Supreme God King

Chapter 3517: Tai Yi

Gou Yuan raised doubts: "According to our deduction, the Great Emperor could not be the only strong man who represented the entire universe by himself. This is unreasonable."

The Central Emperor smiled and looked at Gou Yuan: "Talk about it."

Since he met the fleet of Calculus Universe, they have never stopped discussing between them, and the Central Emperor also likes this kind of discussion. He not only imparted various knowledge, martial arts, and civilization to Calculus Universe. In fact, in the Central Emperor’s In his eyes, the calculus universe is a mirror. It is the Central Emperor who is looking at himself, and the calculus universe has the unparalleled powerful deduction ability, can deduced all the "dao", "culture" and "civilization" of the Central Emperor into concrete techniques. This is also a "perfect and flawless" mirror, which can clearly reflect all the thoughts of the Central Emperor from another angle.

"Large number probability." Gou Yuan said. "This is a very old theory of calculating the universe. We all agree that the universe hidden in nothingness should be several times, or even dozens of times, more than the universe we know. In front of such a huge base, if we say The King of Creation was the only one who could represent the entire universe by himself, and it was too hard to be convinced.

In addition, the immortal road discovered that a large number of Taoists were exiled. These Taoists are absolute peaks in the universe under their supervision. In some universes under the supervision of Taoists, civilization is restrained, and perhaps even the gods are kings. It does not exist. In this universe, a Taoist master of the ten-kilosis realm has the ability to create all civilizations, history, and orthodoxy, and they can also become existences similar to the creation of the great emperor. "

The Central Emperor smiled.

Gouyuan frowned: "What I said was wrong?"

"Of course not." Central Emperor said with a smile. "Do you know why heaven can't represent a universe?"

Gou Yuan shook his head: "I don't understand."

The Central Emperor: "Because a universe is composed of two parts, the law and the sentient beings, the heaven is the highest point of the law and governs all the laws. These laws constitute the sky, the earth, the lakes, the mountains, the rivers, the sea of ​​stars, etc. All things and all rules, and beings live between these rules, grow between these rules, or break away from them.

No creature is willing to be chained.

Therefore, Tiandao always stands on the opposite side of all living beings. He is the ruler and the slave owner.

So, if a Taoist master has been constraining the development of a cosmic civilization, and all civilizations in this universe are weak and not as good as ants in front of the Taoist master, then when the Taoist master truly takes over the universe, he controls After the heavenly laws of this universe, the law of everything, then what has he become? "

Gou Yuan pondered for a moment: "He has become a heaven."

The central emperor chuckled: "Yes, he has become the Dao of Heaven. He will continue to stand on the opposite side of all beings. A powerful and proud Dao Master cannot accept the equal power of all beings. Even if he can accept it, he is also an outsider. It was the swallowing heaven that became the supreme master, not the beings of this universe, he will never be able to represent the beings of this universe."

Gou Yuan asked: "Then what if, after the Taoist master taught all beings, he passed on all his knowledge to a certain creature and cultivated him into a new master?"

"Then this new master, his authority is not given by sentient beings, not given by heaven, not by himself, but given by outsiders. He still stands on the opposite side of sentient beings, even worse, standing on the opposite side of heaven. , Rejected."

Gou Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought.

The central emperor continued: "In addition, there must be a condition, that is, there must be only one person, to become the supreme leader of a universe, and to concentrate all the vitality on oneself. This is also very difficult. The development of civilization is uniform and regular, just like the God King Universe, the end of the era of the era, the beginning of the era of the great road, when humanity appears, waste road, future heaven, demon, demon, Buddhism, dragon, god, etc. Great roads have also appeared one after another, and when there is a Nine Tribulations God King, those with a lower realm will have guides. They know how to take a step forward, so more Nine Tribulations God Kings will appear.

All beings are learning from each other and inspiring each other. Just as the humane system has inspired thousands of races in the world, thousands of races have followed suit, prompting the awakening of all races in the future; the future of heaven will create the purest concept of freedom, and the first iron law will rewrite the history of power respect; The magic way is born out of many right ways, there is yang, there is yin, etc. This kind of development is balanced. "

Gou Yuan said: "Just like the first genius of the God King Universe, Hundred Step Immortal, after seeing the Great Primordial Chaos break through to the Nine Tribulations, he instantly understood the profound meaning of it and stepped directly into the Nine Tribulations?"

"Yes, this is also a kind of mutual inspiration. So under this kind of inspiration, either all beings are immersed in the darkness, or a light is lit, and then a single spark will start a prairie fire. In a big situation, in fact, Meng Fan’s rise all the way is not the only one. You know this history well. You know that Meng Fan’s rise is full of great accidents besides himself. His rise has been bumpy all the way. He didn't really embark on the road of invincibility until he stepped out of the sky and controlled the cause and effect, but at that time, he was not far from the highest heaven.

After he finally swallowed the way of heaven, he completed the final awakening. He understood the meaning of his existence. The successor I designated for the ancestor of humanity survived by virtue of humanity; Mofeng was born by virtue of the power of magic; champion Hou condensed the way of killing into a **** of killing, as well as Qin Taichuan, giant elephant tribe, dragon tribe, etc., but Meng Fan was not, Meng Fan was born according to the luck of sentient beings.

The sentient beings have fought against the way of heaven for tens of billions of years. From the era of the Great Beginning of Hongmeng, sentient beings began to fight the chaotic law.

Why does Meng Fan appear?

It is because the war has reached the final juncture, and Meng Fan has become the end of the condensed formation of all beings.

He is the spokesperson of all beings in the universe, representing all beings, and overthrowing the way of heaven.

But at the same time, he is also a god.

Finally swallowing the Heavenly Dao, Meng Fan completed the final fusion of the God King universe. The water and milk blended together. The sentient beings and the law of all things finally merged into one, instead of opposing two sides, no longer enemies.

How many coincidences are there?

If the ancient gods did not create the instrument, or controlled the instrument, the heavenly way would not be born, then the **** king universe might even develop into the way you calculate the universe, and your calculation universe would have no heavenly way.

Then there is nothing to talk about.

What if Bai Buxian didn't use his life to seal the Emperor of Heaven?

What if Chaos Emperor never appeared?

What if Meng Fan was eternally lost under the sky?

What if the Heavenly Court is not successfully established in the future and loses to Zhang Biyan'er?

Everything is unknown.

Under these coincidences, it also seems to be the inevitable result of sentient beings' struggle against the heavens for tens of billions of years. The Divine King Universe turned into Meng Fan, Meng Fan, and the Divine King Universe.

He became the true One.

Too great, the only one. "

Gou Yuan let out a long breath.

Can see the shock and comfort in his heart.

"Taiyi theory. As long as this argument is perfected, it is enough to win the highest academic award." Gou Yuan said.

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