Supreme God King

Chapter 3590: Because believe

After Meng Niuniu bid farewell to Wang Haicheng, she followed Xuanyuan Aohan to see the third big formation.

The third large formation had already escaped from the range of Manyun Mountain, and had reached the edge of the future heaven.

The third large formation was built on a lake. This lake has many names, and it is generally called Yuanhai in the future.

The size of the lake itself is indeed the same as a vast ocean. In the depths of the lake, there are many future heavenly courts and the **** kings of the world conferences, cultivating the power of water virtue.

In addition, there are many dragon and **** ambassadors around the lake.

From a meteorological point of view, the ambassadors of the Dragon Realm dominate here, and many architectural styles are of the dragon clan, while the architecture of the God Realm appears to be alone. This is also because the God Realm has indeed fallen.

As Meng Fan said, when he dispelled the scourge, the Protoss is no longer a Protoss.

God, has fallen into a mortal, the power of the God Realm itself is not much different from that of the Buddha Realm, and this kind of power is equal to that because there are many God Kings in the God Realm who have been famous since the beginning of the Dao era, and the younger generation of Gods Among them, too few can get on the table.

This point is simply incomparable with the heavens and the human world in the future. In the future, the talent pool of Heavenly Court is abundant and complete, which cannot be matched by any other world.

In the human world, where inheritance is the most important, the first batch of saints in the early years are still at their peak, and the semi-saint generation has risen, and they are all on their own.

The same is true in other worlds.

The realm of the gods, however, does not meet the blue and yellow, and the younger generation does not have "divine nature."

The word divinity was once said by Zhiweiyi. He personally said that after the predecessor, that is, Meng Fan, dispelled the gods' condemnation, the divinity of the gods began to disappear.

So there are a lot of dragon world buildings here, and there are only a few **** world buildings. Of course, there is also a reason, that is, the pure-blooded Tianlong likes this Yuanhai very much and is willing to practice in it.

At this moment, Meng Niuniu could see that many large ships appeared on the surface of Yuanhai.

These big ships are all connected with chains and various things. Each ship has a set of formations, and new ships come from a distance and merge into the line.

There are also many dragon kings controlling these big ships. Meng Niuniu also saw a **** clan walking on the water surface to assist other **** kings in their formation.

There are very few **** kings here, only a few hundred.

As Wang Haicheng said, the number of **** kings they can mobilize now is 300,000, which is a terrible number, but to build hundreds of unprecedented large formations at the same time, 300,000 **** kings need to be distributed. Everywhere, in some places there are many **** kings, the construction is fast, and some places have few **** kings, such as this Yuanhai, and the construction is slow.

"A bow spans forty-five worlds. Wherever it goes, there are mountains, lakes, oceans, swamps, cities, fortresses, etc." Xuanyuan Aohan said: "In order to make this Because of the bow, many worlds are changing the world, removing all obstacles, and then moving back when the bow is finished."

Meng Niuniu nodded.

The two and Ai Jie continued to move forward.

The big formation in the Yuanhai was just a rudimentary form. To be precise, only the outline. On the west bank of the Yuanhai, Meng Niuniu saw some rough formations arranged on the earth with various natural spars. .

"To be precise, this is not the future heaven, but the world conventions." Xuanyuan Aohan explained.

Yuanhai is located at the junction of the future heavenly courts and the future heavenly courts, but the world assemblies and the future heavenly courts are almost one, so the division is not careful.

Soon, Meng Niuniu followed Xuanyuan Aohan into the world conventions.

This is the first time Meng Niuniu has come to the World Congress in many years.

First of all, she saw a lot of buildings with different styles. These buildings were not the offices of the World Congress, but various neighborhoods, in which people from various worlds lived, doing business and doing business here.

At the beginning of the establishment of the world conferences, these were not designed. It was just because there were too many people coming and going for hundreds of millions of years, and the universe of God Kings was quite open, so in the most dominant period, the world conferences issued some passes. , Allowing certain people to do business around the world conventions, after which more and more passes were issued, and finally the borders of the world conventions were simply opened, so hundreds of trading cities appeared here.

These cities are full of weather, buildings of various styles are adjacent to each other, there are utensils made by the artisan empire, technological products of unlimited fields, various rare treasures of the dragon clan, books of arcane civilization, and so on.

In these hundreds of trading cities, there are hundreds of millions of creatures and more than 50,000 gods and kings.

You can imagine how lively this place is on weekdays.

But now, these cities look a bit depressed.

Everyone along the road of the Metaverse Bow has responded to the call to participate in the construction of the Metaverse Bow.

Meng Niuniu and Xuanyuan Aohan came to a large square between hundreds of trading cities and the world conventions.

Many people gathered in this large square.

Also building formations.

This large square is about fifty miles square. In fact, it has always been a large trading market. Now the square has been cleared, and there are only pieces of the cornerstone of the formation. However, the size of the square is not enough to accommodate the formation, so it can be seen that many buildings around the square are being demolished and moved.

Unlike the previous three formations that only had God Kings, many creatures who have not yet entered the realm of God Kings can be seen in this formation. They are mainly responsible for demolishing buildings.

It can be seen from some layouts that with the square as the center, hundreds of miles in a radius will be emptied.

Here is the fourth big formation.

"The fifth big formation has just begun to draw lines, and it hasn't been built yet, so is the sixth big formation." Xuanyuan Aohan and Meng Niuniu said from the edge of the square: "These three big formations are in the world conventions. And the seventh big formation has left the world conventions, not far from the human world."

Meng Niuniu said, "How did it all start."

Xuanyuan Aohan said: "The highest academy and the Qiji Shenfu have carried out 800 million calculations together, and finally Wang Lao drew a bow on the star chart."

Meng Niuniu shook her head: "No, I mean, why did you think of doing this."

"It's very complicated." Xuanyuan Aohan looked at Meng Niuniu: "In order to complete this bow, we may have to use three million **** kings. This will be the largest number of **** kings mobilized in the history of the **** king universe. Many worlds are undergoing changes. Although most of the participating gods and kings are voluntary, the world conferences will still consume the resources, wealth, and power stored in the past five million years. In the end, is there any point in doing so? , We don’t know."

Meng Niuniu smiled: "But still do it."

Afterwards, Meng Niuniu and Xuanyuan Aohan said in unison: "Because I believe."

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