Supreme God King

Chapter 3602: Another group of aliens

Meaning the world, somewhere on the boundary of the universe.

The size of this universe surpasses the Thousand-Star Universe and the Colored Glass Universe. When you look at it, you can see blossoming scenes everywhere, endless cities, canals and roads extending in all directions, and various teleportation formations. The scale of development of this universe has surpassed the three universes of Qianxing, Liuli, and Vitality.

But on the north side of the universe, there is no boundary, and a "galaxy" can be vaguely seen. If you look closely, you will find that this galaxy is composed of many debris and fragments, floating in nothingness.

That is a battlefield.

Just three hundred thousand years ago, a war broke out here.

An unprecedented, ultra-large-scale alien invasion.

Alien crises have appeared on all borders of the world of meaning, but most alien invasions have not really caused any waves.

For example, this large-scale alien invasion, a huge fleet composed of millions of warships and countless aliens, marched towards the meaning world at a very slow speed, long before the fleet would reach the boundary of the meaning world. In 460,000 years, the meaning world discovered this fleet.

According to the standards of the peak **** king, the speed of this fleet is simply turtle speed, not even turtle speed.

An average of ninety thousand miles per day.

The distance of ninety thousand miles is just a few breaths for a pinnacle creature.

In other words, if a peak creature walks for a year, this fleet will travel for 50,000 years.

Therefore, the border guards who first observed this fleet were completely at a loss.

First of all, on this border, there has never been a heterogeneous crisis. In fact, as early as tens of millions of years ago, many borders in the world of significance have had reports of heterogeneous crises, but this border has never happened. Safe again.

Secondly, in the heterogeneous crisis incidents reported elsewhere, one or two or three powerful individuals have appeared scattered, all of which are in the eight realms and nine realms, and very occasionally a ten realm peak creature appears. , And a creature of the ten peaks is enough to attract the attention of the world of meaning, and can often cause some waves, although in the end, they will all be suppressed, and the suppression process is very simple.

And the fleet that appeared this time is really astonishing. Millions of warships, overwhelming the sky, permeated the entire void, but the speed of travel is so slow, then it can be speculated that there is no really powerful in this fleet. , High-level creatures.

So the border defense coalition immediately reported the incident to the world of meaning, and the world of meaning quickly assembled the two Taoists closest to the border and arrived here. On the one hand, they monitored the alien fleet and on the other they began to build fortifications. Go to war.

After that, the world of meaning sent two more Taoists.

Because we have never seen such a large-scale invasion of aliens, the world of significance attaches great importance to it.

But until they have formed a legion and built a huge formation and fortifications, that fleet is still moving at a very constant "tortoise speed", and there are still many years to come.

The four Taoists in charge of command jointly reported to the world of meaning, hoping to lead some legions to take the initiative to block this alien fleet away from the world of meaning, but the world of meaning was out of conservative considerations and did not agree, so it still had to be defensive. Attack to obtain a complete victory.

So nearly one hundred thousand years have passed.

The fleet finally reached the border.

A war that lasted only three days, without any suspense, or even an order of magnitude at all, began.

In the end, this war, in the words of a Taoist master, was completely a war of "gods versus mortals".

The reason why this fleet of millions of warships is moving slowly is that it is already their limit to travel 90,000 miles a day, and the "life-like spirits" in the fleet are mortals.

According to the report, there are about hundreds of millions of creatures driving this fleet. These creatures have human-like bodies and have a "minimum" degree of wisdom. According to the division of the world of meaning, the so-called minimum wisdom, so It means that there is no stepping into martial arts, no laws of perception, mortal-level wisdom.

The reason why this war lasted for three days was not because of an anxious and fierce battle, but because the size of the fleet was indeed very large, and when it was about to arrive, the fleet broke up and wanted to divide. After landing in the universe at the boundary of the world of meaning, the four Taoists, through various actions of this fleet, determined that this fleet did not intend to go to the world of meaning, and they did not know what they were going to face. They just passed through "their own level." "Looking at the huge universe that appeared in front of me, I was about to land and explore, but I didn't expect to encounter the "gods".

God king, in the eyes of these mortals, is God.

Therefore, the three-day war is actually two stages. In the first stage, the **** kings destroyed all the main forces of this fleet one by one in half an hour. In the rest of the time, the **** kings began to search for the fleet. The remnants, like looking for "bugs", took three days to "clean up".

And because of the huge difference in strength, apart from the destruction of the main force of the fleet, the scattered fleets and the creatures who piloted the ships hardly died and were all captured alive.

More than 90% of the alien creatures captured alive were killed directly, and the rest were used for research.

The results of the research show that such creatures do have only minimal wisdom, but their physical strength is very strong, and the normal life span of each individual exceeds two thousand years, and although they are humanoids, their muscle and bone density is far Far more than those creatures who have not stepped into the martial arts, the power that a child can unleash far exceeds that of tigers and masters.

And their fleet does not rely on laws to operate, but on the most primitive energy to operate. In fact, when this fleet reaches the boundary of the world of meaning, there is not much energy left in this fleet. Let them go on for 20,000 years. In other words, if they run out of energy in another 20,000 years, the fleet will hover in nothingness and wait for death, and look at the vast nothingness. Turtle speed of the fleet has a high probability of death, and the probability of encountering a universe and surviving is less than one in ten thousand.

Whether it is the meaning world or the Taoist master, after knowing everything, they feel surprised and ridiculous.

It's like a group of ants, suddenly stepping into the sea one day, exploring the unknown.

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