Supreme God King

Chapter 3560: Big game

In the world of water morality, which has grown stronger and civilized, there have been some gods of the Five Tribulations. One day outside, 13.35 years will pass in the world of water morality, and it can provide Meng Fan with such a river at all times. The willingness like the lake and the sea continuously supplemented Meng Fan.

At the same time, under the influence of Meng Fan, the world of water morality gradually gave birth to some other laws. Almost every few hundred years, a new law will be born, making the world of water morality more and more complicated and sophisticated.

After that, the first generation of explorers was born.

These explorers were the first group of powerful creatures to achieve the Five Tribulations King. These creatures were the first to have the ability to break barriers. Starting from the world of water virtues, they went to the surrounding worlds, and they also included these worlds into the world of water virtues. In the law, some empires and sects have been established in these great worlds, and at the same time, Meng Fan's beliefs have been spread out.

With the world of water morality as the center, Meng Fan already has trillions of believers.

Under the nourishment of rolling willpower, Meng Fan has repaired his injury, but he found that there are three "sharp swords" in his body.

It was Yin Gu's method that left three unhealable wounds. These wounds seemed immortal and could not be erased, just like three swords in Meng Fan's Dantian, Origin Universe, and Martial Dao Pillar.

No matter what method Meng Fan uses, he can't repair these three wounds. After performing various calculations, Meng Fan's answer is that if he wants to repair these three wounds, he needs to break and stand. The original universe and the pillars of martial arts were all broken, and then re-established.

But if you really do this, Meng Fan's physical body will also be greatly traumatized, and he will become an ordinary one-knack god, and retake the road of martial arts.

Such an approach would be more painful for any peak **** king than killing him. Although Meng Fan had a relatively indifferent view of many things, he could not accept it.

After a few more days, Daoshu Jufan finally woke up completely under the nourishment of the power of will, and recovered 70% to 80%.

Most of the aspirations that Meng Fan had learned were poured into Daoshu Jufan.

After Daoshu Jufan awakened, he learned about the three wounds in Meng Fan's body and began to perform calculations. This calculation lasted four days.

Four days later, Daoshu Jufan came to the answer.

"I can't deduce anything."

"no result?"

"No, although nothing can be deduced, but there are results. My knowledge system and cognitive system are very large, integrating various knowledge bases of the calculus universe and the **** king universe, but in all my cognition, It is impossible to judge how these three wounds were formed, let alone how to repair them. Then these three wounds must come from the power beyond my knowledge system, that is, immortality, this power is not understood by you and I now, it is jumping Get out of the power of the law, but there is also a way to repair it, that is, you are connected to the Qi machine of the God King universe again."

"It's difficult." Meng Fan had actually vaguely guessed the answer. "The connection at that time is already very rare, because the central emperor's harmony is one, the real'time, place, and human harmony', and then with the help of the black hole this'umbilical cord', I connected with God King Universe and gained infinity. With air and majestic power, it takes too many factors and too difficult to reproduce that scene again."

"Then the most urgent thing is to rush back to the Thousand Star Universe." Daoshu Jufan immediately deduced their location.

"Wait a minute." Meng Fan stopped him. "Before this, you have to help me deduct some other things first."

With that said, five bright red crystals, like blood diamonds, floated in the original universe, in front of Daoshu Jufan.

Daoshu Jufan frowned when he saw this crystal, and after a while he woke up: "This is Yin Gu's essence and blood?"

Meng Fan said: "In the last few confrontations, I relied on the power of Dao’s unity and the mystery of black holes. I swallowed a lot of Yin Gu’s flesh and blood. During these days, I used various forces, mainly Dao’s true will and aspiration. It was washed and refined into these five blood beads. These five blood beads are not trivial. 90% of the power contained in them is pure blood essence, which is twice as powerful as my flesh and blood. If this blood essence is refined to pill In the medicine, remove its violent aura, and any divine king under the six calamities swallows, regardless of the foundation, it can directly cut the hair and cleanse the marrow and break through the realm."

"Is it twice as powerful as your flesh and blood?" Daoshu Jufan became solemn.

"This is a conservative estimate."

"Yeah. Yin Gu's soul, origin universe, law, vitality, all powers have been integrated with flesh and blood, regardless of each other, can be easily reborn by dripping blood, according to his own words, his body is already small and immortal Realm, then his flesh and blood must be very powerful, even if it is you, it is much weaker compared to him. You just said that 90% of it is pure blood essence, what about the remaining 10%? Is it the rule?"

Since it was refined and refined by Meng Fan, the rest must be good things.

"It's not a law." Meng Fan said solemnly: "In the flesh and blood of Yin Gu, there is no law at all, just like the old saying of humanity. He escapes from the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements. There is no law in his body, but he can control it. The law, which also means that he is standing in a world higher than the law world in which we live. We are in his eyes, like the people in the painting. This is his strength. This last 10% It’s a power I can’t judge. I guess that the secret of immortality lies in this last ten percent. Maybe it’s too difficult for you, but I hope you can deduct it."

"it is good."

Daoshu Jufan began to deduct the last 10% of the material.

Meng Fan continued to manage the world of water morality, constantly expanding it, and constantly acquiring more aspirations.

A few more days passed.

Ten thousand years have passed in the world of water morality.

Wish power has grown to the point of condensing into liquid.

Daoshu Jufan just regained consciousness.

"Meng Fan, I still can't deduce, relying on your and my strength, I can't deduce what this material is, but I thought of a method that might be feasible."

"what way?"

"In the black hole, I have seen your true power. No matter how far away you are from home, you are the true emperor and the only leader of the God King universe. Everything in the God King universe is up to the true meaning and law of the Great Dao, and to the vitality. , Qi, down to the destiny of all living beings are all tied to you. The King Universe is like a part of you. If the King Universe is stronger, you will be strong. The more the King Universe develops, the more power you will gain. The more majestic, and this kind of power, I also can not understand.

The scars left by Yin Gu, as well as the substance in the blood beads, are powers that I can’t understand. The blasting machine provided by God King Universe is also a power that I can’t understand, so I want to repair the scars, or Refining the last 10% of the matter in the blood beads may have to use the power that I can't understand to hit the power that I can't understand. You need to connect with the Qi machine of the God King universe again.

I knew it was difficult to do so, so I made another deduction.

It's how the relationship between God King Universe and your flesh and blood soul was formed.

I found the first prototype. "

Daoshu Jufan stretched out his hand and pointed to the world of water morality: "That is the power of faith."

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