Supreme God King

Chapter 3532: Sentimental

Four years and three months have passed since the Central Emperor received information.

On this day, Meng Fan received another oral message that a black hole had appeared.

It's in the void world at the edge of the Thousand Star Universe.

And it just appeared.

The central emperor has gone to the black hole.

Meng Fan quietly left the nine-fold gate and headed to the black hole.




Zhi Weiyi did not turn his head, but stood at the node of the black hole, looking at a gorgeous galaxy below.

The black hole is composed of many laws. The first black hole only used a few four laws. The second black hole used the powerful algorithm of calculus of the universe and was greatly modified and strengthened. The highest institution and the future heavenly Qi machine Shenfu has jointly perfected the law of black holes and used 35 laws to create black holes.

The third black hole is even more complete. The main body uses forty-five laws and borrows part of the power of hundreds of laws.

The structure of a black hole is very sophisticated and complex, especially the use of algorithms that calculate the universe beyond the ability of everyone to understand, it is even more refined to the extreme. All the laws in the black hole are completely isolated from the external laws, operate independently, and are completely different. Therefore, if you don’t understand the working rules of these laws and the algorithms for calculating the universe, you will only get lost when you enter a black hole, and will eventually drift in the endless and unbounded black hole.

Even if you know the mystery of all these, it is not very useful, because the algorithm for calculating the universe is too complicated, even if you understand the formula, if you don’t have the ultimate calculus of this level, you want to calculate it, It will also take many years, not to mention that the calculation universe adds multiple layers of insurance to these algorithms, such as variables. There are tens of millions of variables in this set of algorithms. As long as any one of the variables changes, the entire formula will be subverted. Therefore, it is useless to understand the formula and algorithm. You must also understand the laws of operation of those variables.

In addition to the insurance of variables, the calculus universe has added thousands of false formulas to the formulas, and these formulas have created thousands of false black holes that are true and illusory.

More importantly, black holes are "fragile".

Although God King Universe has an indomitable spirit, God King Universe is an extremely prosperous and prosperous world with 30 million God Kings. Such a powerful universe looks at endless emptiness. It is very possible that a second universe cannot be found, and of course there are countless preparations for doing things.

No matter how powerful the black hole law is, the King Universe must ensure that it is "fragile", so weak that it is at the source and can be easily destroyed.

This is decided by the World Congress. Once an overly powerful existence steps into the black hole and uses this path to go to the king universe, then the king universe will immediately destroy the black hole. Then the existence in the black hole will have only one result-lost.

They will be lost in the endless emptiness, and they will not know where they are, because God King Universe cannot make accurate judgments. When the black hole collapses, what will happen to the creatures in the black hole.

Of course, this destruction has a huge impact. First of all, the second place of nothingness that built the black hole will collapse because of the collapse of the black hole.

In the face of a black hole, any powerful creature, if blindly stepping into it, the result will not be good.

Just like the expedition army composed of ten thousand halberds and a hundred **** kings who stepped into the black hole many years ago, they were actually under the watchful eyes of the **** king universe since they stepped into the black hole.

If you want to walk in a black hole, in addition to understanding the core of the black hole law and the algorithm for calculating the universe, you also need to pay attention to the black hole nodes.

It is something that is most trampled on now, like a stone bridge.

A black hole is actually not a straight road. To be precise, a black hole is completely isolated from the outside world and its laws are independent. At the same time, the inside of a black hole is actually divided into countless worlds.

These worlds are huge, among the huge and medium, among the medium and small, among the small, there are even smaller worlds, even smaller than the dust.

Because of the complexity of black hole laws and the anomalies of time and space, countless strange worlds have been born here. In those worlds smaller than dust, there may be complete laws, and even living beings, civilizations, and strong people exist.

How many worlds there are in the black hole can't even be calculated in the final show. Because at the moment when the black hole begins to form, every moment, many worlds are born in the black hole. Perhaps the collision of two laws, fragments, and innumerable dust, each dust may form a new World, or form multiple worlds.

This is the most dangerous.

This is a variable that even the formula for calculating the universe cannot control.

So walking in a black hole, if you make a metaphor, is not walking on a avenue, but from one world to another, and keep moving forward until you reach your destination.

Those tiny and subtle worlds cannot be controlled. What the King Universe can control is huge worlds. These huge worlds were not born accidentally, but the result of the construction of the King Universe. Each huge world is independent, but each There are hundreds of black hole nodes in the world. These nodes are bridges. You can travel from one world to another, but you must find the right bridge. Otherwise, you will step into an unknown world.

This is a terrible maze.

And only when standing on these black hole bridges, can you occasionally see the scene outside the black hole.

But for a long time, there is nothing but nothingness.

For the first time, he saw a galaxy.

Outside, decades, a hundred years may have passed.

But in fact, Zhiweiyi has taken these dozen young **** kings and walked in the black hole for more than eight thousand years.

Finally, I saw something other than Galaxy.


There was another call.

Zhiwei turned his head and saw thirteen guards from all worlds of the God King universe.

Most of these young guards are only a few million years old, and the ascetic monk in the Buddhist world is only three hundred and fifty thousand years old, and he is a **** king of eight calamities.

They are really young.

Compared with the One who has lived for 100 million years, they are young like buds.

But their strength is very strong, they are the strong men that the world conferences strive to cultivate.

There are thirteen **** kings, there are seven nine tribulations, six eight tribulations, and the Taoist tools they wear are all medium-grade and high-grade ones.

I can't help but think that if this team were placed billions of years ago, the era of fusion of heaven and earth, it would be enough to change history.

They are too young.

They are witnesses of the heyday of the God King universe.

They are born to enjoy prosperity.

And this prosperity, the best one can say without humility, has his great credit.


I don’t understand why he suddenly becomes sentimental?

Why is his mind full of memories?

Is he old?

No, Zhi Weiyi thinks he is not old yet.

This is a...premonition.

A premonition derived from the Ten Tribulations God King who has fully understood the laws of heaven and earth.

Zhiweiyi is no longer sentimental, but serious.

A young **** king said again: "Senior, we are very close to our destination, and we expect to have another five days to travel."

To be one: "Prepare for war."

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