Supreme God King

Chapter 3495: Barbarians


Yin Gu gently rubbed his chin, opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth: "I have lived for so many years and have seen too much history. I am tired of seeing it."

The black-robed man said: "But this history is different. Master Yin Gu, you have read through the books and mastered the highest philosophy. You should know that no matter how much blood and blood has gone through the world of meaning, how many epics have occurred under the rule of the world of meaning and the nine universes. Tragedy, in fact, there are only three things, which are truly major events and truly changed history.

The first is the war of the nine supreme universes.

The second is to discover the road to immortality.

The third is the current heterogeneous crisis. "

Yin Gu narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Then slowly said: "Before we stepped out of our own domain, the sixty-six vassal universes developed independently and knew nothing about the outside world. Some of them had developed considerable civilizations and possessed eight realms and nine realms. , And some are still very weak, hovering in the early days of civilization.

They do not know the existence of the meaning world, nor the wars of the nine supreme universes.

Although these things happened under their noses.

Then we came.

We see.

We conquer.

Among them, there was resistance and struggle, but in the end it proved to be futile.

Their existence itself is meaningless, just nothingness.

Why do we build sixty-six vassal universes?

Not because they are important.

It is because of the power of the world of meaning and the prosperity of the nine supreme universes that the cost of our rule has become higher and higher.

We need to pass on these ruling costs and can only find a weak universe and colonize it.

This is the reason why the 66 vassal universe was established.

Shouyuan, except us, the thousands of worlds hidden in nothingness are barbarians. They either surrender or are destroyed.

Do you think this is the third major event that can affect the course of history?

No matter how vigilant the world is about this crisis, in my opinion, like many incidents of thunder and rain in the past years, it is not a major event.

Many years later, when this crisis passes, we will forget it. "

The black-robed man who is called Shou Yuan said: "My lord, the world is fusing, our existence is no longer a secret, our philosophy is no longer metaphysics, the thousands of worlds hidden in nothingness are because of what we do. Awakening, they are erupting at an unprecedented speed. Initially, we sent regulators to block the civilizations of those worlds, but today, they have become mentors of those worlds. In the emptiness, what is hidden is not only thousands of worlds, but also There are countless possibilities. The war not long ago has shaken the world of meaning. Many Taoists have become vigilant and hope to know where these constantly arriving aliens come from. Perhaps, as you said, this is not A major event that can change history, but it has been a major event until this issue is resolved."

Yin Gu squinted his eyes: "So you are here to inquire."

Shou Yuan handed over: "Don't dare. But this battle has suffered heavy losses. It is also the first time in history that a different kind of army has appeared, a legion of such a large scale. At the end of the battle, there are many fled and the only one caught. It's just some exquisite puppets. We don't need these abandoned puppets. Although their technology is superb, they are useless to us. What we need is the answer, and we need to know where they come from."

Yin Gu: "The main force of this war is the defensive pursuit team of the three major universes. Their disintegration is the reason for the tragic victory. The lords of the world are sitting on the temple and stretch their hands too long. Naturally, I am unable to manage these creatures. Is the responsibility of this war in me?"

Shou Yuan: "It doesn't matter who you are in, and the world of meaning does not intend to pursue it. It just needs an answer, and the adult sits on the throne of the three universes and has to give an answer."

Yin Gu stood up.

The tall body looked like a baby in a black robe.

The black-robed man frowned, obviously a little uncomfortable, but he still stood there with his hands folded and did not step back.

"Who is it?" Yin Gu asked.

The black robe man raised his head and looked at Yin Gu.

Yin Gu continued: "Who is it, want me to give an answer."

Shou Yuandao: "meaning the world."

Yin Gu said coldly: "I want a specific name."

Shou Yuan: "I just acted on orders. After all, I'm just a little apostle."

Yin Gu stepped off his chair.

Come to the front of Shouyuan.

Suyuan's fingers trembled uncontrollably.

A **** king of ten calamities, facing Yin Gu, he was uncomfortable, and he felt that I was a fish with a sword. It seemed that if Yin Gu was willing, he could easily take his life.

"You came from Liuli Universe, right?" Yin Gu asked.

The head of the recipient: "The villain belongs to the Qing clan. He was born in a branch of the good mountain Qing clan in the Liuli Universe. When he was young, he was appreciated by an adult and entered the Institute of Meaning. Only after the Institute of Meaning can I step into the world of meaning and see the highest philosophy."

Yin Gu: "That's why the world of meaning sends you to me for answers. After all, there is a level of closeness."

With that, he turned back to his chair.

"Go back and tell the meaning world, I will give them an answer. The black hole carrying the alien army has not been completely destroyed. I am sending someone to rebuild it."

Shou Yuan raised his head in surprise.

Yin Gu said: "I will send someone into the black hole, go to the other end, and find you an answer."

Yuan succumbed to the hand and retreated.

Yin Gu's chair turned, allowing him to look beyond this world.

That is endless nothingness.

But in the endless nothingness, some light spots can be vaguely seen.

Yin Gu's eyes reached these points of light.

That is a great world.

Many gods are walking among them.

Among these hundreds of great worlds, a huge, incomplete black hole is being repaired.

At this time, an attendant walked in.

"grown ups."

Yin Gu said: "Nothing in this world will disappear out of thin air."

Attendant: "Yes, my lord."

"But over the years, there have been many different kinds of things that disappeared under my nose. I have calculated for many years. Do you know what happened to me?"

"The villain dare not speculate about the adults."

"I have calculated that there are many anomalous numbers, not one, not two, but many, in the Liuli Universe, in the Living Universe, and in the Thousand-Star Universe.

If the meaning world wants an answer, I have to give an answer, and give an answer, whether it’s a defensive pursuit team, or something else. The three big universes must be managed by me, and there will be no other things in the meaning world. statement.

How long has the meaning school been closed? "

"It's 90 million years."



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