Supreme God King

Chapter 3619: Trumpet sounded

Hanhuang Universe, a state capital in the south.

The Hanhuang Universe has maintained great unity from the beginning. After Hanhuang was exiled, the universe was taken over by the World of Meaning and a ruling structure similar to that of the World of Meaning was established. The top administrator is the Hanhuang Society, which is equivalent to a council. A governor is elected every 100 years to manage the entire Hanhuang universe. Other areas are divided into tens of thousands of state capitals, and the governors are directly appointed by the society.

The rulers of the Hanhuang universe in the past are almost all natives of the Hanhuang universe, but there have also been apostles who have been in power.

The palace lords everywhere are natives. Without exception, they are all **** kings. Although Hanhuang Universe enjoys prosperity, due to the lack of incentives for war, fighting, and competition, the number of **** kings in Hanhuang Universe is compared. There are few other universes. The last statistics show that the number of kings in the Hanhuang universe is less than two million. Compared with other universes, this number is indeed too small, but it is also because the number of kings is small. The resources and land that a **** king can enjoy are much larger, so Hanhuang Universe still retains a very primitive system-the feudal system. The palace lords everywhere are actually feudal lords. They all started from their ancestors. They have managed their own family territories from generation to generation, and some territories have been passed down for hundreds of generations. There is no war, and they are naturally stable. The phrase Hedong and Hexi for thirty years cannot be used in Hanhuang Universe.

The management of the past dynasties, coupled with the perennial peace, created the glory of the Hanhuang universe today.

The palace masters of the tens of thousands of state capitals of Hanhuang Universe are all gods, but their realms vary.

The leader of this southern state capital is considered to be the most powerful among all the palace masters, and is a **** king of six calamities.

In recent days, he has heard a lot of news.

These news are major events.

The first news is that the Taoist who went on an expedition to an alien has returned, but it seems that only one person came back, but it is true or false, and it is not clear. Many news has spread like wildfire, and no one has confirmed it.

The second news is that Hanhuang Universe has been completely blocked by Significance World, and people outside cannot get in, and people inside cannot get out.

But these two news didn't make Hanhuang Universe people panic, and all the prefectures were calm, including the Six Tribulations Palace Master.

Because Hanhuang Universe has been at ease for too long, too many years. When the millions of alien warships were about to arrive 300,000 years ago, Hanhuang Universe really panicked for a while, because this alien invasion was the first time Hanhuang Universe encountered from the historical source to today." war".

Prior to this, the crisis encountered by the Hanhuang universe was a long, long time ago. It was when Hanhuang was exiled. At that time, Hanhuang had ruled the universe for hundreds of millions of years, and all living beings had been enlightened under his teachings. As the only leader, the only "heaven", he was suddenly exiled, which really confused the sentient beings in the Hanhuang universe. Many of Hanhuang's disciples held important positions everywhere. They were worried that Hanhuang would be exiled, and they would also He was arrested as a prisoner, but Emperor Han left calmly and did not fight, and the world of meaning did not question these disciples or even mention them.

So that crisis was just that the sentient beings were confused for some years, and it passed quickly.

The arrival of the alien fleet made Hanhuang Universe quite nervous, but in the end it proved that this was just a false alarm, and Hanhuang Universe was still peaceful, just like countless years in the past.

Therefore, the two news did not panic Hanhuang Universe. Everyone is living a step-by-step life. In their opinion, everything will always be calm.

However, the Palace Master of Six Tribulations has been somewhat frowned recently.

He didn't know exactly what happened in Hanhuang Universe, and he didn't care, but his territories, this land that his family had ruled for more than 30 generations, broke out with a disease similar to the plague.

This is too rare.

The plague has disappeared as early as the early history of Hanhuang Universe.

As the commander said, the plague is a disaster that threatens the secular world.

However, in recent years, there have indeed been outbreaks of "plagues" in some places. The palace owner himself dare not say that it must be a plague, but many situations are similar to the plague. For example, some people have symptoms, vitality begins to fade, vitality is blocked, and martial arts are stagnant , About six months ago, this situation also appeared in a ranch raising spirit beasts. The spirit beasts raised in this ranch were all supplied to the state government. As a result, nearly one-third of the spirit beasts were within a few days. One after another fell ill and died, and the other spirit beasts became more or less sick.

During these days, the palace owner has been sending people to investigate these abnormalities and tried every means to contain the vicious change of the situation. For this reason, four months ago, the palace owner personally set aside some isolation areas. This kind of plague-like catastrophe was also I suppressed it, but just three days ago, things got out of control. In a town close to the state capital, with millions of residents, tens of thousands of people died overnight.

The palace owner hurriedly ordered the isolation of the town and sent several ministries to investigate the cause.

Just an hour ago, several of his subordinates returned, but one of them, one of the four creatures, suddenly paled in the process of reporting, fell to the ground and fainted.

The palace lord pondered over and over again in his official residence, and finally picked up the pen and wrote a letter.

"Send to the Hanhuang Society to inform the situation here."

A subordinate set off immediately.

The Palace Lord thought about it.

He suddenly thought of something terrible.

Those places where the plague broke out were all isolated by him.

And Hanhuang Universe is blocked by the world of meaning...


Hanhuang Universe, a state capital in the west.

A person, walking slowly on the country road.

This is a God King of Two Tribulations.

Also an official of this state capital.

But at this moment, this person has his hands down naturally, walking very slowly, and his movements are even more stiff and weird.

"What are you...what are you going to do..."

The official said with difficulty, but there was no one beside him, and he was talking to himself.


Another voice sounded.

"Go to the palace owner's residence."

"You... what are you... exactly..."

The official said with difficulty.

"I am you, and you are me. Listen to my words and go to the palace master's residence to save your life and stop resisting."

It turns out that the official is not walking slowly and hard, but he has been fighting, fighting, himself.

But his walking speed became faster and faster.

His body seemed to be more uncontrollable.

All the way to the palace lord's official residence.

"Three hundred thousand years."

The voice is still echoing.

"We have waited for 300,000 years, and the day has finally arrived. The monarch has come, and the horn has sounded."

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