Supreme God King

Chapter 3537: Countless visions

"grown ups!"

Xuanyuan Aohan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the big picture of the meaningful world model, was awakened by a young **** king, and he couldn't help turning his head to look over, a little displeased.

The young **** king looked panicked: "My lord... Wang is looking for it."

Xuanyuan Aohan narrowed his eyes and stood up immediately.

He traversed two long corridors, seven halls, and a Xuefu Garden, and came to Taixue Lake.

Taixue Lake has a history of tens of millions of years and covers an area of ​​360,000 li. It looks like an ocean from close up. However, the water of Taixue Lake comes from tens of thousands of large and small springs at the bottom of the lake. The springs are all hundreds of meters below, the largest spring. However, it is four feet square, so Taixue Lake has always been calm. Unless there are people boating or it is raining, there will be no ripples on the lake.

There are 60,000 pure-color koi and 150,000 nine-color koi in Taixue Lake. There is no way to count the variegated koi. There are also hundreds of mixed-blood dragons and a dozen pure-blooded dragons living on the bottom of the lake. There are also many rare animals.

On weekdays, students from the highest institutions like to hang out in Taixue Lake, or talk about knowledge, or think, or look at the lake, or go boating and fishing, but today there is no one.

Moreover, on the Taixue Lake, ripples have been swaying continuously.

But the bottom of the lake is no different, there is no rain in the sky.

Xuanyuan Aohan frowned and looked at Jiulong Island in the middle of Taixue Lake.

He stepped on duckweed and walked hundreds of miles in an instant to the pavilion in the middle of Kowloon Island.

In the pavilion, Wang Haicheng stood with several teachers from the highest universities, looking at the lake.

Xuanyuan Aohan said: "Wang, what happened?"

Wang Haicheng shook his head: "I don't know, I want to see you."

Xuanyuan Aohan looked at Taixue Lake.

He found that those small ripples were getting bigger and bigger and more agitated!


Among the highest institutions, there are countless brilliances rising to the sky!

Those brilliance, colorful, but mostly golden, light red, and some purple and cyan, the beams of light rose into the sky, some as thick as the Optimus pillar, some as thin as an arm, thousands of them, rushing straight into the sky.

Wang Haicheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Xuanyuan Aohan.

Xuanyuan Aohan was also surprised. He found that his body was also filled with dazzling light. These lights were deep purple. After a while, they also turned into beams of light, rushing to the sky, blending with those beams, and then spreading further. The distant void.

After a while.

Several instructors present, including Wang Haicheng, all glowed.

The luster of several teachers is golden, goose yellow, and crimson, while Wang Haicheng's luster is red gold.

They all looked at each other, not sure why.


Human world.

Imperial City Hall.

Confucian sage is acting on behalf of the emperor, reviewing memorials.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the hall.

He raised his head and glanced, not paying attention, and continued to lower his head to criticize.

But the commotion did not stop, and it got bigger and bigger.

Confucian sage stepped out of the hall.

But in the palace, the endless golden beam of light and the billowing red dust aura rose to the sky.

The strongest among them is the Baisheng Academy, an academic sacred place that gathers the essence of the human world.


Infinite fields.

Among the towering buildings, many pure white breaths permeated, turned into light and shadow, condensed in the void.


Origin world.

The earth-yellow zhenqi rose from the dragon veins underground.



Several young **** kings were discussing the sword, and suddenly they saw that the peach blossoms in Manshan were in full bloom in an instant!

The peach blossom season has not yet arrived.


At this moment, in the vast universe of God Kings, there are all kinds of brilliance, true energy, condensed laws of true meaning, five virtues, and spirit powers. These forces gradually gather together when they rise, like a flood. , Rushing to the nothingness outside the God King universe!

The sky of the God King universe also emits a dazzling white light, and all the worlds are illuminated as if it is noon!

The most amazing weather is the future heaven.

The source of the heavens.

The guardian kings were stunned and at a loss.

The guardian **** king of the source of the heavens is very old. Among the dozens of guards, some are even the great elders who participated in the first few battles of the heavens in the future. The other guards, even the youngest, are more than 20 million years old. The source of the heavens is the core of the universe of God Kings, the source of thousands of laws, the highest celestial phenomenon, and the ancestor of the great avenue. Therefore, in the future, the heavenly court will be very strict in selecting guards from the heavens, with regard to character, character, origin, martial arts, etc. There are very high standards. If any one of them is unqualified, or there may be variables, they cannot become the guard of the source of the heavens.

But at this moment, each of these carefully selected guards panicked.

Finally, a Nine Tribulations God who once participated in the Battle of Dragon City said: "Go and inform the Heavenly Mansion!"

Immediately one of the guards was awakened, turned around and ran out, and soon disappeared in the diffuse spiritual mist.

The rest of the guards still stood on the spot in a daze.

An old guard said: "This...what should we do?"

No one answered.

In front of them.

The three bodies are all condensed by laws, and the huge gods whose strength is equivalent to the Nine Tribulations God King are attacking each other!

There are many powerful gods in the source of the new heavens, all of which evolved through long-term collisions of laws and various forces. Among them, the gods of the Nine Calamities are undoubtedly the oldest, and they were born at the beginning of the new century. Have a sound mind.

One of the biggest differences between the source of the heavens in the new century and the source of the heavens in the ancient times is that the gods bred from the source of the heavens in the ancient times are just "puppets" and "puppets", dominated by the will of heaven, and The source of the heavens in the new century, the gods bred in them, are already real creatures, possessing wisdom, independent will, and able to think.

Because the ancient source of the heavens was established by ruthless heavens, while the source of the heavens in the new century was established by sentient beings.

It is a great glory to be the guardian of the source of the heavens. This is the most important place in the God King universe. It is a hundred and a thousand times more important than any holy or mysterious place. Although the days spent here are very boring, The benefits are endless, because it is closest to the core of the heavens, and lives with these powerful gods day and night.

These gods have always been peaceful and indifferent, wandering around the source of the heavens, thinking about each other. This is the first time that they have seen these gods attack each other.

And these gods were expressionless when they attacked.

At this moment, a deity was torn apart.

Then it turned into pure law and breath power, and rose into the sky.

The other two gods were still fighting until one was killed, which turned into laws and various powers and rose into the sky.

The last deity chose to blew himself up.

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