Supreme God King

Chapter 3417: Sharpening

In the tenth year of entering the nine-fold gate, according to the judgment standard of the nine-fold gate, Meng Fan already has "one thousand and one hundred horsepower", which is already the best among the two-caliber **** kings of the nine-fold gate.

His Qingyunfeng weather has become more and more majestic. The first work of bringing back the corpse of the ghost son was Sister An, but the people who accompanied him also benefited. Sister An and Elder Chen Qin even won for Meng Fan. Few things were added to Qingyun Peak.

For example, Elder Chen Qin asked for a set of sword formations for Meng Fan. In this set of sword formations, there was a low-grade Taoist artifact, and the rest were magical artifacts with great power and surrounding Qingyun Peak.

Sister An gave Meng Fan a jade pavilion, which is also a low-grade Taoist artifact.

In the past few years, Meng Fan has refined a large number of pills for the sect each month. The number of pills he refined each month has been ranked in the top ten of the double doors, so there are many other rewards, and there are some. The young elder noticed Meng Fan and felt that he was an object that could be cultivated, and that he could be used for talent, which made Meng Fan's position in the double gate higher and higher.

On this day, Meng Fan was doing alchemy, and suddenly a disciple came to visit. Meng Fan withdrew the sword formation to let him come up, and found that it was a fellow apprentice brother, the God King of Two Tribulations, and after the two politely greeted them, they chatted.

Almost every month, some disciples visit the house. On the one hand, they talked with Meng Fanpan to enlighten the Dao. On the other hand, Meng Fan is also generous and often gives out some medicine pills. This makes Meng Fan’s network more and more extensive. Stop acting low-key, and start to make friends.

"Brother Ye, I am here this time, not just talking about it, it was Elder Chen who asked me to tell you that Senior Sister An broke through yesterday and achieved the Six Dao, and is about to hit the world rankings."

Meng Fan showed some surprise and joy, just right.

He had already calculated it.

Originally, according to Meng Fan’s calculations, Senior Sister An would break through to the Six Tribulations in about ten years, but the Ghost Son incident caused Senior Sister An to immediately get the attention of many elders and gave her a lot of benefits. Chen Qin also did it. A lot of things have been done to win considerable benefits for Senior Sister An. One of the green stone pills is enough to double Senior Sister An's skill, so Senior Sister An's breakthrough six calamities in advance is something Meng Fan has already inferred.

The news came, obviously quite useful. On the one hand, Chen Qin consolidates his team, and on the other hand, he told his team that they already have a senior sister of Six Tribulations, and they can have confidence in many things in the future.

After the two chatted, they bid farewell.

Meng Fan didn't do anything more and continued to practice alchemy and retreat.

In the fifteenth year, Meng Fan’s monthly number of alchemists was already the first in the double gate, and his skill reached 1,200 horsepower. This was already the top spot in the double gate, with only one. The 80,000-year-old fellow brother, because he stayed in this realm for too long, was slightly stronger than Meng Fan in skill, but the amount of alchemy was far from enough.

Meng Fan not only refines those medicinal pills that are in great demand, he is also now refining some high-quality pills, such as Hanshuang Silence, which is generally only made by the King of Three Tribulations. Meng Fan has already It began to refine, and nine of them were refined.

Frost and Silence is a very powerful medicine. If it is a yin and yang spell, it can greatly enhance internal strength and make vitality quickly become vigorous. Even if it is not, it also has the effect of freezing vitality and delaying aging, generally a frost Silence can directly extend the life of a **** king for two thousand years, which is already very rare.

The Second Tribulations God King refined the cold frost and silence, but it was rare, only a few genius disciples in the history of the nine-fold gate did it, so Meng Fan was immediately regarded as a miracle in alchemy.

But the nine Frost and Silence, Meng Fan gave two of them to two fellow disciples, four to Elder Chen, and three to other elders.

This incident made Elder Chen even more happy, and Meng Fan didn't cover it up. Many people knew about the fact that he gave the medicine. This was to show that he was from the Chen family.

For this, Meng Fan made enough plans. It doesn’t matter what others think of forming a party for private purposes. There are only a handful of people who can threaten Meng Fan within the nine-fold gate. His real problem is that he can’t let outsiders see that his identity is abnormal. ,Divert attention.

After refining Frost and Silence, Meng Fan refined a pair of Golden Crow Gu. This is a very terrifying pill. It is refined from many poisonous insects. Golden Crow Gu can greatly enhance the physical strength and expand. The vitality and the width of the Shenhai, but the effect is promoted by pulling the seedlings, it is strong, and the average disciple can't bear it, and this kind of pill is "forbidden."

After the nine-fold gate surrendered to the world of meaning, the shadow of the ancient sorcerer gradually faded, and the early witchcraft and potions were gradually banned, and the Golden Crow Gu was one of them.

In the early history of the Nine-Layered Gate, the Golden Crow Gu was very powerful. Many shamans had to be able to refine this kind of pill. Refining a Golden Crow Gu often took a shaman several hundred years. It takes a lot of energy, but as long as one of this kind of pill is refined and a sorcerer swallows it, he can immediately gain tremendous power, double his strength in a short time, but there are many sequelae.

So Golden Crow Gu was banned.

Time has changed. Although there are still many shadows of ancient shamans in the Nine-Layer Gate today, almost all of those skills are lost. Golden Crow Gu is an elixir that is thought to have been "disappeared", even though the elders are capable of refining it. , But they didn't do it, and they didn't think it was worth it.

It was unusual that Meng Fan, a disciple of the King of Two Tribulations God, refined the Golden Crow Gu, which showed that he was indeed a pill refining wizard.

The Golden Crow Gu was taken away by an elder and sent to the Sixth Gate, where it was handed over to a superior elder for identification. After identification, ninety-nine percent of the Golden Crow Gu restored the Golden Crow Gu of the sorcerer era, so the sect immediately reprimanded Meng Fan , Should not refining this kind of dross pill, gave a verbal warning, and punished Meng Fan for refining the pill for a month as a great elder.

This is a good punishment, but it is a verbal punishment, which is just a warning. There is nothing substantive. The disciples and elders can see that the supreme elder of the nine-fold gate was quite surprised or even surprised by Meng Fan’s talent for alchemy. , A huge sect can develop to this day, of course, it needs the seniors to continue to support the younger generations, so the young disciples show any incredible talents will make people happy, but the sect does not want this kind of medicine to appear again, it should To give a warning, I am afraid that the young disciple will be proud of his talent because of his unusual talents, so I will give a blow.

Meng Fan also immediately expressed that he was curious about seeing it in books, so he tried to refine it.

Next, Meng Fan went to protect the formation of alchemy for the great elder. One month later, the great elder who was guarded by Meng Fan had a very high evaluation of Meng Fan and rewarded him with many jade stones.

Meng Fan has gradually revealed his edge in the sect, and his identity has become more real.

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