Supreme God King

Chapter 3437: Split fruit

The Nine-Layered Gate held a gathering of elders once in three thousand years. Almost all the God Kings of the Nine-Layered Gate with six kalpas and above were gathered in a huge circular conference hall. Many things in the past three thousand years were decided, and the next three thousand years Nine Times After the direction of the door, start to divide the fruit.

This split fruit is the change of power and position.

All Taishang elders with titles and real power have a term of up to four terms, one term is three thousand years.

And every gathering of elders of the Supreme Supreme Being means whether some elders with real power will abdicate and retreat, or continue to hold their positions, and it also means whether there are new elders holding the real power.

It seems that this is the battlefield where the major factions are fighting over and under, in fact, otherwise.

The title of real power of the nine-fold gate can only be taken by the eight-fold **** king. Few seven-fold **** king can become a titled real power elder, and there are not many eight-fold **** kings in the nine-fold gate. In fact, the alternation of power often It is difficult to make a big wave, because almost all the Eight Tribulations Supreme Elder decides or fights secretly, and the struggle between the Eight Tribulations Supreme Elder is usually difficult for the five major factions to participate in.

What the five major factions can do is to support a certain elder and make friends with a certain elder. Then after the elder takes power, the faction will get many benefits or conveniences.

Therefore, in fact, the real splitting of fruits does not refer to the alternation of power, but the division of other positions after the alternation of power.

The division of other positions is the reward given by the newly appointed real power elders.

For example, North Desert Supervision, Xiliang Changlang Town Fushi, and the three town commanders are absolutely fatal.

The North Desert has the largest natural spar pit in Jiuzhongmen. The Xiliang Corridor is a channel connecting various forces in the Thousand-Star Universe. It is also a diplomatic center with developed trade. The commander of the three towns is the leader of the three war corps of the Jiuzhongmen. The war corps is composed of 50,000 **** kings, all of which are elders or super elders with very deep qualifications in the nine-fold door, and they also have their own territories.

In addition to these three fat errands, there are hundreds of positions, large and small.

This is to divide the fruit.

It is these positions that the five major factions are fighting for.

However, none of the Chen family was present at this rally.

Meng Fan was not present either.

He is still in retreat on Qingyun Peak.

After disturbing the situation and rescuing Chen Qin, Meng Fan still maintains a good relationship with Fang Haoyun, but he is obviously no longer interested in those vying for power. If you fight over and under, let others play. .

This 3,000-year meeting lasted for two months. Due to the special circumstances of the impending sovereign translocation, the fight was quite fierce, forming a huge vortex, except that the elder Danding and the penalty elder continued to hold power. Several other elders with real power have announced their retirement. The various positions below have changed several times, and what is even more frightening is that six elders have been convicted and imprisoned!

At the meeting, the fighting reached a fierce stage. Many elders tore their faces and began to attack each other. These characters are quite skilled. Everyone is grasping some other people's handles. Secret trading can also make many people a victim.

The six elders were convicted and imprisoned. This can be said to be the bloodiest gathering of elders in hundreds of thousands of years. If the elder Danding and the penalty elder had not started to mediate, there might be more evidence to be published. , That's not a good thing for Jiuzhongmen.

So in the end, the three Nine Tribulations Supreme Elders who almost never spoke at the assembly also came forward to calm the fight.

Meng Fan did not participate in these matters, but he knew everything well, so naturally someone would tell him about the rally.

He did not participate in this grand rally to fight for benefits. In fact, it was a tacit understanding between him and Fang Haoyun, because nowadays, the biggest fat difference between Jiuzhongmen is not North Desert, not Xiliang Corridor, not Three Towns, but Qinglong Mountains.

The Qinglong Mountain Range produces 80 million high-grade pill every year, most of which remain in the second-class grade, occupying about 60% of the seven-fold refining pill, more than twice as much as the Wanji Good Fortune Ding of the Great Elder Danding!

Although purely in terms of value, part of the pill that is refined by the Qinglong Mountain Range every year has to be turned over to the Zongmen, but this part is not much, 10 million, which has far exceeded the Zongmen's regulations.

The most important thing is that the Qinglong Mountains belong to Meng Fan himself. The North Desert is only the supervision, the three towns are only the commanders, and the Xiliang Corridor is only the townsman, and only replaces the sect management. No matter how high the income is, who dares to blatantly fill his pocket ?

Compared with the Qinglong Mountain Range, these fat differences are a bit inferior.

The Azure Dragon Mountain Range, which was run with the reputation of alchemy wizards, can now be said to be the richest place in the nine-fold gate.

A very simple account. The Qinglong Mountain Range refines 80 million pills each year, of which 10 million are turned over to the Zongmen, about 30 million pills are used and consumed by the disciples of the Qinglong Mountain Range, and there are 40 million pills left.

Among the remaining 40 million, about 20 million are used by Meng Fan to reward those excellent doormen, to give to the seven-fold and eight-fold elders, or to use them in the Qinglong Mountains every year. Construction and cost.

The remaining 20 million were at the disposal of Meng Fan himself, and most of them were given to the disciples and elders of the Chen family.

A Qinglong mountain range feeds 10,000 people. The more than 300 people of the Chen family connect at least ten Taishang elders and Fang Haoyun to support the most prosperous territory of Jiuzhongmen.

Under such circumstances, why did Meng Fan take over other duties? Once picked up, it is tantamount to being caught in a vortex of struggle, and many people have not forgotten about Chen Qin's conviction.

So in this rather "bloody" meeting, the Chen family once again chose Mingzhe to protect himself.

Thus, after the assembly, another three hundred years passed.

The fighting between several major factions has not stopped.

The number of elixirs refined in the Qinglong Mountain Range has increased to 90 million each year.

Ye Chan became the king of six tribulations, stepped into the six gates, and became a powerful disciple.

In addition to Ye Chan, in the past three hundred years, another disciple stepped into the Sixth Sect. His name was Luo Zhenxing, and he was also an alchemy genius from the Qinglong Mountain Range.

When Luo Zhenxing joined the construction of the Qinglong Mountain Range, he was still the God King of the Four Tribulations. He enjoyed the various benefits of the Qinglong Mountain Range from beginning to end. In the tenth year after the completion of the Qinglong Mountain Range, he entered the Five Tribulations and brought Meng Fan. Regarded as a "mentor", he is also a highly prestigious figure among the followers of the Qinglong Mountains.

Therefore, Luo Zhenxing is referred to by many people as the "Qinglong Faction" and is also regarded as a person of the Chen family. Luo Zhenxing is unconvinced about the word Chen, but he readily admits to the Qinglong Faction.

At this time, the Chen family already had one disciple of the Seven Tribulations God King, three of the Six Tribulations God King’s disciples, and one Six Tribulations Supreme Elder. The core members of the faction reached six hundred in three hundred years, most of them were The disciples and elders of the Four Tribulations and Five Tribulations, as well as more than 10,000 clerks in the Qinglong Mountain Range, are also regarded as the "reserves" of the Chen family.

No matter how fierce the fighting in the sect, no matter how many ups and downs the Chen family has experienced, two thousand years have passed, the Chen family has indeed grown stronger and cannot be ignored.

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