Supreme God King

Chapter 3429: Buy people's hearts

The duel between Meng Fan and Xu Gang was too fast, and it was completely pressured.

There were a lot of mysteries in this duel. On the one hand, it made many disciples see it inexplicably. On the other hand, it was passed on because they couldn't understand it. However, those who really understood the secrets were silent and thinking.

Immediately after Meng Fan's victory, many disciples, elders, and even some elders came to see Meng Fan. Meng Fan also held a banquet to celebrate. This was not in line with his character, but many people came to show their congratulations. It was because Meng Fan had been able to ascend to the sky and wanted to establish a relationship. It would be unreasonable for Meng Fan to refuse all of them. A banquet must be held.

But at the banquet, Meng Fan simply showed up, and the others were left to his disciples and Elder Chen Qin.

Compared with Meng Fan.

On the Cangqiong Peak where Xu Gang, who had just been defeated, was on, it was quite deserted.

Xu Gang's own character is like this, he doesn't like to interact with people. Now he fell out of the world rankings. Only two Six Tribulations disciples came to see him, chatted with him, and then left.

For three days after the defeat, Xu Gang sat on the Tiger Rock on Cangqiong Peak, looking into the distance, where the Qingyun Peak was located. At this moment, the clouds and the clouds were quite gorgeous, and people were visiting day and night.

A disciple who followed Xu Gang came closer and respectfully said: "Brother, it's time to rest."

"Ye Weiyang has saved enough face for me." Xu Gang suddenly said.

This disciple was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know how to respond.

Xu Gang continued: "After I came back, I checked some ancient books and quickly found the information of the ghost **** Rakshasa. The ghost **** Rakshasa was a very powerful ghost and **** in the early stage of Jiuzhongmen, possessing the strength of six creatures. At that time, Jiuzhong Only one of the six creatures in the gate is the suzerain, and the ghost **** Raksha is a great fighting force.

This time Ye Weiyang restored the ghost **** Rakshasa, burning 1.8 million middle-grade pill at once, pushing its power to the peak, and then the ghost **** Rakshasa obeyed Ye Weiyang's order and cursed me with his life. Power, even the Seven Dao beings have to be afraid, there is a possibility of being sealed, the Six Dao beings are simply unable to fight back, even if I have many methods, it is impossible to display it.

Do you understand? "

"Junior brother dull."

"Ye Weiyang can completely suppress the cultivation base, and fight me as the six creatures. He didn't make a move. He just summoned the ghost **** Rakshasa. It was also the ghost **** Rakshasa that was restored with a large amount of medicine. So it was not Ye that really defeated me. Wei Young, but the curse of ghosts and gods, just using this method, even if he uses the strength of the six creatures, he can completely defeat me.

But he did not do this. On the day before the fight against me, after breaking through the realm and the start of the martial arts, many elders did not show up, because there was no suspense in this battle. Seven Dao vs. Six Dao, the disparity was too big, I lost. Not ashamed, this is the face Ye Weiyang left me. "

The disciple did not speak either, just bowed his head and listened.

At this time, another disciple came: "Brother, Qingyunfeng Ye Chan is visiting."

Meng Fan has been in charge of Qingyun Peak for more than a thousand years. Over the past thousand years, he has also cultivated some disciples. Although these disciples are far inferior to those of Chen Qin and Senior Sister An, some of them can be obtained. Shot.

For example, Ye Chan was one of the disciples of Chen Qin's early years. This disciple had mediocre talents, great ethics, patience, low-key, and clean work. Chen Qin thought this disciple was good, and he entered the five-fold gate in Mengfan. After that, he began to manage many outside affairs in place of Chen Qin, and Chen Qin gave this Ye Chan to Meng Fan. It was also because Ye Chan's surname was Ye, he was a little close.

Ye Chan has also made some progress over the years. When he first followed Meng Fan, he was just a one-half **** king, and now he is a three-kilosis god. This is also because on Meng Fan’s Qingyun Peak, there is a constant supply of pill. As that sentence said, even if it is a pig, eat all kinds of good medicine every day, you must become a **** king.

Ye Chan represented Meng Fan and sent a gift to Xu Gang.

Three boxes.

After opening them all, Xu Gang was also taken aback.

They are three superb elixirs.

One is the first-class exquisite product, the second-class exquisite product, and the third-class exquisite product.

First-class exquisite products, not to mention it, this level of pill is quite common in the six-fold gate, and all the disciples in the six-fold gate, the Supreme Elder, can receive five hundred pills each year.

However, there are fewer second-class pills, and the disciples and elders of the six-fold gate are not eligible to receive them.

A third-class pill, one, according to the current price of Jiuzhongmen, is equivalent to 500 peculiar first-class pills!

The most important thing is that there is no market and cannot be bought.

"Senior Brother Xu, Senior Brother Ye said that these three pills were made by him according to ancient prescriptions. They can be swallowed slowly. Firstly, they can swallow the first-class Lingjin powder, which will soften the flesh, mediate the veins, and strengthen the sea of ​​God. The senior brother has increased the cultivation base of two thousand years of retreat, and can also lay the foundation, and then take the second-class Xiaojin Wuliang, which is the most supplementary for the masculine martial arts of Brother Xu, and finally choose the right time to swallow the third-class Xiaojin Wuliang, Xu The time it takes senior brother to enter the seven realms will be greatly shortened."

Xu Gang looked at the three boxes for a long time and said, "What does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Ye Chan said peacefully. "Senior Brother Ye said that he has given out countless elixirs along the way. As long as he feels it is possible, he will send them. Senior Brother Xu is a person whom Senior Brother Ye admires. He will see you again in the future. No matter what, I have to accept it. Brother Ye said, Brother Xu will never lose his heart. If he loses, he will turn his face."

"Presumptuous!" a disciple of the Four Tribulations God King who followed Xu Gang roared.

Xu Gang stretched out his hand to stop him, and took the three boxes: "Go back and tell your brother Ye, I will also visit in a few days."

"Senior Brother Ye guessed that Senior Brother Xu would say so. Senior Brother Ye would prepare wine and wait. He also said that Senior Brother Xu had high hopes from some elders, thinking that Brother Xu could rely on Senior Brother Xu to stop Senior Brother Ye from being on the top of the world, but Senior Brother Xu failed. Although Brother Xu has tried his best, those elders will still be disappointed with Brother Xu. Many things will not be easy to do in the future. Brother Xu hopes to be aloof and concentrate on his martial arts. Brother Ye also hopes that Brother Xu can always walk on his own. In martial arts, if possible, Senior Brother Ye will do his best to help Senior Brother Xu."

After Ye Chan finished speaking, he lowered his head and walked away backwards.

Xu Gang held three boxes and pondered for a long time.

"This Ye Weiyang... is really not easy, he defeated me, but he wants to buy my heart."

"Brother, these three pills are not simple. Ye Weiyang, although a little annoying, is really a magical pill."

"How can you say the three words Ye Weiyang? According to the rules of the sect, you have to call your senior brother."

The disciple was stunned, and quickly handed over: "Junior, I was wrong."

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