Supreme God King

Chapter 3630: Leave home

This is destined to be an extraordinary night.

Ye Weiyang's return gave the disciples and elders of the nine-fold gate some hope, but after nightfall, nothing happened, and no news came out of the ninth gate. This made everyone understand that they could only face a precarious future.

But that night, there was news that thousands of people were released from the nine-story prison.

One hundred and twenty thousand years ago, Jiuzhongmen conducted a low-key inventory campaign. Tens of thousands of disciples and elders were questioned about Yingu’s disappearance. The crisis of heterogeneous species is intensifying. The nine-layer door must thoroughly investigate the heterogeneity and quiet the sect. One thousand seven hundred people were arrested.

Among these 1,200 people, most of them were from the Chen family and the Ye family.

So when the inventory movement just ended, all the members of the sect thought that something major had happened, or Fang Haoyun personally claimed that Ye Weiyang was sent to the world of meaning to fight for some rights, and he prohibited everyone from discussing the matter. Some of them were released one after another, and most of them were changed from imprisonment to house arrest, and the turmoil gradually subsided.

Today, on the day that Ye Weiyang returned, more than a thousand people who were under house arrest and imprisonment were released. It was indeed a major event, and everyone was in the cloud.

Although everyone in the sect believed that Ye Weiyang's return and the arrested person should get out of jail, it was reasonable, but they were all released at once without giving an answer. This attitude changed too quickly.

In a mansion.

Meng Fan sat quietly on a stone stool, closing his eyes and resting.

If you look at it from a high place, you will find that there are many mansions that stretch for thousands of miles and are protected by many large formations. This is the place inside the Zongmen dedicated to house arrest. Many years ago, Chen Qin was placed under house arrest. Here, the later Zheer Xingda was also placed under house arrest.

According to some conventions of the nine-fold gate, if the Taishang elder makes a mistake, unless it is a heinous crime, he will be put under house arrest, and the worship will still be retained, but it may be reduced, and there will be some people serving daily life. This is a matter of face. The elders were put in prison, which was too ugly.

Not long after, footsteps came.

Meng Fan turned his head and saw a charming and heroic woman, but a little haggard.

It is He Huaijiao.

Meng Fan guessed right. Pei Chenglun was indeed arrested, and he was arrested as an alien, but Pei Chenglun kept He Huaijiao. The upper and lower Jiu Chongmen didn’t know the true identity of He Huaijiao. This was also because He Huaijiao had been physically destroyed, almost dead, after the rebirth of the soul , All cultivation bases are gone, and she needs to be re-experienced, so she is not eye-catching, and she has always been very low-key. Now He Huaijiao is just a **** king at the peak of the Five Tribulations.

So even though He Huaijiao is haggard, she can see that she has only been under house arrest and has not suffered in recent years.

He Huaijiao was in a daze when he saw Meng Fan, because Meng Fan did not appear as Ye Weiyang, but as his deity.

He Huaijiao's lips squirmed a few times, and she could see that she almost blurted out the word "ancestor".

But in the end he held back.

Meng Fan's gaze didn't stay on He Huaijiao for long, and he looked behind He Huaijiao.

An Xiaokang assisted an old man to come.

The old man is Chen Qin.

Chen Qin's hair is messy and gray. If you look closely, you can see that his hair is completely pale. The gray is all dust.

His clothes were tattered and his body crouched.

An Xiaokang carefully supported her, and no matter how calm she was, there were tears in her eyes.

Meng Fan slowly stood up and came to Chen Qin.

Chen Qin raised his head, looked at Meng Fan, and said, "This is how you are."

Meng Fan sighed and said slowly: "It seems that Elder Chen knows everything."

"In the past 120,000 years, the lord has interrogated me many times. He thought I knew everything, so he told me everything." Chen Qin suddenly smiled, but the smile made people sad. "I thought I would die in jail. Fortunately, I came out, as long as I live."

Meng Fan said: "I am very guilty."

Chen Qin looked at Meng Fan's eyes quietly for a moment, and smiled: "You are not ashamed. In your eyes, we are just pawns."

In a word, the clouds are light and windy.

But it really showed that Chen Qin's resentment towards Meng Fan accumulated over the past 120,000 years!

At this moment, he has only become indifferent because he has endured too much suffering and torture, but he still resents Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was silent for a moment: "I do have a hint of guilt, although it is not strong."

Chen Qin closed his eyes, exhaled a long breath, bypassed Meng Fan, and sat on a stool with the support of An Xiaokang.

Meng Fan looked at An Xiaokang: "Where is Pei Chenglun."


Meng Fan's voice just fell.

From the depths of the quiet path, Pei Chenglun staggered in.

His body was completely destroyed.

Meng Fan saw that his upper body was naked, and his lower body had only a pair of tattered linen shorts. The exposed skin was completely withered and thin, covered with various marks and scars. Those scars were by no means ordinary scars, but some formations.

It is the formation method imprinted by the rules.

Over the years, Fang Haoyun's resentment and anger have been vented on Pei Chenglun and Chen Qin.

But compared to the embarrassed and old Chen Qin, Pei Chenglun was really seriously injured. Meng Fan saw through the eyes of creation that Pei Chenglun's martial arts pillars were covered with cracks.

Meng Fan frowned and came to Pei Chenglun's front, reaching out to smash the formation brand on Pei Chenglun's body one by one, repairing the flesh and blood.

This process is very painful.

Pei Chenglun gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Meng Fan did everything silently.

Pei Chenglun said: "I know that Senior will return, and before stepping into the black hole, I am ready to endure everything, including death."

Meng Fan said: "You have been waiting for a glorious death."

Pei Chenglun smiled weakly: "We have been trained since childhood, from physical to spiritual training. Maybe this kind of training makes me long for a glorious death in battle."

Meng Fan repaired Pei Chenglun's worst injury, then turned his head and looked at Chen Qin.

Chen Qin said, "They are very wary of you."

This sentence refers to the various powerful people hidden around.

Meng Fan is here waiting for Pei Chenglun, Chen Qin, and He Huaijiao. Of course, the supreme elders of the nine-fold gate are full of vigilance, so they always follow around and hide in the dark.

"You are free. All the people of the Chen family and Ye family are free. You are still their leader, Elder Chen, what do you want to do." Meng Fan asked.

Chen Qin: "Of course I won't go with you, but the nine-fold gate has no place for us to stay. We... can only leave, don't know where to go, maybe, wandering forever."

Having said this, Chen Qin's voice suddenly became very low: "Leave our home forever."

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