Supreme God King

Chapter 3541: Taichi

The law of black holes is the latest force among the more than 4,000 laws of the God King universe. It combines dozens of hundreds of laws. It takes shape through endless calculations and the efforts of many powerful God Kings, and the creation is enough to lead to meaning. The world's black holes are not only huge, but also quite solid. To destroy them from the source, many powerful people also need to work together.

On the space ladder leading to the second place of nothingness, the three great kings of Mingyi, Wang Haicheng, and the sage of the human world are leading the three gods, and many gods are walking behind them, and they are very fast.

At this moment, not only them, but some powerful **** kings scattered throughout the **** king universe, have also heard that the decisions passed by the first iron law hall of the world conventions are gathering in the second void.

"Regardless of the martial arts, the philosophical system of the human world, the knowledge system of the dragon world, the scientific and technological system of the infinite realm, and the various civilizations of each race, there is a sentence, one thing, the right time and the right people, at least the same, if If you can account for the difference, it can be a big event. The world has different opinions, but the meaning is the same."

While traveling quickly, the ancestor Mingyi said solemnly.

The sage listened quietly, and then said: "Just like the ancient emperor of humanity, the three kingdoms once stood together, and the three ancient emperors came together to indulge and deceive each other, competing against each other in Taoism, skill, mind, law, and learning. They all wanted to annex each other and unify humanity, but they were deadlocked for several years. This is a story that has been repeatedly mentioned in the history of humanity. The emperor once wrote personally, saying that these three ancient emperors, one of whom had received the concession of the orthodox emperor, held Sheji Sacred artifacts, humane sacred objects, huge power, this is the time of the sky.

The second ancient emperor occupies a land of abundance, Jixia Gansu, the people are prosperous, and there are three major hurdles that are dangerously held in their hands. They cannot advance, retreat and defend, retreat for advance, defense as offense, and rule the country and the minister. For the heavenly master, he has taken care of the country in an orderly manner, which is a good place.

The third ancient emperor also has natural dangers to guard, but not as great as the kingdom of the palace, but this ancient emperor family has strong people from generation to generation, either as a warrior like a tiger, or a handsome commander, or good at The British lord who kept a low profile, and knew how to win people's hearts, formed alliances and in-laws with many families and families. These families and families were also talented, generation after generation, countless outstanding people, which occupied the harmony of people.

The three ancient emperors, only because they can occupy the right place, the right place, and the right person, can stand against them for several years. If any one can win the right place, the right place and the right place, then the world has been unified. This history is very representative and also Valued by the Emperor. "

"Not bad." Mingyi's ancestor stepped through more than a dozen steps, which was equivalent to crossing four or five realms. "This is ancient humanity. If you open your eyes, don't stick to one spot, and look at the entire universe of God Kings, what is the difference between the time and the place and the people? In whose hands?"

The sage thought for a moment and said: "The time of the sky is the way of heaven, and the right of place is the increasingly prosperous universe of the king of gods. Human beings are all living beings. Of course, they will all be in the hands of the future heaven."

This is quite interesting.

Of course, it doesn’t need to say that the prosperity and prosperity of the geographical position was established by the world conferences. The size of the universe of the **** king is much larger than that of billions of years ago. The establishment of 3,650 realms is the result of the world conferences. Credit, and the champions of the world conferences, all came out of the future heaven.

As for the harmony of people, when all beings are all swimming and talking in the torrent of hearts, they are all united around the world conventions, and they all enjoy the benefits of the law of heaven. People and nature are also in the hands of the future heaven.

The ancestor of Mingyi waved his hand: "Mr. looks too superficial."

Before speaking, a group of people had already traveled a short distance.

There were also some **** kings from other worlds who stepped onto the ladder and joined this team.

Fa Shengdao: "Mingyi ancestor, just say it straight."

The ancestor of Mingyi said: "Just like the three-eyed jewel, the time and place are in harmony with the people, all have their incarnations. I have controlled the laws of all things, the torrent of my soul for hundreds of millions of years, and the meaning of guarding my destiny for hundreds of millions of years, but I never thought, never I want to understand that it wasn't until a few days ago that there were frequent visions and changes in the Three-Eyed Pearl.

There are incarnations in the right time and place, and this incarnation is one person!

The three big air engines are on the three people's body! "

Fashen was startled.

The ancestor of Mingyi solemnly said: "When Meng Fan was the heaven, it is of course needless to say that he is the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of All Paths, the creator of the source of the new heavens, the flesh and blood incarnation of the true meaning of more than four thousand Dao Dao, his will , Is the will of God King Universe and Heavenly Dao, his thoughts are that the sky is thinking, and his every move is the vibration of the infinite law of God King Universe!

