Supreme God King

Chapter 3613: What is immortality

Immortal crystal is also an immortal substance, but the difference is very big.

In the log of Emperor Hu'er, Meng Fan had a clear glimpse of the core of the "Road to Immortality".

It is immortal matter.

The emperor Hu'er didn't know exactly what the immortal matter was. In fact, he could see in the emperor's logbook that he believed that even if he was the Taoist of the World Hundreds, he did not really know what immortal matter was.

But immortal matter does exist, and it has existed for more than 15 billion years!

According to what Meng Fan knew, it was mainly in what Bai Yuze once told Meng Fan, it was clear that in this era of reincarnation, all worlds and all universes were 15 billion years old.

In other words, immortal matter is the product of the last era!

It is the existence of the prophet at the same time.

Here, Hu'er Emperor's log and Bai Yuze's words are mutually confirmed.

Prophets are indeed creatures who have lived through the last era of reincarnation. They are very powerful. As for how powerful they are, it is difficult to speculate. The way they lived through reincarnation is actually the oldest way of meaning in the world. Rebirth. They preserved their memories, consciousness, and even some small thoughts, let these things pass through the cycle of reincarnation, arrived in this era, and then reborn again. Although this kind of rebirth is very broken, in this era , In the early stage of the formation of thousands of universes, the law has just begun to explode, these reproduced and broken prophets are definitely godlike figures.

They are the enlighteners of the world of meaning and the world of Taoists. The Taoists who rule and dominate today, their ancestors are actually some foolish creatures who have not enlightened wisdom, and they gradually see the world clearly under the enlightenment of the prophet.

Then there is a problem.

In fact, it has always been a question that Meng Fan is thinking about, but this question is too profound, and Meng Fan also knows that he can't get the answer and result, so he chose to wait instead of rushing to unlock the mystery.

That is, how did the memories, consciousness, and broken thoughts of the prophets pass through the death of samsara?

The death of reincarnation in Bai Yuze’s mouth is relatively simple and easy to understand. When Meng Fan stepped into the Thousand-Star Universe and began to really come into contact with the world of meaning, he also understood the true appearance of the death of reincarnation. The death of reincarnation is actually Thousands of laws between heaven and earth continue to collapse, and finally return to zero. All laws disappear, and everything perishes in nothingness. This is the death of reincarnation.

The process of law collapse is not instantaneous, but gradual. Generally, the weaker laws disappear first, and the most powerful and solid laws finally disappear. Therefore, before the death of reincarnation, there will be an era, which is called In the era of "single" law, all the laws of this era will disappear, and only the last strongest law will exist, generally speaking, the law of space.

Based on the few messages left by the prophets who survived the last reincarnation, it can be determined that before the last reincarnation, there is only one law left, the law of space.

And when there is only one law left, almost all creatures disappeared, leaving only a very rare and powerful creature that can evolve into a state that can adapt to a single law, and then continue to collapse with the law of space. Return to zero and turn into an infinitely small node. Then, after waiting for some time, this node will explode again, radiate out, and then repeat everything, really like reincarnation, new laws are born, new creatures are born, and a new civilization is born.

That node, how long will it take to explode, can be said to be a Sumeru, or it can be said to be tens of billions of years.

Because at that moment, all laws have disappeared, and the laws of time have also disappeared.

So, in this process, under this level of great annihilation, how did those prophets make some of their thoughts live to this era?

Need a carrier.

The world is a sea of ​​bitterness, and all beings are refugees floating in the bitter sea. The body is a boat, and the soul is a human being.

Reincarnation extinguishes, it is this sea of ​​bitterness that has set off an unprecedented stormy sea, which can destroy everything, the body, the soul, and all will perish.

There are only two possibilities for the gods and souls of the prophets to survive this reincarnation. First, the prophets have reached the realm of immortality, but no matter how you look at it, this is unreasonable, because the prophets have passed through the death and arrived. Soon after this era, they will die. If they really step into immortality, the law of time should have no effect on them.

That is the second possibility. The prophets did not step into the realm of immortality, but they relied on something, power, or...substance that could survive the death of reincarnation and would not be destroyed, carrying their own souls, Through the stormy sea.

This substance is the immortal substance!

Although the Emperor Hu’er didn’t know what immortal matter was, it could even be said that, apart from a name, the Emperor Hu’er knew nothing about immortal matter, but the Emperor Hu’er made many speculations. He believed that the formation of immortal matter was very Complicated and full of coincidences, he made a hypothesis-it is an unfounded, unsupported, extremely crude, simple, and completely imaginary hypothesis-in thousands of worlds, laws are surging, and creatures multiply. Various forces were born and perished, colliding with each other, going round and round, and finally forming a substance.

The formation of this material is similar to the immortal monument. Emperor Hu'er said in his journal that in many universes, the ways of heaven were born before powerful creatures. This is different from the world of meaning and many mainstream universes. The world and the nine supreme universes all had the existence of beings in the realm of God King before the Supreme Law, that is, the true meaning of the Great Dao said by the God King Universe, existed, but the Emperor Hu'er thought this was wrong and contrary to common sense. Yes, because among the sixty-six satellite universes, half of them were born with powers similar to the heavens before powerful creatures appeared. Emperor Hu'er believed that this was the norm.

The reason why this special situation occurs in the world of meaning and the nine universes is that the existence of prophets enlightens all beings and disrupts the order of the mutual evolution of laws and civilizations.

Therefore, the emperor Hu'er spent a lot of energy to study the immortal monument, and finally believed that the formation principle of that kind of powerful and almost indestructible substance should be similar to that of the immortal monument.

But its existence must be much less and more difficult than immortal monuments. Emperor Hu'er made a metaphor. If 10,000 immortal monuments were condensed by the supreme law of heaven and earth, it might only form half of the monument that is as strong as nearly For indestructible matter.

The level of this substance is definitely higher than that of the monumental monument, and Emperor Hu'er believes that there must be many reasons for the formation of this substance. One of the important reasons may be the collision of laws.

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