dragon City will announce that the future heaven has entered a special period. After that, the status of the heavenly king will be reduced to the same as the seven main gods, and then the eight gods will vote together. Decide which system to implement.

The Law of the King of Heaven is completed.

To breathe out for a long time, a stone in his heart fell.

"I live in the age of giants." When all the main gods got up and prepared to go to the Iron Law Hall to hold the last meeting of the first World Congress, Zhi Weiyi suddenly spoke. "In this era, there are countless great people. We don’t need definite laws or regulations. These great people will lead me forward with wise thinking, but I don’t know that this era will continue. How long, so we must prevent the slightest failure."

"For one." Lonely smiled proudly. "This law of the heavenly kings will not be used in our lifetime."

To smile without saying a word.

After that, Dai Tianwang Zhiweiyi and the seven main gods walked to the Iron Law Hall.

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