Supreme God King

Chapter 3593: Old grudges

The Hu'er Empire, the eldest son of the emperor, fell on his knees and lay on the ground.

In front of him, five feet away, stood the tall Emperor Hu'er.

The emperor is now looking at his bedroom, with his back to the eldest son.

"So, you think the one who shot Yu'er and the one who stepped into the palace is alone." Hu'er Emperor said coldly.

The eldest son of the emperor quickly said: "Yes, the emperor. The sons and ministers have failed the trust of the emperor, and the capital, which has been safe for 600 million years, fell into turmoil, put his sister in danger, injured the queen, and many others in the palace. The guards also died in the battle, and the son... asked the father to let the son go to the abyss dungeon!"

Emperor Hu'er said lightly: "Your mother and queen can't stop you, you have tried your best."

The eldest son shed tears.

Emperor Hu'er waved his hand.

The eldest son knelt down and withdrew.

At this time, a tall old man stepped in slowly.

The old man's face was pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

It is the national teacher, Yan Wuliang.

Yan Wuliang came to the side of Emperor Hu'er and bowed his hand to salute: "Your Majesty." Then, before the Emperor Hu'er could speak, he straightened up and looked at the surrounding ruins, looking very casual.

The Emperor Hu'er didn't have the slightest reason, and said: "The Prince City Mansion is getting deeper and deeper. No matter what happens, his words and deeds cannot fault him."

Yan Wuliang said, "He has the temperament of being a king."

"Heh." The emperor Hu'er sneered: "The one who is the emperor needs a smile in front of people, and it is hidden inside? In this huge empire, who dares to be inferior to the emperor? The emperor is not only the leader of the empire, but also the leader of the family. As long as he sits in this position, he doesn't need to think about any intrigues and intrigues. What he should have is the atmosphere, the mind, and the tolerance."

Yan Wuliang glanced at Emperor Hu'er: "There is still talent."

The emperor Hu'er said lightly: "His talent is too ordinary. If he had not been a prince and had so many resources, he was still at the early stage of the Eight Ways, and he would not be able to move."

Yan Wuliang said: "It seems that the position of the master and emperor in the future can only be passed on to the clan."

The Emperor Hu'er looked back at Yan Wuliang and said, "You are badly hurt."

"The laws of the physical body are all broken into scum, but the pillar of martial arts is still intact, with only a few cracks. At that time, the man's mind was in the palace, and there was no leisure to care about me, otherwise I would be dead."


"Very powerful." Yanwuliang squinted his eyes thoughtfully. "He has used many Supreme Laws. I have never seen anyone as proficient in the Supreme Laws as he is, as if those laws are part of his body and he can use them whenever he wants."

"How many kinds?"

"Only I saw a hundred kinds."

"One hundred supreme laws?" A different color flashed deep in the eyes of Emperor Hu'er: "What does he look like?"

"He changed many appearances, but he had no time to cover himself during the battle. I drew a portrait of him based on what many people said." Yan Wuliang handed a portrait to Emperor Hu'er.

Emperor Hu'er took it in his hand and looked at it for a moment.

His expression changed.

But at this moment, Yan Wuliang’s attention was only in the surrounding ruins. He wanted to find some clues, so he didn’t notice the face of Emperor Hu’er, and said: “The prince said that he touched the people of the palace lord, and broke in. The imperial palace is the same, and some reasons sound reasonable, but there is no conclusive evidence. It is also possible that two things are described as one thing, so that his responsibility is much lighter, but whether it is or not? Wait for the palace lord to wake up to take a look at the portrait."

"Meng Fan." Hu'er Emperor said softly.

Yan Wuliang was startled: "Your Majesty, what?"

Emperor Hu'er put away the portrait, flicked his finger, and a rune fell in front of Yan Wuliang. This rune unfolded and turned into a reward order.

Yan Wuliang looked at the reward order and said first: "Ten immortal crystals, the highest reward order, a big hand..." Then, his gaze began to change slightly, and he suddenly said: "It's him! There are six points of breath and behavior. Similar, nine points similar in appearance! This person has been offered a reward, or is the highest reward order, and does not hide, dare to be presumptuous?"

The emperor Hu'er said in a gloomy voice: "The reward order is first issued in the three universes of Vitality, Liuli, and Thousand Stars. The meaning world thinks that this person is in the three universes. How can he expect that he will appear here? It was not released in the Sarah Universe. Only a few of them fell into the hands of our leaders. He probably didn’t know that he was offered a reward. In fact, I can’t figure out how he crossed such a long distance and arrived here. It's okay, but there can be no such coincidence in the world, it's him.

Wealth and danger, he obviously met Yu'er first, and sensed some of my secrets before he came into danger. How lucky, he was right. The bedroom he took away did contain some immortal secrets, but he It was also very unlucky, was stared at by the dragon-shaped arrow. "

Yan Wuliang said: "The dragon-shaped arrow is still moving. The shadow of the dragon-shaped arrow has always been in the ghost and **** array, which shows that Long Xingjian has not stopped, and is firmly pursuing this guy named Meng Fan. What I didn't expect is, A few days have passed, but he is still alive and not killed by the dragon-shaped arrow. It seems that he is stronger than I thought."

"The dragon-shaped arrow was originally used to deal with Yin Gu." Emperor Hu'er took a deep breath. "Since this person can defeat Yin Gu, he should not be underestimated."

Yan Wuliang was stunned.

His expression is very complicated.

It seemed to see something he had never seen before, which was extremely shocked, shocked to the point that he couldn't understand and couldn't describe it, even a little at a loss. He looked down at his feet and looked at the surrounding ruins, and finally said: "Your Majesty, what did you say?"

Emperor Hu'er turned his head and looked at Yan Wuliang: "He defeated Yin Gu."

Yan Wuliang opened his mouth for a long while, and finally reached out his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. His expression became more and more solemn and more complicated, completely unbelievable: "This man named Meng Fan defeated our enemy? He defeated Yin Gu. How is it possible, he is just a pinnacle creature."

At this moment, Yan Wuliang has completely lost the calm demeanor of the national teacher.

The emperor Hu'er said: "In fact, I don't know what really happened. No one knows. I only know that Yin Gu brought his subordinates to fight this alien. After that, there was no news. According to the surviving subordinates of Yin Gu, this person was once. Confronted with Yin Gu, they fought in a certain law, and then this law was shattered, Yin Gu disappeared, and this person came here."

"This... is there any law that can trap Yin Gu?" Yan Wuliang murmured, and his voice suddenly became a little higher: "Is he an alien?"

There was too much information in the words of Emperor Hu'er.

He didn't wait for Yan Wuliang to digest the information, and turned away.

"He can't go far, he must still be in Sarah. I'm going to the glacier continent to see the White Uprising and repair the palace. I will leave it to you."

A piece of void shattered, and Emperor Hu'er disappeared in it.

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