Supreme God King

Chapter 3360: years

The trials of the human world by the great tribunals of the world conferences were very short, and the humane performance was very courteous. They recognized all the accusations and accepted the punishment. They handed over 30,000 tons of the origin spar to the world conferences and gave a lot of elixir to the world. Seed as an apologize, these things are actually not important, and the world conferences and the devil world may not value it. What is really important is that the Dharma Sage of the human world delivered a speech at the world conferences, expressing apologies for breaking the laws of the world.

Subsequently, the World Congress also questioned the Demon World, why did not complain to the World Congress in the first place, but condemned the Human World itself. For this, the messenger of the Demon World can only apologize.

This matter, in the eyes of the worlds, is an absolute victory for the conference and the future heaven. Since the establishment of the world conferences, the first "provocation" against the laws of the world has failed.

And the inside story is...The Central Emperor didn't get the answer.

No one in the world knows where Meng Fan has gone.

The Central Emperor could only guess, he could only guess according to the trajectory of Meng Fan's actions after the final battle.

After that, the central emperor, who had been acting low-key after waking up, continued to live in seclusion.

The world also ushered in a long period of peace.

Nothing big happened again.

In January of the third year of the new century, the Great Asura world was defined as "the successor of the champion." Xie Feng confirmed that the foundation of the Asura Dao is killing, but it is not pure killing. What is the relationship between Asura and the champion? The only connection is speculation. Xie Feng said that the Shura did not get the doctrine of the champion Hou. According to the records of the Fuxue Shenfu, the champion Hou exhausted all his strength when attacking the heavenly king Meng Fan. Martial arts and murderous spirits are all betting on that blow, so it is impossible for anyone to get anything tangible, so it can only be said that the Asuras have gained the spirit of the champion.

Shura is an extremely warlike, bloodthirsty and killing race. In the history of more than a billion years ago, Shura was very active and appeared in many stories as mercenaries and assassins. Later, the decline of this race was due to the famous "Sura Field", several major Shura empires declined due to civil war.

But what's interesting is that Shura did not create a killing road, they have been groping at the source of the road.

After the champion Hou Ning got out of the killing path, Shura had a "guide". Someone opened up a path, so Shura embarked on this path one after another.

For a long time, the killing has been brewing in the dark.

In the hands of champion Hou and Shura, killing Dao turned into Shura Dao, which has many similarities with but also many differences, and finally contributed to the formation of the great Shura world.

This is the origin.

Although it was only Xie Feng's guess, it was recognized by many people.

October of the fifth year of the new century.

A handful of demon kings and some natural gods, about four hundred **** kings, announced that they had found the Taoism of the way of nature and set out to establish the natural world, but they did not get the approval of the world conferences. The vast majority of the world conferences In the opinion of the members, the way of nature is only a relatively general concept and has no system of its own, but these hundreds of gods have indeed begun to explore the way of nature, and formally joined the world conventions a few months later. Become a third-level member.

In the years that followed, the world became more and more peaceful and stable, everything was going in the direction set by the heaven in the future, and the time span between memorabilia became longer and longer.

In June of the seventeenth year of the new century, the young King of Two Tribulations entered Taoshan to study in Xinyuan. At this time, there were 175 Kings of Gods in Taoshan, known as 175 sages. They not only pursued martial arts achievements, He also pursued other achievements, such as piano art, calligraphy and painting, etc. It was also in this year that the world of Taoshan was planted with peach blossoms, a pink.

In February of the nineteenth year of the new century, the world congresses announced the establishment of a new organization, the "Developers Association", to build a subordinate organization of the legion, trying to explore beyond the boundaries of the universe and laying the law of space.

In July of the 30th year of the new century, the first piece of the world established by the pioneer association on the border of the universe took shape and was named "the pioneer generation." However, for a long time after that, the pioneer generation was not No one lives. At this time, there is still a large space in the universe. According to the calculation of the heavens in the future, at least 95% of the universe is blank and there are no creatures. Therefore, the living space is completely sufficient. It is the symbolic meaning of the pioneering generation. It's great, but the actual meaning does not exist.

In the forty-seventh year of the new century, in the future, the liberalism of the heavens will spread farther and farther, and it will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the new generation of kings. The world conferences have newly revised the "law of freedom" and implemented it in the predominant range of the universe. , And is no longer limited to the inside of the heavenly court in the future. Because of the birth of the law of freedom, many new kings have left their hometowns to establish their own worlds in more distant places and become kings of one world. A large number of new worlds are born, and the establishment of these new worlds has a future. Heaven's encouragement, a few of which are relatively powerful, have also been recognized by the World Congress and become a member force.

In the 80th year of the new century, because of the new world created by the law of freedom, the number of recognized forces in the great universe has nearly doubled, but most of them have not yet obtained the qualifications to enter the world conventions.

In the ninety-fifth year of the new century, with the help of the future heaven, Chen Yu returned to the infinite realm and served as a member of the Senate. Not long before that, Chen Yu became the King of Seven Tribulations.

In the winter of the ninety-ninth year of the new century, Master Zhuge became the King of Eight Tribulations.

In the 107th year of the new century, the world congresses established a new organization, the "Unification Council Pavilion", whose function is to count the various figures in the cosmos. The **** king of the ancient elephant tribe, this is the first organization of the world conferences that is not led by the **** king of the future heaven. According to the first statistics of the Unification Council, in the past 100 years, the number of **** kings in the world has tripled, the number of known **** kings has exceeded 6 million, and the scope of the civilized world has also expanded by two. Times, many blank areas in the prehistoric universe are gradually being filled.

In the 150th year of the new century, the Heavenly Court will build a huge world in the world below. Unlike the future Heavenly Court's numerous fiefs, foreign fortresses, and outposts, this huge world is completely a replica and reduced version of the future Heavenly Court. , The territory area is approximately equivalent to one-tenth of the future heavenly court, comparable to the size of many supreme heavenly dynasties, and there are more than 5,000 gods and kings living, cultivating, and working here. They are regarded as the "frontline" of the future heavenly court. Because the heavenly court in the future will be at the commanding heights of the universe, the worlds can only look up, and this world is between the worlds, so it will become the outpost and connection point of the heavenly court in the future. This world is named "Future Country" ".

In the 180th year of the new century, the future country was renamed the first world.

In the 187th year of the new century, the heavenly court will begin to establish the second realm in the void between the arcane civilization and the infinite realm.

In the 200th year of the new century, a young **** king suddenly became active. She wandered through the world in the realm of the **** king of six calamities. She challenged many powerful people and infiltrated the ancient battlefield of the Kun nationality world. Killed the leaders of seven small Kunzu kingdoms, plundered a large number of ancient spars, faced with the pursuit of the ruling legion, she also escaped several times, several of them were arrogant and domineering, but this young king was quite mysterious, except for knowing Apart from a woman, the only thing the world knows about is this young **** king whose surname is Meng.

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