Supreme God King

Chapter 3521: Perceptual

The law of darkness.

A very familiar vocabulary.

In the quiet meeting place, Tutu continued: "The word Law of Darkness has disappeared in our hometown for many years. You may have forgotten it. Just listen to me. In a dark forest, a person walks alone. So, he hoped to find a companion, so he shouted, he didn't know what was in this dark forest, but he was optimistic, he thought there would be his own kind in the dark forest, and they were kind-hearted kind.

Until one day, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

It wasn't that the dark forest was full of dangers, but he realized that as long as there was a one-tenth chance of what he called, he would die if it was a wolf, a bear, or a leopard.

Compared with death, the companions who may come in nine out of ten are not important.

So he put out the campfire and stopped shouting.

And he made a bow.

He decided that no matter what creature appeared in front of him, he would kill it, although this creature was only one-tenth possible and would harm him.

This shows that he is wise.

And in the forest, there are many people who think like this, as long as they encounter any creatures, they will be killed.

The law of the dark forest is thus established. "

Congressman Roland said: "The age of civilization and frailty."

"Right." Tutu messenger smiled. "When I started to study the culture of the King Universe, I discovered that the civilizations of our two universes took two completely different paths very early. To be precise, it was in the primordial era of the King Universe. After the ancient protoss among them created the way of heaven, our civilization is completely different. So I always wanted to find the similarities between our two universes, and apart from that infinite realm, I discovered that the law of the dark forest In the past tens of billions of years of history, it has always existed in every corner of the God King universe.

It wasn't until 130 million years ago that a power called a giant appeared in the King of Gods universe. It was a huge power built by the dragon family, the ancient elephant family, and many wild beasts. This power took a short time to annex. There are more than a dozen "dimensional worlds" in the concept of God King Universe, this force is named Longxianggu, and the current wasteland is the heritage of Longxianggu.

I believe that Longxianggu is the end of the era of the "Dark Forest Law" of the God King Universe.

Before Dragon Elephant Valley, the core area of ​​the God King universe was still shrouded by the laws of the dark forest. The communication between various dimensions was very inconvenient. Many civilizations had no connection with each other, and they did not even know the existence of each other until The appearance of the Dragon Elephant Valley broke the darkness, but ironically, the appearance of the Dragon Elephant Valley was also the last "Dark Forest Law Strike". The Dragon Elephant Valley is like a strong and ferocious monster walking in the dark forest. Destroyed many civilizations, worlds, and empires.

But the world is connected together.

After the collapse of the Dragon Elephant Valley, the worlds learned of the existence of other worlds, various civilizations were established, various supreme celestial dynasties jumped onto the stage, and many races and avenues began to take shape.

The era of the Dark Forest Law is over, although afterwards, in some backward worlds in the God King Universe, the Dark Forest Law still exists. Once a backward civilization encounters an advanced civilization, it will be extinct, just like a weak child in the dark forest encountering a tiger, it will inevitably be eaten.

However, as Mr. Rowland said, the law of the dark forest is a product of the age of civilization.

We calculate the universe, in the period of infancy, in the cataclysm, in the period of enlightenment, and in the renaissance period, it is deeply threatened by the law of the dark forest.

In fact, how many glorious and splendid civilizations were there in our world? But just because they were behind, they were extinct.

Remember the discovery of the New World back then?

The huge empire composed of millions of natives was overthrown by thirteen people who mastered the power of calculation.

When we become stronger, we forget the law of the dark forest.

When God King Universe entered the Dao era, they also completely forgot the law of the dark forest. "

The words of the messenger Tutu aroused the deep thinking of many infinite creatures present.

Congressman Roland narrowed his eyes: "Tutu messenger, what do you mean..."

The messenger Tutu said: "We have always lived in the dark forest law, but we didn't realize it."

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the venue.

Many infinite creatures gave up spiritual communication and started talking directly.