What about the geographical advantage?

Who established the three thousand six hundred and fifty realm of God King Universe today? Who builds prosperity? Why does the torrent of mind open the gate and release water to the worlds, and how does the first iron law become the law of the world conventions? Divine King Universe has changed from just over one million divine kings billions of years ago to 30 million divine kings today, so powerful, who is the first? "

Fa Sage was surprised: "The king of heaven is one? He is the embodiment of the right place and harmony between people?"

"No! Because one is the incarnation of the geographical advantage. When the vision first appeared, many Changqing Pavilion elders in the Qiji Palace thought he was the embodiment of geographical and human harmony. That was because the status of the **** king of Qiji Palace was too much. It's complicated. There are monster kings and dragon kings. The most are the unicorns, while the humans occupy the minority."

Fashen couldn't help being even more shocked when he heard this, he guessed something.

The ancestor of Mingyi said: "But Mr. I should have not forgotten that the old man is the sacred object of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, and it is also a sacred artifact of humanity. My thinking is naturally different from the old Changqing patrons."

Fa Sage looked at the back of Mingyi's ancestor.

The ancestor of Mingyi turned around and looked at Fasheng: "The central emperor is the incarnation of humanity!"

Fa Sheng's body trembled uncontrollably.

The ancestor of Mingyi said: "Remember that when the world conferences were first established, you negotiated with the future heaven and asked for the right to speak. There was only one reason why you could have the right to speak, you are humane!

If there was no Meng Fan born in the era of epochs, humanity may have become the only avenue in the new century under the long-term efforts of the ancestors of humanity, and it may even directly replace heaven. Humane thoughts, knowledge, and systems have profoundly affected and changed the universe of God Kings. Humanity has created words so that all living beings can communicate. Humanity has created a system that unites loose tribes into a huge empire, and allows young and weak civilizations to develop into a glorious world. The universe of gods, the worlds, and the shadow of humanity are everywhere. The impact is also everywhere.

Many worlds are essentially free from humanity, and many strong people were originally humane strong ones. For example, in the three days of creation, there were two human races. In the future, the heavenly kings will be the human race, and the human race will occupy the main position in the future heaven. The Xuanyuan family, the Wang family, the Xie family, and the Zhuge family are still the largest and most influential families in the heavens in the future.

And the big family that will also occupy an important position in the heavens in the future, the Nangong family, although it is the lovebird clan, but this family also has many human bloodlines, and the Nangong family has begun to walk in the humane way before the Dao era.

Among the many Dao leaders back then, Meng Fan of the Heavenly Dao, the Central Humanitarian, Hou Dao Champion, and the evil Dao Qin Taichuan were all human races, even if they were regarded as the infinite realm of humane variants, they were also human races.

The ancestor of humanity, as the longest living ancestor of the God King universe except Chaos Great, has been deeply influencing the entire God King universe for tens of billions of years. After his death, the heirs of humanity have also been profoundly Affect the God King universe.

Sir, let me tell you that, on the eve of the establishment of the world conferences, when the human world asked whether to join the world conferences as a bargaining chip for the right to speak, Meng Fan was still there. He once said that he could give the human world some right to speak, but If the world is not sensible, he does not recommend stepping into the world!

Back then, Meng Fan stood at a height that no one of us could look up to. What he did is not something we can emulate.

But at the beginning, we old guys, plus the Oneness, believed that the human world must be included in the world conferences. If war is really waged against the human world, then the great unification and great peace of the God King universe may be lost. Existence is not because of how powerful the human world is, but because one wants a god-king universe with the right time, place, and place, and everything is indispensable.

The central emperor is the incarnation of Renhe!

The time and the place are favorable to the people, and Meng Fan is headed.

Beneath Meng Fan, the geographical advantage incarnates one.

After that, it was Ren and Central Emperor.

The three side by side are all the energy of the God King Universe!

And Meng Fan is the heaven of the God King Universe, and the incarnation of the God King Universe. The stronger the God King Universe, the stronger Meng Fan will be. The more true meanings of the Dao we create, the more true meanings of the Dao he can grasp. At the same time, no matter which world, which race, which civilization, which kind of avenue, no matter how powerful, as long as it is part of the God King universe, this power will be superimposed on Meng Fan's body!

In the past, Shenwang Universe was separated from Meng Fan.

At this moment, because of that black hole, God King Universe and Meng Fan are connected together. "

Fa Sage remembered what the Central Emperor once said.

Taiyi returns.

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