Supreme God King

Chapter 3501: First meeting

Meng Fan stared at this infinite creature, and looked carefully.

According to the Daoshu Jufan and the Central Emperor, the creatures that calculate the universe are not actually powerful.

They rely on the power of scientific and technological calculations to continuously modify themselves, and even achieve a certain sense of "immortality."

For example, there is a very common "ice seal" method in the calculation of the universe. Some creatures are completely frozen, and their vitality will not pass away, or they will pass very slowly. However, this creature is also hibernating, unable to think, and it is also effective to the outside world. Nothing happens.

In addition, there are also some infinite creatures who have been nurtured into warriors. They have also been transformed to be quite suitable for combat. Generally, members of the expedition fleet are composed of such warriors.

However, no matter how it is modified, the calculus universe belongs to "technological civilization", which is completely different from the martial arts civilization of the **** king universe, and the rule civilization is completely different. In addition, the core concept of calculus universe is that life is not important. They are only the carrier of knowledge, so for death Nor does it have a strong sense of fear, and does not pursue its own strength. The combination of these factors makes the creatures who calculate the universe, compared with other cosmic civilizations, are too weak.

By reading the various knowledge of Daoshu Jufan, Meng Fan knows that the lifespan of the creatures of the calculus universe is only a few hundred years, and the lifespan of those warriors who have been transformed may reach a thousand years, but compared with the gods, it is still too much. Short, like a white horse passing a gap.

In addition, even if the most powerful warrior in the calculus universe has the ability to perceive the laws, its strength is equivalent to the God King of One Tribulation, or God King of Two Tribulations.

But now, there is a real God King of the Eight Tribulations standing in front of Meng Fan. This completely subverts Meng Fan’s cognition from Daoshu Jufan. Is it true that the universe is really in this billion years Here, has such an amazing explosive progress happened?

Meng Fan stared at this creature, his eyes gradually turned pure white.

The eye of creation.

The eye of creation is not uncommon in the Thousand-Star Universe. Many powerful **** kings have fully understood the laws of heaven and earth and have evolved their eyes into the eye of creation, but they are far inferior to Meng Fan.

Because none of them is the "Master of the Way of Heaven," and none of them truly masters the laws of all things in a universe.

When the central emperor saw Meng Fan's pale eyes, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to recall many things.

After a while, Meng Fan's eyes became clear again, and he looked at the central emperor: "All are the shadows of humanitarian martial arts."

The central emperor nodded his head: "I was surprised by how powerful they are in calculus, because to show my sincerity, I taught them all kinds of humanitarian martial arts, and they spent fifteen months on these. The martial arts and knowledge were analyzed and deduced, and the virtuous Dao was deduced into simple and clear techniques. Then, like an experiment, they selected a deputy captain who met the standards in various calculations and gathered eight ships. All the power of the Ark allowed him to step into the martial arts. After he truly entered the martial arts, I also taught him the mysteries of various martial arts one-on-one. After only a few hundred years, he reached this state."

Meng Fan said: "But he is still incomplete. He is too chasing for realm, on the contrary, he has lost the foundation of the soul. His life is very short, and it is impossible to continue to break through."

"Yes." Infinite creatures said to Meng Fan: "My name is Gouyuan, the creation emperor. You once existed in the words of the central emperor. It seems like a legend. We have done many deductions on the authenticity of your existence. To you, I also feel a little excited."

As Gouyuan spoke, his speech was peaceful.

Meng Fan smiled and said: "I am not excited to feel what you are."

"Please don't be surprised. As early as my childhood, I was stripped of emotions. This is a process that we, the infinite creatures you call, must go through. Only by discarding the sensibility can we think rationally."

Gouyuan looked at Daoshu Jufan again: "You are the Hundred Valley Expedition Battleship, the most powerful industrial creation in the universe calculated 400 million years ago. We thought your fleet had been swallowed by nothingness."

"I'm still here." Daoshu Jufan said: "And I learned a lot."

"I can feel it." Gou Yuan raised his head slightly: "You and I are both a combination of the God King universe and the knowledge and power of the calculus universe. Our existence is of great significance, and it is also an important step for the calculus universe to move towards endless nothingness. , But you are more important than me. My life is almost at an end. After deduction, only 445 years are left, but you are perfect."

"Because I am not a creature, I have no lifespan." Daoshu Jufan replied.

Gou Yuan points the first: "After I die, you must strip out my memory and knowledge and store it in your body. One day, you will return to the calculation universe and you need to pass this knowledge back.

Daoshu Jufan: "From the beginning of the journey with Meng Fan, I am no longer a member of the calculation universe. My mission has been completed and I have no obligation. But out of respect for my hometown, I will Do, please rest assured."

"Okay. I will continue to learn the knowledge of this new world in three hundred years. After three hundred years, before I get old, I will pull out all my memories."


The Central Emperor and Meng Fan silently watched the dialogue between Gou Yuan and Daoshu Jufan. This dialogue was indeed very meaningful.

At this time, Gou Yuan looked at Meng Fan: "Our expedition fleet has a total of eight arks. One ark goes to the King’s universe to study, one returns to the hometown with the knowledge of the central emperor, and six arks arrive at this meaning. Although the edge of the world has been destroyed and the entire army has been wiped out, it is worth it. We have gained so much from this journey. The desire for all kinds of knowledge will surely promote the calculation of the universe to leap again. However, the Creator, I Do not agree with your point of view, the knowledge and culture of the central emperor is indeed stormy for us, enough to subvert all our cognition. This is the first time we have come into contact with other cosmic civilizations in the true sense. His civilization is full of confidence and will not easily take another path, nor will it become a second infinite realm.

Meng Fan smiled: "I have heard a lot of stories about calculus universe from Daoshu Jufan. I know that you have a very powerful error correction ability. Long before the powerful Dao tools like the King of Light Brain appeared, You are aware of the crisis, so in the calculation of the universe, it is the creatures and Dao implements that are really in charge of the universe. I believe in your abilities."

Gou Yuan bowed his head slightly as a tribute to Meng Fan: "The representatives of our two universes met in another universe. This is an epoch-making moment. After many years, the people of the universe will commemorate this moment. At a moment, we met the God King Universe, and the two powerhouses who deduced'Tao' and civilization to the extreme, also stepped into the territory of the world of meaning for the first time, and approached the legendary immortality."

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