Supreme God King

Chapter 3571: Rumorous

Meng Fan didn’t know how long it took to see the various forms of the God King’s universe, seeing all kinds of prosperity, prosperity, and changing times. The world is no longer what he was when he left, but there are still many things, things in the bones, things in the spirit, The reservation is very good.

At this moment, Meng Fan saw a very beautiful new world.

This new world is built on the edge of the King’s universe, in which billions of creatures live, and what Meng Fan noticed is that the creatures in this world are all-encompassing. There are almost every major race in the King’s universe. .

Human races, demons, monster races, desert races, dragon races, giant spirits, pure-blooded hybrids, there are tens of thousands of races here.

This is very interesting.

Although the Divine King Universe has long since become a whole, the distribution of races in the 3,650 worlds is quite regular. For example, in the Dragon Realm, of course it is the world of the pure blood dragon race. Other races can see Yes, that is, the mixed-blood dragons and demon dragons, are both branches of the pure-blooded Tianlong. As for other races, although they can be seen, the number is too small, and most of them are merchants or ambassadors to other worlds.

The world of humanity can be regarded as a world of great power, but more than 90% of them are humans. The rest, that is, monsters, unicorns, and a small number of pure blood or mixed dragons, but mainly merchants, really settle in the human world. Very few.

Apart from the demons, there are almost no other races in the devil world.

The Demon God Mansion is not bad, relatively open, and there are many gathering places for minorities, but more than 70% of the creatures in the Demon God Mansion are still demons, and the remaining creatures account for less than 30%.

In the future, Heavenly Court is actually the most tolerant of many "Big Mac Worlds". It is open to all kinds of rivers, and all races can be seen here, and all races will be absolutely equal in the future Heavenly Court, but there are still strong and weak, such as the human race. In the future, the Heavenly Court will still dominate. In the future, about 50% of the creatures in the Heavenly Court will be humans. After all, at the beginning of the future Heavenly Court, except for the Kirin tribe brought by the Qilin Ruihuang, the other major forces that will form the future Heavenly Court are almost all humane. The family of the ancient emperor.

The other 50% of the creatures are relatively average. The Kirin tribe is a big race, and the demon tribe headed by the lovebirds is a big race. The number of pure-blood and mixed-blood dragon tribes adds up. There are also large desert settlements. There are other Asuras, giant spirits, ancient gods, gods, etc., and they are all perfectly integrated into the future heaven, absolutely equal.

The future craftsman empire is the most magical world. Of course, the main people here are craftsmen, but although the number of craftsmen is the leader in this world, the number is very small. On the contrary, the number of other races from all over the world far exceeds A craftsman.

But no matter which world, there is no world that Meng Fan is watching at this moment. There are so many races and so even.

There will be so many races here, there is only one reason, opportunity.

Just like many years ago, when the great pioneering era began, countless young **** kings began to open up frontiers and explore the unknown. After the establishment of thousands of worlds, they filled the entire **** king universe. It can be said that they occupy the "blank space" and become The Lord of the One Realm has obtained tremendous benefits, and now, with the establishment of the Void Land, the God King Universe has begun to step beyond the boundary of the universe, and many young God Kings have seen opportunities.

And these worlds, located at the boundary of the God King's universe and close to the land of nothingness, have become places where many young God Kings dream of setting sail.

So there are so many young **** kings gathered here, from all worlds and all races.

Meng Fan's gaze fell, he seemed to be standing on the earth of this world, walking among the crowds, looking at the scenery around.

At this moment, he felt that the if there is no connection between him and the Divine King Universe was getting stronger and stronger, and the various imprints in his body began to agitate.

However, compared with the feeling in a black hole, the gap is huge, like the gap between a small puddle and the ocean.

After all, with the black hole as the medium, the time and place are right and the people are in harmony. Meng Fan has a direct connection with the God King Universe without any hindrance. At this moment, Meng Fan can't even tell whether what he sees is real or imagined, like a dream. It seems illusion.

While walking, suddenly, Meng Fan saw a woman.

The woman is seven feet tall and four feet tall. She is extremely tall and slender. Her skin is not white, but pale, with gleams of silver light. She looks quite strange. She has thin lips and slender eyebrows. In fact, she is not a standard beauty, but this The woman looked extremely dusty, and there was a faint pink between the eye sockets, as if tearful eyes were whirling, which made people pay more attention.

The woman stood several feet in front of Meng Fan, staring at Meng Fan quietly.

This made Meng Fan very surprised.

At this moment, he was a bit like a wandering, but more vague than a wandering. Only Meng Niuniu vaguely felt his existence, but this feeling was also very vague.

The woman in front of her seemed to see herself clearly.

Meng Fan couldn't help but frowned: "Is this real or is it my imagination?"

The woman took a few steps forward: "Of course all this is just your imagination, but why is the imagination not real?"

All the scenery around Meng Fan suddenly disappeared.

In turn, it became a huge hall.

This palace is magnificent, and the whole body is golden yellow. It is built with a rare golden stone crystal. This golden stone crystal itself emits slight heat and golden red light, reflecting everything so brilliantly.

Meng Fan sat at one end of the hall on a throne made from the bones of a certain sea beast and various precious metals. Under his feet were steps. The steps were five feet high. Below the steps, a huge stone floor was dug out. In the original hot spring, in the hot spring, there are many beautiful women with beautiful naked bodies, some are white, some are pink, exquisite and beautiful, with clear curves, they are playing and playing.

Around the hot spring, there are more women coming and going, carrying all kinds of delicacies.

At the other end of the hall was a huge porch. In the porch, the woman Meng Fan had just seen stepped into the hall step by step, unbuttoning her clothes little by little, revealing her slender carcass.

The woman walked through the porch, passed the hot spring, and came to Meng Fan.

She stretched out her hand, took Meng Fan's arm, and supported him to the steps, to the side of the hot spring.

"All of this belongs to you." The woman smiled charmingly: "Everything that is beautiful and can satisfy your desires is yours. I will always be with you and enjoy the ultimate happiness forever."

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