Supreme God King

Chapter 3586: Red Luo Girl

Nine double doors, inside the Danding Hall.

Pei Chenglun held the reward order and his expression was quite solemn.

It has been several months since the predecessors lost contact with each other. In the past few months, the three major universes have been calm, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that because of Yin Gu's defeat, many things will happen.

When Meng Fan left, Pei Chenglun didn't know that he had composed the so-called message about Meng Fan's departure.

Where is the senior?

What does the world's highest reward order mean?

What is the connection between the crystallization of immortality and the road of immortality?

At this time, this reward order has spread to all corners of the three major universes, and the world of meaning obviously does not want Meng Fan to have a corner where he can hide.

While Pei Chenglun was thinking about it.

Suddenly, a glance fell on him.


Pei Chenglun called out.

In a side hall, He Huaijiao looked at Pei Chenglun.

The realm that Pei Chenglun displayed at the Ninefold Gate at this time was the pinnacle of the Seven Tribulations, infinitely close to the Eight Tribulations. He was also a genius with a high status and ranked second in the world.

Therefore, in the Danding Hall, he also has the identity of a deacon and has a separate hall, and He Huaijiao is his assistant.

After He Huaijiao was reborn, the climbing speed of the realm was quite fast, and now he had reached the Five Tribulations.

However, compared with Pei Chenglun, it is still a lot inferior. Pei Chenglun felt that look, but He Huaijiao did not.

"Go and sort out the stock of pill. I want a detailed statistics."

He Huaijiao heard Pei Chenglun's order, a bit strange, but Meng Fan once said that He Huaijiao must obey Pei Chenglun in everything.

So she nodded and left.

After a while.

A figure appeared in front of Pei Chenglun.

When Pei Chenglun saw the person who came, he immediately got up and gave his hands: "Sect Master."

At the entrance of the main hall, the figure shone by the sun was Fang Haoyun, the sovereign in a white robe.

He looked at Pei Chenglun seriously.

No matter how uneasy Pei Chenglun was in his heart, he was expressionless, without making waves, still bowing and saluting, without moving.

Fang Haoyun took a few steps forward: "I gave the order, and the ruling hall is conducting a thorough investigation of the entire nine-fold gate."

Pei Chenglun did not speak.

Fang Haoyun continued: "The commander-in-chief Yin Gu was defeated, and the heterogeneous crisis has intensified. Whether it is the world of meaning or me, I believe that there are heterogeneous hidden in the three major universes. For the sake of safety, this thorough investigation is available. Great, disciples, elders, and elders must be thoroughly investigated, especially the Ye family."

Pei Chenglun was still expressionless.

Fang Haoyun said again: "Among Wei Young's disciples, there are many strong ones, but you are undoubtedly Wei Young's confidant, and also the most talented and highest level one."

Pei Chenglun's eyelids drooped slightly, and there was already a huge wave in his mind.

This kind of turbulence is not only because of Fang Haoyun's words, but also because Fang Haoyun began to exert pressure invisibly, oppressing his spirit!

He knew that he could no longer be silent.

Silence means that his heart is hidden.

"Uncle Master has any doubts."

"Doubt all of you." Fang Haoyun said solemnly, "I doubt my dear junior brother even more."

Stop talking.

Fang Haoyun suddenly raised his right arm and grabbed Pei Chenglun.

The speed is so fast that the law has been shattered, and his arm pierced all knowable space, and arrived in front of Pei Chenglun in a few blinks!

Pei Chenglun's eyes turned quickly and quickly locked Fang Haoyun's palm.

A strong instinct exploded in his heart for an instant, to make a defense.

But the next Sumi, he suppressed instinct.

Pei Chenglun didn't move.

Let the palm of your hand, grab yourself.

Fang Haoyun's five fingers that were enough to smash the mountains and rivers reached Pei Chenglun, and the billowing waves of law tore apart his defenses.

Then, just half an inch in front of Pei Chenglun, stopped abruptly.

Fang Haoyun's fingertips touched Pei Chenglun's forehead.

His flesh and blood were torn apart and blood flowed out.

However, this was just a skin injury, and Fang Haoyun did not continue to shoot.

He looked at Pei Chenglun coldly.

Pei Chenglun closed his eyes, still bowing motionless.

"Who are you?" Fang Haoyun said: "Ye Weiyang, who is it? As a creature of the Nine Dao, you are actually willing to die to hide his identity!"

When Fang Haoyun began to doubt Meng Fan, he ordered a thorough investigation of the Ye family. For the first time, he began to face Meng Fan's confidant and Pei Chenglun for the first time.

Even Fang Haoyun couldn’t see Meng Fan’s methods of covering himself, but Pei Chenglun was much inferior. As the king of the Nine Tribulations, he wanted to hide in front of Fang Haoyun for too long. It was impossible. He had many charms to hide his breath The seal was written by Meng Fan.

When Fang Haoyun used the various large formations of the Nine-Layer Gate to examine Pei Chenglun, all his injustices were covered up.

Pei Chenglun knew that the senior's years of management and years of tolerance have finally been exposed.

But he still didn't intend to say everything, even if he died, he didn't want to reveal anything, including the name of the senior.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Fang Haoyun: "Sect Master, Senior has no malice towards the Nine-Layer Sect. He is indeed assisting you wholeheartedly."

"Bullshit!" Fang Haoyun shouted angrily!

Pei Chenglun flew out and crashed into the hall. The beams and pillars collapsed, burying Pei Chenglun.

Fang Haoyun was really angry.

He was so angry.

The most angry thing is that Ye Weiyang, whom he has always trusted, is always deceiving him!


Somewhere in the universe.

Some void.

Some world.

Somewhere above the wasteland.

Bare, nothing.

But there was a slender figure slowly pacing.

Is a woman.

She was walking in the wind and sand, wearing a red cloak.

She has fair skin, but her eyes and lips are bright red.

She walked quietly.

Suddenly, from another direction, another figure appeared.

This is a man, the same thin and slender body as the woman, not tall, about five feet tall, but the gray-black beard shows that the man is not a child, he is already very old.

The man walked slowly until he met the woman. The two walked side by side. The man reached out and took out a reward order from his arms and handed it to the woman.

The woman took the reward order and glanced.

"Alien, Meng Fan, peak creature, ten immortal crystals? How does this immortal crystal relate to the road to immortality?"

"Immortal crystals are leftovers of immortal matter." The man said: "But it is still very precious. It is the highest currency that the world of meaning truly recognizes. The value of each piece is unimaginable. An immortal crystal the size of a rice grain can be exchanged for several hundred. It is a natural spar mine, and there is no market, and no one is willing to change it. The meaning world actually issued a reward of this level, which shows that this person is extraordinary."

"Not a person from our universe." The woman said.

"No. The place where this reward order was issued is far from here, in a world called the three big universes."

"how far?"

"Even if you use the most superlative method of folding space, it will take one hundred thousand years to reach the three universes from here."

"Then how does this reward order appear here?"

"Once the highest reward in the world of meaning is released, many places will know that the reward in your hand is not the original, but a rubbing copy. According to the rules of the world of meaning, the highest reward must be issued to each subsidiary universe. Although this kind of reward order does not make sense here."

"Meng Fan..." the woman muttered. "I remember."

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