But soon, they quieted down spontaneously.

The messenger Tutu continued: "Just like in the past, we didn't know the existence of the world of meaning, and even before contacting the Central Emperor, we had never been in contact with any universe other than us.

We have given up war. We only pursue knowledge. We are curious about everything and want to learn everything we don’t know. So we communicated with the Central Emperor. This exchange is very exciting, and the Central Emperor does. He is one of the best cultural masters in the God King Universe, but have you ever thought that if the God King Universe is many times stronger than us and has taken three or more steps on the ladder of civilization, whether we have been extinct? Up? "

Tutu envoy looked around the venue.

"We have been in peace for many years, billions of years. We only pursue knowledge and forget about war. Based on rational and inertial thinking, we believe that if there are other universes, then other universes will have civilizations like us.

We have always lived in the law of the dark forest.

Fortunately, God King Universe is not hostile to us.

Even more fortunately, although the God King Universe is very powerful, individuals have powers that we can’t understand. One of them can change the world and fight against our fleet, but very fortunately, we also have power beyond them. Calculation ability, our technological power, the powerful war machines and war puppets we have created, our absolute sanity, and the way of communication that is not inferior to the torrent of souls. Fortunately, our strengths are almost equal. The gap is not big.

But now, there is an existence whose strength far exceeds ours.

This existence is called the world of meaning.

And this existence is full of hostility to our civilized civilization, and it is trying to find our place. "

The messenger Tutu smiled and stretched out a finger: "Dark Forest."

He was silent for a moment.

The many infinite creatures present were also silent for a moment.

They are all thinking, what is the core idea of ​​Tutu Messenger.

But the Tutu messenger did not make them think for too long.

He smiled and said: "So, you, there is nothing new in the sun. Billions of years ago, we also yelled, hoping to call our companions, and then suddenly realized that we have a one-tenth possibility. The enemy was summoned. Later, we became stronger. We thought that we were the king of beasts in the dark forest, and also the king of beasts with civilization, rationality, peace-loving and powerful strength. We continued to send fleets. Explore the void, explore the unknown, and suddenly, we discover that we are still the idiots shouting in the dark forest."

The venue was silent and terrible.

But the silence this time was not because many infinite creatures were communicating in spirit.

There is hardly any infinite beings communicating.

They were in shock and tried their best to restore calm.

No matter how sensible they are, they are proud of themselves.

They firmly believe that they have become very powerful, and their rationality, technology, and knowledge system have improved thousands of times.

But now they discovered that they were actually wrong.

The messenger Tutu continued with his iconic smile: "Mr. and madam, we still live in the dark forest, so let us put out the campfire and return to our corner, give up the pursuit of knowledge, and continue to be stubborn. ."

The messenger Tutu smiled and looked around: "If you are familiar with history, you should know that those civilizations that chose to live in the dark were eventually extinct because they chose to hide in the dark and not touch everything outside. Choosing to stay behind closed doors, they stopped making progress and stopped asking for knowledge, and a powerful civilization, one day, will still find them, but it's just a little late.

It is hard to stand at the top of the food chain, or to survive and become a mouse. Of course, it will live longer than other mice, but death is inevitable.

Mr. Zhiweiyi said that God King Universe will not hide and wait to die, even if you do this, you can live for a few more years.

But this is not the style of God King Universe.

Okay, my speech is over. Now, based on the process of the meeting, we need to vote again. Let's use the simplest method, raise our hands to vote, and then we can make a decision. "

Tutu messenger stepped off the podium.

Representative Roland looked a little dignified and stepped onto the podium.

"We make a decision. If we think we should leave, please raise your hand."

One breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

Three breaths passed.

No one in the venue raised their hands.

Representative Roland took a deep breath and looked back at the final performance.

He found that the final performance was still asleep.

So Senator Roland turned around and said: "Our decision is to fight side by side with God King Universe, even if what awaits us in the end is destruction."

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