Supreme God King

Chapter 3604: Ultimate creation

The commander stepped into the hall and saw his colleagues who had been away for 290,000 years.

There is only one person.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the worries that have been in the commander's mind have become heavier.

The Taoist who had returned from the expedition sat in a chair, turned his head slowly, looked at the commander in fatigue, and said weakly: "Immediately send the news back to the world of meaning, block this universe, block all the surrounding areas, voids, and passages."

The commander did not understand the meaning of the words of the Taoist, and asked: "Why are you alone?"

"He is dead." The Taoist replied very simply.

The commander's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it: "What? What did you say?"

"He died, just a hundred thousand years ago, when we were about to embark on the way home, he died." The Taoist limp completely limp in his chair. "It's only one step away, and I can't come back. The group of alien ants that we easily defeated are indeed very weak, but from another perspective, they are very powerful."

The commander's eyes were solemn, standing still, unable to react for a while.

The Taoist Lord is still weak, and his words are calm: "The creatures we saw are not our enemies, they are... just... the boat."

The commander moved a heavy step, walked to the Taoist master, tried to calm the inner waves, and asked: "What you said, I can't understand a word."

"The ship is not important." Taoist master responded softly. "The important thing is the people who drive the boat. Our enemy is not the humanoid creatures, but the things in their bodies. That is something... I can't describe it... It's like... the plague."

The commander was silent.

The Taoist continued: "For the past and present, countless years, countless worlds, laws, vitality, energy and other forces have collided with each other, creating various lives, and I saw that the ultimate creation is... enough to threaten meaning. The creatures of the world."


In the endless nothingness, there are endless possibilities.

When the world of meaning shines like a pearl, certain powers are also growing in the dark corners.

Yes, breed.

These powers are not worth mentioning compared to the world of meaning. They are the difference between gods and ants.

In the endless void, the wreckage of a warship floats.

This warship no longer knows how many years it has been wandering, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe hundreds of millions of years, it wanders at a slow speed that is invisible to the naked eye.

In the distance, a light spot appeared.

The spot of light got closer and closer, it turned out to be an ark.

There are many creatures in the ark.

There is a captain's room in the Ark, in which there is a man in a blue robe. He silently looks at the endless void, not knowing what he is thinking.

Perhaps, he is thinking about where to go in the future.

Perhaps, he is thinking about his hometown, Wanhua Universe.

After a while, he picked up a spar from his side. When the spar touched his finger, it glowed slightly. He said to the spar: "The Wanhua Universe, the Wandering Conference, the 11th Fleet Captain's Log , This is the seventeenth year away from home. At this moment, I am not far away from my hometown. Even when I turn my head, I can vaguely see a little light and shadow of Wanhua Universe. It is a certain boundary of Wanhua Universe, gravity and The rainbow light from the collision of the void world is like stars. I don’t know where we are going. In fact, everyone in the wandering meeting doesn’t know where we are going. We don’t know anything about the void except ourselves. In his hometown, we only know the world of meaning. The elders of the Tianshu Conference have always believed that there are other universes besides the world of meaning and us in this emptiness, but they also said that in the absence of air routes and wandering at a loss , The possibility that we can encounter another universe is very small. Perhaps, before this ark reaches its limit, the probability that we can encounter another universe is only one in ten thousand, one in a million.

One year, four months, and seventeen days ago, we lost contact with the Fourth Fleet, which shows that we are far apart and out of contact. One year and eight months ago, we lost contact with the 22nd Fleet, and four years ago, we lost contact with the Seventh Fleet.

I'm very lonely.

Maybe the other people on the ship, those young people carefully selected by Wanhua Universe, do not have this kind of loneliness, but my loneliness is very strong.

All the arks of the Wandering Conference must drive in different directions according to the plan, because we don’t know what is in the void, and we don’t know where to meet the universe suitable for us to settle, so we have done it well before we set off. The plan is that in order to maximize the continuation of the civilization, knowledge, and fire of the Wanhua Universe, the fleet of the Wandering Conference cannot travel in the same direction. Only when sailing in different directions will the possibility of our fire continue to increase.

I don't know... what happened to the resistance meeting.

To fight the world of meaning, this is just to hit the stone with the pebble.

Over the years, we have obtained a lot of information from the world of meaning. We know that we are not the only outsiders. This also happens to prove that the elders of the Tianshu Conference have guessed about nothingness. Indeed, there are many other universes in nothingness.

But all outsiders, when they step into the world of meaning, what they greet is not what they desire, but destruction.

Maybe we should hide, and shouldn't explore the unknown...

The world of meaning is too huge, and...

Oh, this shouldn't be what I think.

This is something to be considered in the Resistance Conference and the Tianshu Conference.

When our Fourth Fleet loses contact, it means that we have truly started wandering. We can no longer communicate with anyone, nor can we get any instructions. What to do next is up to us.

Before, we could contact the Fourth Fleet, the Fourth Fleet could contact the 22nd Fleet, and the 22nd Fleet could contact the Seventh and Eighth Fleet. We could also get some news from our hometown in this way. , Although the delivery of such messages will be delayed for more than ten days.

And now, we have nothing.

I can't tell the people in the Ark that before we set off, the Wandering Conference had speculated that after any Ark started Wandering, the probability of encountering a new universe was only one in 40,000.

Actually... this is still optimistic.

After all, morale is important, so the Wandering Conference made overly optimistic speculations.

We all know in our hearts that the possibility of encountering a new universe is not even one in a million.

All right.

End of log. "

The captain put down the spar.

In the nothingness, drifting slowly.

He did not notice that there was a wreckage of a warship floating in nothingness about four thousand miles away from his ark.

Because this wreck is too small.

The ark he drove could hold two million creatures, and it was larger than many secular cities, and the wreckage of the warship was only as big as a small house and too small in mass. It was placed in the endless nothingness. No more.

The Ark of the Wandering Conference uses all its energy on the speed of travel, and does not have any design to detect weak fluctuations.

At this moment, a body suddenly floated out of the wreckage of the warship.

Some small, black liquid drilled out of this corpse.

The liquid seemed to be alive, after smelling something, it suddenly ejected and flew in the direction of the ark.

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