Supreme God King

Chapter 3457: Enfeoffment gods

Fang Haoyun broke through nine calamities in the 1733th year after his retreat.

The position of the lord has been determined.

Fang Haoyun was immediately summoned to enter the deepest part of the nine-fold gate after leaving the gate. No one knows what he experienced, but it can be guessed that he met the Sect Master and the three great elders of the Three Nine Tribulations, and stayed at the nine-fold gate for four months.

As an ancient traditional giant, the nine-fold gate has many rules but also many problems. The biggest problem is that the first few generations of suzerain took a lot of setbacks to maintain their status and power to determine that the Supreme Elder had no power. The iron rule of inheriting the position of suzerain, so that although there have been open and secret struggles in the transfer of suzerains in the past, the **** battle that occurred in the beginning of the suzerain's usurpation of power has never appeared again, making each transfer of suzerain peaceful, and we must follow the rules. The authority of the suzerain is also very good.

But this also led to a problem, that is, from the direct promotion of the disciple to becoming the suzerain, the span is too long. Although the disciples who can become the suzerain are not mortals, such as Fang Haoyun, his wrists and temperament are indeed very outstanding, and he has done a lot in secret. However, after all, he has never served as the Supreme Elder, and has not directly participated in various decision-making affairs of the sect.

Therefore, Fang Haoyun needs to do a lot of "homework" before becoming the suzerain.

What he did, and what the Zongmen did for him, is unknown. Everyone only knows that Fang Haoyun lived in seclusion at the ninth gate for four months. After he came out, he began to serve as the first deputy in the ruling hall.

Fang Haoyun served as the first deputy in the ruling hall for fifteen years. During this period, he had several interviews with Meng Fan. The content of the two people’s conversations was not just about mystery, nor did they try to test each other. Once they were both smart people, there was no need to do it again. These intrigues, two people know each other well, and three, the overall situation has been settled. Fang Haoyun has secured the position of suzerain, but he has to make a lot of preparations and learn many things before taking over, and Meng Fan has determined that it is For the future elder Danding, the two can be considered hand in hand all the way. The violent storms have passed, and they will welcome and lead a bright and simple new era.

After serving as the first deputy in the ruling hall for fifteen years, Fang Haoyun entered the penalty hall and became a judge. This term was also fifteen years.

After leaving the penalty hall, Fang Haoyun entered the Danding hall as the deputy of the head of a partial hall. However, his term of office was short, only three years. During this period, he and Meng Fan were company almost day and night, often walking in the middle of the night. Talking on the corridor of Danding Hall.

Fang Haoyun has indeed become calm and calm now. Every time he talks with Meng Fan, he talks about matters in the sect and Meng Fan's views on the future sect. Fang Haoyun has reached the highest position in the Thousand-Star Universe. He has nothing else to ask for. What he really wants to do is to become a "Generation Master" and "Legendary Leader", to display his talents.

After leaving the Danding Hall, Fang Haoyun entered the Diplomatic Hall as a diplomat, and visited thousands of forces in the Thousand Star Universe. This process took eight years.

After that, he was the martial arts hall for six years, serving as the president of the Xiliang Long Corridor, followed by the compilation of books on the classic hall for five years, and the captain of the eight-fold gate surveillance guard for six months.

It can be said that Fang Haoyun spent decades to understand all kinds of affairs in the sect.

The nine-fold gate has a complete system, and Fang Haoyun doesn't need to be proficient in all affairs, after all, there are all powerful elders in charge.

After completing this series of appointments, Fang Haoyun left the world ranking list, just like when Meng Fan became the Taishang elder, everyone on the world ranking list was ranked first, and then he became the deputy suzerain.

In fact, the nine-fold gate does not have the position of deputy suzerain. This position is always vacant, and it will only appear for a while when the suzerain alternates.

Fang Haoyun served as the deputy suzerain and began to take charge of various affairs in the sect, but he was gentle and did not rush to change anything.

After serving as the deputy suzerain for four hundred and twenty years, the old suzerain quietly left and headed to the world of meaning. This incident did not tell anyone, it was like a breeze.

After the old suzerain left, Fang Haoyun continued to serve as the deputy suzerain for three years. Three years later, the suzerain took over, and a grand ceremony was held at the Jiuzhongmen. Fang Haoyun officially became the new generation of the Jiuzhongmen.

In the two years after Fang Haoyun officially became the sovereign, the old powerful elders or their deputies resigned one after another and gave their positions to young people.

This is a routine of nine-fold doors.

There are indeed many problems with the nine-fold gate that can only be replaced by disciples, but there is also an advantage. It is changing with each passing day. Every time the nine-fold gate changes, it means that the nine-fold gate has ushered in a new era under the rule of young people, which will break the traditional imprisonment. The veteran **** kings and elders retreated behind the scenes to control the development direction of the sect.

Fang Haoyun is still young. He is only ten million years old. At least he can sit for tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years. This means that all kinds of struggles for power are over, and the powerful disciples on the world list , Have also applied to become Taishang elders.

After that, it was "Faith the Gods".

Fang Haoyun began to award rewards to the various meritorious people who helped him ascend to the supreme lord. Almost all Fang and Fang's allies received a large number of medicines, treasures, and even Taoism, and the area of ​​the territory has been expanded. In addition, those core figures have also been arranged in various important positions.

In the late spring of the second year when Fang Haoyun officially became the sovereign, the Great Elder Danding abdicated, and Meng Fan took over and became the powerful elder of the sovereign.

In the third year, under the lobbying of Meng Fan and Fang Haoyun several times, Li Qingyun left the customs and became the Supreme Elder, and took over the position of the Penal Elder.

In the sixth year, An Xiaokang entered the ruling hall and became a deputy of the ruling hall.

In the fifty years since Fang Haoyun became the sect master, he began to make drastic reforms. The first thing was to remove the status of one of his sect masters and pass the position of one of the sect masters to one of his disciples. One gate became another subsidiary force of Nine-fold gate.

After that, he showed his absolute trust in Meng Fan and directly divided Bei Mo into the hands of Danding Hall!

This enabled the Danding Hall to grasp more than 80% of the financial lifeline of the Nine-Layer Gate, especially one of the most important territories that controlled the Nine-layer Gate. The Danding Hall was stronger than at any time in the past, and became the most important in the Zongmen Powerful hall.

And Meng Fan also paid back.

Under his governance, the Danding Hall opened thousands of alchemy mountains inside and outside the Zongmen. On the one hand, it refines pills, and on the other hand, it selects and teaches the disciples who are talented in alchemy. The Danding Hall controls the northern desert. In the 30th year, the fiscal revenue of Jiuzhongmen increased by nearly 10%.

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