Supreme God King

Chapter 3563: Glacier Empire

After flying north for about an hour, Meng Fan finally saw a large area of ​​land.

However, these land is not a whole piece, but a lot of islands, close to each other, forming an archipelago.

Some of these islands are a few miles in size, just like a dust, and some are tens of thousands of miles in size. Between the islands and the islands, there are huge stone bridges, and the far ones are communicated by ships.

Meng Fan saw that some islands were obviously created by manpower, and they were obviously masterpieces of certain gods.

The most important thing on the island is the thick trees, almost all of them have grown for tens of thousands of years. In such a marine world, trees are obviously a scarce resource, so here has become a trading post for merchant ships, mainly to transport wood.

Meng Fan also felt that in the island, there was the breath of the Three Tribulations God King.

Meng Fan stayed on the islands and began to collect information. After half an hour of collecting the required information, Meng Fan also drew a chart within a certain range, and then continued to set off toward the north. The "Turia Empire" flew away.

The Turia Empire is the largest empire in this area and the leader of all nations. Whether it is a city-state scattered on the ocean, an island empire, or an archipelago occupied by many countries, it is actually a vassal of the Turia Empire. It’s just that this vassal system is not strong. It is often just a superficial vassal. Each kingdom and city-state maintains a certain degree of independence and is not controlled by the Turian Empire. However, after the signing of the vassal treaty, these kingdoms The city-states have the qualifications to trade with the Turia Empire and enjoy the limited protection of the Turia Empire.

Protection and trade, according to the information collected by Meng Fan, are the two most important things in this sea.

Just as Meng Fan saw before, the kind of city that can be disintegrated and reorganized into a fortress at any time. Because of the scarcity of various land resources, wars between ocean kingdoms and city-states are the norm, and weak forces cannot survive in this ocean for long. , Can only choose to depend on a certain big power.

In addition, because of the scarcity of various resources, trade is also very important. If there is a huge power as the object of trade, many resource problems can be solved.

This is why the Turia Empire can become the "leader of nations".

Although rules and rules are not very important in this sea area, small-scale aggressions and plunders are always taking place, and short-term "one-day wars" often break out between city-states and city-states, but in general, Still peaceful, in the shadow of the Turian Empire, these kingdoms and city-states are generally stable.

According to the information obtained by Meng Fan, the Turia Empire has tens of thousands of vassals, a veritable leader of the nations, but among the tens of thousands of vassals, there are very few countries that have the King of Three Tribulations and occupy a small continent. It may not add up to dozens, but there are many small city-states that use ships as land. In this kind of ocean, this small city-state is actually the main body, and it is the majority. There are very few in a kingdom.

But it can also be inferred from this that the Turia Empire is very powerful. Because the small city-states Meng Fan passed through, no matter how large or prosperous, there must be a one-half **** king. When Meng Fan saw a small city-state with a two-half **** king, there would be about 10,000 vassals. With 10,000 gods, it can be inferred that Turia's own national power will not be weak.

After traveling for a day, Meng Fan saw many scattered city-states on the road. However, the farther he went and the closer to the Kingdom of Turia, Meng Fan found that these city-states were denser and more prosperous. This density and prosperity are mainly due to the increasing number of merchant shipping teams. Large-scale merchant shipping teams can solve resource problems, and city-states are not so dependent on natural resources.

Then, Meng Fan saw the Turia Empire and the continent occupied by it.

Meng Fan knew that the Turia Empire was powerful because it monopolized a continent with thousands of miles in length and breadth. In the Sarah universe, there are oceans everywhere. If you can monopolize a continent, you can naturally grow and become a huge surpassing other forces. Empire, but what Meng Fan did not expect at all was that the continent occupied by the Turia Empire was not a continent in the traditional sense.

To be precise, it is a huge glacier.

Here, it already belongs to the "extreme position", which can be regarded as the north pole of this sea area, the land of profound yin, the air of pure yin, it is very cold, there are no four seasons, only cold winter, and heavy snow.

So this is not a real continent, just because of the year-round cold, a large number of glaciers gathered together to form a glacier continent.

Indeed, Meng Fan’s naked eye cannot see the end of this glacier, so it’s not wrong for this glacier to stretch for thousands of miles. It should be said that it’s at least tens of thousands of miles. If Meng Fan does not rely on any force, he can only see with his naked eyes. , There is no end in sight, it is also quite a long distance.

Above the glacier continent and along the coast, there are continuous piers, and there are large lighthouses several tens of feet high. Various ships in the pier come and go, making the pier very lively and prosperous.

These piers are like the skin of a glacier continent. Every piece of coastline is wrapped by piers. Although these piers are built on the glacier, they are also built with wood and ships to a large part, extending into the ocean.

Behind the pier, there are cities built of wood, stones and ice, but the main body is still ice.

In these cities, you can see all kinds of rare and foreign objects everywhere.

For example, Meng Fan saw a kind of tree, which is a pine tree, but it is not rooted in the soil, but rooted in the glacier. It grows by absorbing the energy of the glacier, and it also grows very huge, mainly very strong.

There are also many frost elves, who have high intelligence, and are also urban residents, roaming among them.

In addition, Meng Fan saw humanoid white-haired behemoths, as well as the demon races cultivated by snowfield antelopes, wildebeests, and giant cows.

Meng Fan closed his eyes, the thoughts of divine soul spread out, and immediately in his mind, a lot of dazzling brilliance burst out from the glacier continent in front of him. Regardless, there are so many **** kings of the second, third, and fourth calamities, and you can also feel the breath of some of the five calamities.

Then deeper, there must be a stronger God King.

The size of the Turia Kingdom is certainly not a powerful force in the Sarah Universe, but it is already equivalent to a medium-sized sect in the Thousand-Star Universe, so it can be inferred that the strength of the Sarah Universe should be similar to the Thousand-Star Universe.

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