Supreme God King

Chapter 3669: Tenju

After the old man saw Yi Houseng, his pupils dilated slightly, and his fingers trembled a few times. He was as calm as him, and when he died safely, there would be emotional disturbances.

Yi Housheng walked in step by step and sat down at will on the sandy ground in front of the old man, covering his body with a large robe and sleeves, revealing only his beautiful face.

"Shan Hexun." Yi Hosun said. "long time no see."

The old man narrowed his eyes.

"When you and I met, I just became a creature not long ago. If you are strictly speaking of seniority, I will call you, uncle."

"Yeah." Yi Housheng nodded. "Your father used to work with me in the Sarah Universe. Back then, several expeditions of the meaning of the world arrived in Sarah Universe, and were besieged by several empires of the ocean civilization. More than half of the deaths and injuries were caused. Significance World, Significance World sent three people to the rescue. With me and your father, the mission was completed. When I returned, I stayed in your home for two days."

Speaking of this, Yi Housheng suddenly sighed: "That is already, almost four billion years ago. You stepped into immortality, and you should have been immortal. How could you be so old? As the rumors say, You paid such a high price to be able to step into immortality?"

Shan Hexun said: "My family and my father adhere to tradition. The war between meaning and immortality broke out. The Shan family began to decline rapidly. Although I worship my father and believe in the value of tradition, I understand better that immortality is The general trend, because everyone has ambitions, and the greatest dream in the world is immortality.

So when the war broke out, I immediately went to explore the secrets of immortality and embraced the path of immortality, and because of this, I split from my family. "

"This is your father's choice." Yi Hoshen said.

Shan Hexun was startled.

Yi Housheng said: "When the war first broke out, the traditional meaning of the road was far more powerful than those emerging families on the immortal road, but your father was a very wise man. He knew if everyone If you believe in victory, then he must consider defeat. Otherwise, once you fall, you will be a bottomless abyss. You are the fifth son of your father. Your father has six sons in total. Your status in the family has never been high, and Not taken seriously, so when your father thought about failure, he decided to sacrifice you. By coincidence, you were interested in the path of immortality, so your father caught some of your mistakes and expelled you from the house and sent you to the immortal camp. Eggs can’t be put in a basket. If that one percent chance comes true, the road to immortality will truly be triumphant. At least there is a person in the immortal camp in the family who will not fall into the abyss.”

Shan Hexun's expression was completely stunned.

He couldn't say a word.

Yi Housheng continued: "You, back then, definitely didn't think of this, but thought that your father abandoned you."

Shan Hexun throats shareholders.

Yi Housheng: "But when the war situation is gradually reversed, as you said, the general trend is that immortality gains the upper hand step by step. As a member of a huge single family, you are valued by the immortal camp, and you rise step by step with the momentum of immortal rise. But for a long time, many people in the immortal camp have doubts about you. After all, your family is an immortal enemy.

To prove your loyalty, you have embarked on an extremely dangerous path.

Back then, the concept of immortality had just appeared, and there were only a handful of Taoists who had truly stepped into immortality. Immortal matter was so pitiful. At that time, they had not found a way to create immortal matter, so many Taoists in the immortal camp proposed Countless hypotheses, and prepared thousands of experiments that seem extremely ridiculous today.

You joined these experiments.

And made a big bet.

There is an experiment. It seems that the probability of success is very high, but the risk is also very high. No one is willing to try it. It is you who volunteered to complete the experiment.

The experiment was successful, and many people have found a way to create immortal matter through this experiment.

You are also immortal because of this experiment.

But the price is that you have paid ninety-nine percent of your lifespan. When you age to the extreme, your vitality and blood are also depleted.

But you have stepped into immortality after all, so even though you are infinitely aging, it seems that you will die at any time, but you will not die, unless the ultimate death comes.

After the war, you paid so much for the path of immortality, you should have been a hero.

However, you are a single family member.

The single family was annihilated. In this process, even though you keep getting rid of the relationship, you are still implicated. In the end, because you have merit, you cannot really be put to death. Otherwise, it will chill too many people’s hearts and also Let the victory just won become fragile, so he imprisoned you, and sent you to Luotian Universe after many years.

Luotian Universe is a forgotten universe.

You who have arrived here have also been forgotten. "

Shan Hexun was always stunned when he heard what Yi Houseng said.

Yi Housheng said lightly: "I know the first half, and the latter is my speculation. It seems that my speculation is correct. When you were young, you might not be able to figure out what your father meant, but after you arrived in Luotian Universe, You have nothing to do, and you have experienced the ups and downs of your life. You should already understand your father's meaning, so don't blame your father."

Shan Hexun opened his mouth hard: "So..."

"So I'm here to kill you." Yi Hoshen said. "Because you know some secrets. The secrets of the traditional world are not important. The conspiracy and tricks in the war are not important. What's important is that you participated in that successful experiment and learned a way to create immortal matter."

Shan Hexun said: "But that method is difficult to succeed."

"Yes, that method requires huge manpower, vast resources, and majestic rules." Yi Housheng's voice gradually became low. "A pinnacle creature has to withstand the crushing of all the laws of one universe or even several universes, and the possibility of surviving is extremely slim, but this is after all a method and you cannot leave with this secret."

Shan Hexun finally calmed down.

He closed his eyes and opened them again after a while, his eyes were already calm.

"So, when are you going to do it?"

"It's now." Yi Hosun said. "But because your father once fought with me, I want to give you some time, and I want to answer some of your questions, so that you can leave safely, instead of holding all kinds of doubts."

"Good." Shan Hexun nodded. "Yijia, what the **** is it."

Yi Housheng was silent for a moment, and said, "The man of longevity."

Shan Hexun said: "What is longevity?"

Yi Housheng said: "In an era of reincarnation, when the final death comes and everything disappears, this is the end of longevity."

"So... Tianshou means immortality?"

"No, all Dao master families have immortal people, so Tianshou does not mean that we are qualified to live to the next reincarnation era, but that we have lived through a reincarnation era.

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