Supreme God King

Chapter 3404: Escape

The turbidity of the sky turned into clear, like a jade ice plate, the Yanyun knife immediately withdrew after a start. Without stopping, she could perceive the extraordinary methods of the burly person in front of her, especially the laws he applied, which was extremely unique.

The clear ice plate shattered like crystals, pushed out by the palm of the Great Chaos, directly smashing several small arks.

"Get free yourself." The Great Primal Chaos sneered, striding towards Yanyun Dao.

"Using you to do something more?" Meng Fan was expressionless, his arms suddenly exerted force, and immediately, one of the original shackles was torn off. Many small arks were dragged by Meng Fan's power and collided with each other. Jump out of the small ark to escape.

When the encircling circle was broken, Meng Fan pointed in the void, and the rolling law condensed into a world, wrapped him, he sat inside, closed his eyes and rested, focusing all his energy on the suppression of the three-pointed blade in his body. .

The Great Chaos has already fought against the Yanyun Knife in the void. The Yanyun Knife retreats step by step. It is not an opponent at all. One is because the Yanyun Knife is indeed weaker than the three-pronged blade. Second, he was hit by Meng Fan a hundred times. , Suffering a serious injury, Sanlai, Trigeminal Blade completely did not recognize Chaos Great Emperor's methods!

The world of meaning is a world that has entered the peak civilization stage very early. The martial arts spread from here can be regarded as "the orthodox of all things". The martial arts of all peak powers are quite similar. They all use the law of heaven and earth as weapons. Meng Fan is also such a strong man.

But Chaos Great Emperor is different. His martial art is completely rebellious, reversing the law of everything, which Yanyun Dao has never seen before.

The billowing torrent of chaos is gray-black, and many monsters with weird appearances and chaotic bloodlines are bred in it. Under the impact of this torrent, the Yanyun Sword can only retreat continuously, which is difficult to resist.

at the same time.

Those little arks and the army of the king of gods also calmed down, and began to continue to encircle Meng Fan, but even the frail Meng Fan was not capable of attacking these five, six, and seven realms. They even created this one created by Meng Fan The world can't get into it, so he can only play in reincarnation, constantly playing some cracks.

The Emperor Chaos opened his five fingers, and a huge sky-blue disk fell from the sky, crushing it on the body of the Yanyun Knife, making it difficult to move.

The meaning of eternity.

"Who are you?" Yanyun Dao roared.

"I almost forgot about it myself." The Great Emperor Chaos suddenly sighed. "If this kid hadn't called my name, I would have forgotten it. My name is Chaos Great. Kid Meng Fan should have said that if you see people from the God King Universe, you must be careful."

With that said, the Great Chaos Emperor revealed his iconic old naughty smile, his palm pressed down, and the Eternal Disk suddenly pressed the Yanyun knife into thin slices!

Meng Fan’s origin universe.

Trigeminal Blade struggled fiercely, but now, Meng Fan has spent all his energy to suppress him, as well as Daoshu Jufan, and 180,000 gods, Trigeminal Blade feels more and more powerless!

"Life and death are boundless, without thinking, unforgettable."

Meng Fan's voice echoed in the original universe.

This voice slammed the three-pronged soul, causing his soul to tremble and numb.

" want to refine me? I am one of Yin Gu's Five Blades, the pinnacle creature, you dare to refine me!"

"Of course I want to refine you, your physical body, and your soul. I will all refine." Meng Fan's voice coiled around the three-pointed blade.

The strength of the billowing vow began to pour into the body of the three-pointed blade.

Even though the trigeminal blade is the pinnacle creature, facing the power of the vows of hundreds of thousands of gods, the refining of the giant sails of Taoism, and the attack of Meng Fan’s spirits, it is unbearable. At this moment, the price Meng Fan has paid is also extremely high. Burning blood, even longevity!

At every instant, Meng Fan's lifespan decreased by a hundred years.

Meng Fan is using his life to refine the three-pointed blade!

Although he has reached his realm and the law of all things is fully understood. In principle, it is to "live with the sky." Life will last without limits and will not die of old age, but as long as Meng Fan is still a living being, his life cannot have no end, perhaps only Reaching that legendary state of immortality is truly "immortal."

A few breaths passed, and one breath lasted for sixty moments. Meng Fan has consumed tens of thousands of years of lifespan. These lifespans are nothing to him. It is just a drop of water in the river, but the resistance of the three-pronged blade is also increasing. Fierce, Meng Fan once again increased the power of refining, and in an instant, it had already spent a thousand years of life!

"You are crazy, you are really a lunatic!" Three-pronged blade could feel Meng Fan's burning life. "If you have to die, I won't let you succeed!"

"He wants to explode." The spirit of Daoshu Jufan communicated with Meng Fan. "I can calculate that if he explodes himself, your original universe will be completely destroyed, you will also be hit hard, you will even fall to the realm, and even the soul will be severely hit."

Meng Fan didn't say a word, and suddenly a mass of blood bombarded Sangeedan's body.

With this mass of blood, Meng Fan directly consumed ten million years of life.

Subsequently, the second bombardment.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time!

Every time, Meng Fan spent thousands of years of life!

Shaking the three-pronged blade, it is difficult to concentrate, and it is impossible to blew it!

"Too fierce." Three-pronged blade couldn't help but roar. "How can there be a hysterical creature like you!"

In the distance, the Great Chaos Emperor, who was suppressing the Yanyun Dao with a disc of eternal meaning, turned his head, he could also see Meng Fan's deadly attack method, and he couldn't help but frown: "Why don't you burn the creatures in your original universe to suppress? Meng Fan Boy, it seems that although you have reached the state of today, your temperament is still the fledgling little guy back then."

The suppression lasted a quarter of an hour.

Meng Fan has consumed nearly 500 million years of life!

Five hundred million years!

Even Meng Fan, at this moment, lines appeared on the corners of his eyes, and there was some dryness on his forehead, which was a sign of aging.

He was also at this moment, feeling that his longevity had an end.

And the three-pointed blade, under Meng Fan's fierce blow, gradually lost its voice, and even the signs of life began to disappear.

"Three-pronged blade!" Yanyun Knife couldn't help yelling when she realized that she couldn't feel the breath of three-pointed blade.

But the Great Emperor Chaos immediately increased his strength, making it difficult for Yanyun Dao to make a sound.

Yanyun Dao finally understood at this moment that they had lost.

This seemingly inevitable battle was lost.

"Meng Fan, Emperor Chaos, well, I remember your names, you will pay for everything you do today, the price of life is not as good as death! You will not understand Lord Yin Gu's methods, he is beyond your understanding Existence!" Yanyun said, suddenly her body exploded. This was a self-destruction released by her decision to sacrifice her body. The violent impact suddenly exploded the eternal disc of the Great Primordial Chaos, and then a group of spirits shot out.

"Remember! The three-pronged blade will not die. You will not understand the means of meaning the world. We can all resurrect eternal life!"

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