Supreme God King

Chapter 3466: Death of the Punisher

Although only Pei Chenglun's description was heard, Meng Fan could still vaguely feel the glory of the God King universe.

Pei Chenglun mentioned the 8,000 equator that runs through the universe of the God King, and the long corridor built on the basis of various laws, which connects the huge universe of the God King into a whole, in order to make the universe of the God King a better whole. During the period, I continued to study the laws of space, and then used the power of science and technology to merge the monks' knowledge, and finally created a "black hole".

Black hole is a term for scientific and technological research in the infinite field in the early years. It is a form of law that does exist but is unstable. In the first period, the use of space, light, darkness and other laws, combined with the scientific and technological power of the infinite field, finally Created the meaning of black holes, and successively built hundreds of black holes in the core world and the fringe world of the God King universe.

The meaning of black hole is to upgrade the law of space, and also to penetrate the law of space, breaking the constraints of space.

At the end of the Seventh Epoch, as the world congresses sent six arks to explore the void, some powerful **** kings proposed that black holes could be used to narrow the distance of void and explore more distant worlds, but these are just theories, black holes. It can be established in the universe of the King of Gods, but it is too difficult to establish in the void, because there is no law as a basis.

In this way, in the ideological revolution and the longing for the exploration of nothingness, God King Universe entered the eighth era.

At this stage, the universe of God Kings still maintained super rapid development, and the fourth God King of the Ten Tribulations was born, inviting the Moon Palace Lord.

The Eighth Epoch was called the "Quiet Night" by Pei Chenglun and other **** kings who studied history. During this long ten million years, nothing major happened in the **** king universe, except that the boundary of the universe was slowly expanding, and some The prosperity of the New Territories and the invitation to the Moon Palace Lord to become the fourth King of Ten Tribulations, there seemed to be nothing else to say.

But any knowledgeable **** king knows that a lot of things happened in the Eighth Age, because after the thought revolution, the **** king universe could not be so peaceful. This kind of calm is too weird. It's just what happened. Most **** kings don't know it, they are all secrets kept by the World Congress.

It wasn't until the famous death of the discipliner occurred at the beginning of the Ninth Age that the kings knew that many things actually happened in the Eighth Age.

The Punisher incident occurred in the seventh year of the Ninth Age, which is just when the Ninth Age has just begun.

Before this incident, Liang Chen was already considering retiring.

By the beginning of the ninth century, Liang Chen had served as the future leader of the heavenly court and the leader of the world conferences for 15 million years. This term is quite long. He is not the most one, let alone the pioneer of the new century. After Zhiwei retires, it means that the pioneer era is over. Liang Chen is too late in his seniority, and he does not need to stay in the position of leader of the universe for too long like Zhiwei. The main reason is prestige. not enough.

And Liang Chen, who has been a leader for more than ten million years, is no longer a high-spirited young man. According to many conventions in the future, he should abdicate. Even in the last few years of the Eighth Age, Liang Chen has already begun. Choosing and training heirs, after listening to the opinions of many ancient legends, he has selected two young men and a young woman to train.

Until once again, the punisher incident that shocked the World Congress and God King Universe broke out.

The appearance of the discipliner was very abrupt, and indeed caused a lot of waves.

At first, the punisher appeared in the border zone of the King of Gods universe. Because he did not have a certain identity, he was obstructed a lot, and the punisher directly attacked and killed thirty-seven of the border in two months. Lord God King, this matter soon spread to the world conferences, which aroused anger, and the world conferences immediately began to investigate and pursue this person.

When the discipliner went all the way to the edge of the core world, the world conventions finally knew his identity.

He comes from other worlds!

In an instant, the authenticity of the scroll left by Meng Fan was confirmed. This self-proclaimed disciplinary man, possessing a completely different martial art and powerful strength, was a Taoist master.

Ten Tribulation God King.

It was not an accident that he came to God King Universe, but an order from the meaning world.

Extinction Act.

Meng Fan solemnly thought.

Pei Chenglun continued to talk.

This Taoist master has been reaching the edge of the core world, he is very arrogant, and has been looking for the core of the heavenly Tao, to destroy the God King universe, but what happened immediately after the Taoist master unexpectedly.

He was blocked in Momoyama.

Many later pieces of information can prove that Dao Master thought that it was a backward universe before he first stepped into the God King universe until he reached the core world of Momoyama. Although there were a lot of God Kings, he did not expect to appear. A **** king of ten calamities.

It is the arrogance that stands in the way of Taoist master.

This discipliner and Lonely Proud had been entangled in Taoshan for two days, and the two were irrelevant, but Taoist should have the upper hand at some point, and the entire Taoshan was destroyed by nearly a quarter.

Then, another ancient legend arrived.

Kylin Ruihuang.

Under the siege of the two Kings of Ten Tribulations, the disciplinary man immediately began to be at a disadvantage and chose to escape, but he just ran out of Taoshan when he was blocked by another person.

This is an unexpected person.

A person who has long since disappeared and hardly anyone mentioned.

It's not the One, it's not an invitation to the Moon Palace Master.

It was not until this person appeared that the many powerful people in the God King Universe knew that there were more than four God Kings in the Ten Tribulations.

Human Emperor, Central Emperor.

This Taoist master almost collapsed after encountering the third king of the Ten Tribulations. He used all his strength to repel the Central Emperor to seek a bit of life for himself, but the result was disappointing. He was used by the Central Emperor. One breath hits the ground.

At this time, the Lord of the Moon Palace and Zhiweiyi arrived at the same time.

The disciplinary man was caught in the conventions of the world, why he came, why he wanted to implement the extermination bill, and many other things, nobody knew, and the bigwigs of the conventions had not announced it. This became a secret.

However, Liang Chen, who was going to retire, chose to continue to be the leader of the heavenly court in this moment of crisis because of the occurrence of this kind of thing, and the God King Universe needs to be stable.

At this point, Pei Chenglun appeared.

Pei Chenglun was born a few million years after the punisher incident broke out. He did study history when he was young, and later entered the future heaven to study. He showed great talent and began to hold some important positions in the ninth century. Until the 8.7 million year of the Ninth Age, he was transferred to the world conventions, a rather secret organization.

Anti-sense World Legion.

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