Supreme God King

Chapter 3667: Encirclement

Luotian Universe, a frontier fortress.

In this frontier fortress that had been abandoned hundreds of millions of years ago, there are now a few thousand **** kings with many meanings in the world.

Nine years ago, the World Army of Significance determined its plan, instead of launching a frontal attack on Luotian Universe, it continued to encircle it, and demanded that "no mosquito should be allowed to leave."

The policy of the Meaning World is completely correct. The Luotian Universe is quite barren and barren, with tens of millions of Divine Kings trapped in it. The longer time passes, the more disadvantaged it will be for the Luotian Universe until it collapses.

Therefore, the resistance front of Luotian Universe is facing the situation of death without a fight, and they will definitely fight to the death after reaching the limit.

In order to deal with this battle, in addition to mobilizing a large number of Taoists and apostles, the World of Meaning also summoned countless gods from many universes to surround the Luotian universe in all directions and establish a fortress of nothingness.

Nowadays, the specific number of **** kings in the Luotian universe is unknown, and the number of **** kings surrounding the army of the Luotian universe has exceeded ten million.

Although there is a certain gap in the level of quantity, the number of God Kings of Luotian Universe's resistance front is several times that of the army of the meaning world, but there are many immortality hidden in the army of the meaning world.

The commanders and leaders of the various legions of the army are all immortal.

The army of significance is divided into fourteen legions. Whenever new reinforcements arrive, they will be incorporated into these fourteen legions, or if the number reaches a certain level, another legion will be organized. Each legion has eight kings. Between one hundred thousand and one million, the commander and leader of each legion are immortal!

In other words, there are at least fourteen immortals in this world army of meaning!

As for the God Kings of the Ten Tribulations, there are even more. However, all Taoists must have the Ten Tribulations, and there are also a large number of apostles, and they are also Ten Tribulations. Among the God Kings summoned from various universes, there are many Ten Tribulations.

In terms of peak combat effectiveness, Luotian Universe's resistance front is much inferior.

This is also the biggest war in the world in many years!

The battle between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality back then was more of a struggle between the Taoist family’s tactics. It was an internal confrontation in the world of meaning. There was no large-scale war. When the sword was drawn, it was only a million. The confrontation between the gods and kings was already the largest war in the period of internal confrontation, and there were only a few.

Earlier, when the World of Significance explored the outside world, blocked the development of various cosmic civilizations, and established affiliated universes, it had dispatched a very large army of kings, but there are records, the world of Significance explored abroad, and the largest war launched against the affiliated universe , That is, 1.8 million **** kings were dispatched, and at that time, the road to immortality had not been discovered, and there was no Taoist in the immortal realm.

The three big universes are the marginal areas of the sphere of influence of the world of meaning. At that time, the world of meaning only sent an exploration army of five thousand gods, led by a Taoist master and accompanied by a few apostles. It was two billion years ago. At that time, the three major universes were still in a rather barbaric era, and the most powerful were the Four Tribulations and Five Tribulations God Kings, so they were easily surrendered.

The world of meaning has absolute power. As long as a powerful **** king and talented "monster" appears in any affiliated universe, it will serve the world of meaning. The identity of an apostle, the possibility of becoming a Taoist, can be closer to the path of immortality. The next step will make all the strong people of the affiliated universe rush, so the affiliated universe cannot keep the strong, and it will never be able to fight against the world of meaning. The four major sects of the Liuli universe were destroyed overnight, and all the green races suffered extinction. The slaughter is proof.

However, there is a Luotian universe.

The stronger the world of meaning, the more problems.

The battle between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality, the sporadic resistance of the affiliated universes, and the battles between the Taoists are all creating problems. These problems are accumulating and increasing. In order to solve these problems, the world of meaning will The best way to deal with those troublesome pests that can't be killed is not to see and not worry, so the marginal Luotian Universe is designated as a prison and all problems are thrown there.

Until the uprising broke out, all the problems broke out together.

The largest uprising in history occurred, and the largest war since the nine supreme cosmic wars broke out.

But it means that even if the world has gathered more power than the resistance front, it still does not intend to attack.

Tens of millions of God Kings, although they are much inferior in their peak combat power, can really fight together and start a chaos, meaning that the world army will also lose troops, and even if one is not careful, it will be severely injured.

Thousands of gods, there are a large number of Taoists, apostles, and various reinforcements loyal to the universe. As long as the result of the war is a tragic victory, this is a huge loss for the world of meaning.

Chaos is what the meaning world does not want to see, but it is what the resistance front is happy to see.

These criminals, Taoists and desperadoes of the fallen family are full of resentment and anger towards the world of meaning. It is difficult for them to form a stable alliance. They all fight separately. Once they are chaotic, it is better.

And in the chaos, there will definitely be many **** kings taking the opportunity to escape. Frontal war breaks out, and there are certainly not many who really want to fight the meaning world. Most criminals want to escape through the chaos of war.

Once these criminals escape, it is also a huge problem for the world of meaning.

The criminals who fled at the beginning of the uprising have caused turmoil in many universes. The secrets hidden in the hearts of these criminals are also a huge threat to the world of meaning.

That's why the world of significance has set a policy of only encircling, not attacking, and has been weakening the strength and morale of the resistance front, and then waiting for Luotian Universe's resistance front to fight to the death, and then defeat the remaining soldiers.

This long-abandoned frontier fortress is very close to Luotian Universe.

Five years ago, the World Army of Significance sent a powerful surprise assault army to seize this frontier fortress, beheading thousands of **** kings who rebelled against the front line, advancing the front line, and further blocking the Luotian universe.

The current strategy of the world army is to continuously compress the living space of the Luotian universe.

The thousands of **** kings stationed in the frontier fortress are very powerful, with their realm in the eight calamities, nine calamities, and a dozen of ten calamities. They are absolutely elite. They broke into the border fortress five years ago.

Suddenly, a beam of light fell.

Thousands of **** kings became vigilant and gathered immediately.

When the beam of light dissipated, they relaxed their vigilance and immediately bowed on one knee.

The comer is the leader of these thousands of **** kings.

And beside the leader, there was a slender and calm man with the face of a woman.

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