Supreme God King

Chapter 3648: People bow and arrow


Central Emperor said softly.

After fighting against Yin Gu, the central emperor had already seen the mountains, he knew the scenery of the mountains, and saw that the "little girl" who arrived was immortal.

"The breath is slightly weaker than Yin Gu. Since Yin Gu is the second step of the small immortality, she may be the first step." The laws and vows of Meng Fan's body have begun to rush. "But it's still immortal."

After speaking, Meng Fan waved his palm, and Pei Chenglun, Ye Chan, and He Huaijiao were incorporated into the Origin Universe by him.

Their realm, in the next war, is no different from withered grass.

The central emperor squinted his eyes: "In this fight, we don't have the torrent of the **** king universe, and we are missing the emperor."

Suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly.

Meng Fan also felt something.

They looked back.


A man in a straw hat and hat appeared quietly.

There was no sign of his appearance. Before that, neither Meng Fan nor Central Emperor had any reaction.

A strong sense of oppression permeated.

Both Meng Fan and the Great Central Emperor felt the power of infinite proximity to Yin Gu in this man with a gloomy breath!

One after the other.

Block the world.

This cage-like absolute realm was not created by the little girl, but by the shady man.

Moreover, this absolute realm is still expanding, and within a few breaths, it has expanded from thousands to tens of thousands of miles.

Above the earth, everything that exists, whether it is grasslands, forests, or towns, is ruthlessly crushed by this absolute realm, turned into powder, and thousands of lives are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the male prey.

All he had to do was trap Meng Fan.

"I know, you have some means to break the void and escape from the invisible. This cage is specially made for you." The voice of the evil man was like sand flowing.

The absolute field is still expanding rapidly.

"Second Lord, I'm very excited." Luo Wumei was already very close, and the distance between Meng Fan and the Central Emperor was only a thousand feet away. "Alien, from the unknown world, there are unknown scenery, unknown way, unknown everything, come to the world of meaning, like a frog, finally jumped out of the bottom of the well, leaped to the side of the well, and this frog also let Yin The ancient capital was frustrated."

"You have always wanted to know what's beyond the meaning, now you see it." The Yin Bird said.

"You look so good." Luo Wumei looked at Meng Fan with a smile, and then looked at the Central Emperor: "It turns out that there is more than one powerful alien. The little girl Luo Wumei has seen two."

With that, Luo Wumei bowed a very delicate gift, squatting slightly to the side.

"You are indeed very strong." The yin-bird man said to Meng Fan. "Your breath, physical body, spirit, and all aspects are stronger than any peak creature I have ever seen. After Yin Gu was brought back to the world of meaning, it is rumored that you are invincible under immortality. I originally had doubts about how creatures can Resisting immortality? But seeing it at this moment is really interesting, but even if it is very strong, there is still a big gap between you and Yin Gu. I am very curious, why Yin Gu can’t take you down. Sure enough, the real mystery is still the black hole. law?"

Meng Fan had originally looked sideways at the shady man, but at this moment, he slowly turned around, facing the man completely.

The Central Emperor didn't talk nonsense, and took a step, back to back with Meng Fan, facing Luo Wumei.

"Oh, oh..." Luo Wumei smiled again and again. "Is this ready to do it first?"

The yin-bird man chuckled: "Okay." Then the straw clothes all over the body fluttered without wind!

"Meng Fan." Central Emperor said. "In a real battle, there is no hope of victory."

"It can only be delayed for a while." Meng Fan said. "But in this absolute field, I didn't see any flaws."

"With your eyesight, you can't see the flaws?"


"Heh." The Central Emperor laughed. "Then there is only one way, desperately, but Meng Fan, I really don't want to die with you."

"You think I want to." Meng Fan said lightly. "The person I hate in this world is definitely you."

"Stingy." The Central Emperor laughed freely. "I don't hate you, but I don't want to be called under the sky."

"You said that man will conquer the sky."

"You are heaven."

"Heaven, not heaven." Meng Fan said.

The figure disappeared.

Appears after a moment.

Strike back with both fists, and smashed the yin-bird man!

The shady man's face was covered under the hat, and his expression was not visible, but from the shaking of his body, it could be seen that he had never thought that Meng Fan would make a move, and he was also surprised by the momentum with Meng Fan. He seemed quite happy, Cao Yi With a flick, his hands volley.


Meng Fan's fists were firmly held by the hands of the yin-bird man!

The intersection of the two forces distorted time and space for an instant, and the figures of the two people seemed to disappear. It was the result of the distortion of the two laws of time and space. After three full breaths, their figures reappeared.

"Strong, really strong." The Yin-Bird man smiled. "But I still don't understand, why can't Yin Gu be able to hold you?"

The hands of the shady man suddenly clenched.

Throw Meng Fan into the ground fiercely!

Meng Fan's body was shattered by the tremendous force, and blood was filled. Immediately, the man of the yin bird moved without interval, and another punch, firmly hit Meng Fan's chest, directly penetrating Meng Fan's body!

The huge force even raised the big floor block by a few feet!

With his eyes wide open, Meng Fan immediately sealed all the acupuncture points in his body, opened the infinite formation in his body, and the original universe revolved throughout his body, restricting the destructive power of the male prey to his chest!

The shady man was startled.

Meng Fan seemed to be seriously injured in this punch, but the main injury was his body.

"It's such a powerful original universe." The Yin-Bird man exclaimed.

Then, another fist was raised.


The fist of the shady man hovered in the air.

He froze for a moment.

Because at the moment, he noticed that this absolute realm he created seemed to have been torn by something.

Although this small opening was quickly closed, it still surprised the shady man.

What kind of power can tear his absolute domain apart?

Could it be that the sword idiot is here?

The sword idiot also used the fire of the ancients and arrived here so soon?

At the moment he was surprised, but half a breath.

A faint white light flew straight towards him!

The yin-bird man felt this quiet white light and released an extremely terrifying breath. This breath is like a universe, crushed, as if there are thousands of gods, sweeping, like tens of billions of years, turning into tangible !

The yin-bird man didn't care much, and immediately stepped back ten steps to get away!

This white light has arrived.

It stopped abruptly.

Hovering firmly above Meng Fan, only three feet away from Meng Fan.

A bow.

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