Supreme God King

Chapter 3674: Hachiou Universe

These arks were not led by the resistance front but were obviously the actions of various **** kings or small groups.

Although Luotian Universe is completely barren and resources are scarce, it is not difficult for so many powerful God Kings to build the Ark in hundreds of thousands of years.

When the World Army of Significance discovered that the many **** kings of Luotian Universe began to flee, they were faced with a rather difficult choice. Should they continue to focus their energy on the frontal battlefield or split their strength to attack Luotian Universe?

After countless calculations, the World Army of Significance discovered that no matter how they choose, there will inevitably be a large number of kings fleeing.

So instead of taking risks, they continued to fight.

The forty-fourth day of the war.

After being constantly "swallowed up", the survivors of the various "little legions" of the resistance front were forced to gather. In a certain place of nihilism, the two million kings remaining on the resistance front began their final battle with the army of meaning world. .

As a result of the decisive battle, the entire army of the two million **** kings was wiped out.

This battle lasted only one day.

The Luotian Uprising, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, finally ended.

But the purpose of the meaning world has not been achieved.

According to estimates, the number of prisoners in Luotian Universe escaped more than ten million.

The decisive battle lasted only forty-five days, but the world knew that it would take many years for them to find these ten million prisoners.

These prisoners can hide themselves by disguising their identities. The world of significance has such a large sphere of influence. Any affiliated universe is a gap that can be hidden. These tens of millions of prisoners are like a stone sinking into the ocean. It is impossible to find them all.

After reporting the results of the war, the leaders of the pillars of the world of significance were quite angry.

Not only did many prisoners escape, but the "leader" of this uprising was not caught.

That is, members of the Resistance Conference of Wanhua Universe.

After the war, Meaning World only found more than a dozen mutilated corpses of the members of the Resistance Council. As for the famous Red Luo Girl and the mysterious military division around Hong Luo Girl, none of them were whereabouts.

No one knows how the world of meaning will clean up the mess.

Five years later, seventeen Taoists set off for the Wanhua Universe, and were ordered to destroy the Wanhua Universe.

For a long time, the world of meaning has not sent so many Taoists to act "outside".

It can be seen that the Luo Tian uprising has made the meaning world so angry.

In a blink of an eye, one hundred and forty years passed.

Seventeen Taoists arrived in Wanhua Universe.

The Wanhua Universe made a tenacious resistance, but at this time, the number of Kings in the Wanhua Universe was no longer there. The Wandering Conference took away one-third of the Kings of the Luotian Universe, and the Resistance Conference took one-third away. .

Therefore, the tenacious resistance did not have any effect. Apart from wounding a Taoist master, there was no other record to tell.

The seventeen Taoists still controlled the core of the Heavenly Dao of the Wanhua Universe, and then began to twist the core and slaughter the creatures of the Wanhua Universe at the same time.

Decades later, the core of the Tiandao in the Wanhua Universe collapsed due to distortion, and the Wanhua Universe began to collapse.

After this process of collapse began, the seventeen Taoists set off to return to the world of meaning.

Because the process of collapse will last a long time, possibly millions of years.

But the Wanhua universe had already perished from the moment it collapsed.

But the influence of Wanhua Universe cannot be eliminated.

Although the Luotian Uprising was defeated, at least tens of millions of gods and kings fled, hiding their names in each satellite universe!

Although prisoners have been arrested for two hundred years, the number is too small. Even though the world of significance has used many methods, even in the worlds closest to the Luotian universe, martial law has been issued and an identity database has been established. Very few prisoners arrived.

In the past two hundred years, about 320,000 prisoners have been arrested, but these 320,000 prisoners were mainly arrested in the first few decades, and then the number of arrests has decreased.

The longer the delay, the deeper these prisoners will hide and the more difficult it will be to catch them.

By the 242nd year of the end of the war, the world of meaning began to gradually lift some cosmic martial law and reduce large-scale operations.

Because the cost of the discovery of the meaning world is not proportional to the result of the harvest.

Sometimes, in order to capture a prisoner, the world of meaning has to check all the sects in a certain universe from top to bottom. An investigation may take decades and requires at least one Taoist to be present. In the end, Chances are that nothing was found.

Therefore, the world of meaning can only choose to stop.

But the tens of millions of prisoners who escaped are thousands of hidden dangers, and they will undoubtedly continue to be hidden in various worlds and gradually ferment.


The sea, the sacred field.

Five hundred years.

Eight kings universe.

This universe has a long history and is a "pearl" in the eyes of the world of meaning.

Because this universe is rich in natural spar.

The laws of the universe and the concentration of vitality are quite high. Various substances are compressed into fine crystals by super laws. In ancient times, there were even many continents made of natural spar in this universe.

As early as 5 billion years ago, explorers of the world of meaning have arrived here, and they have been included in the sphere of influence of the world of meaning, and a large number of Taoists settled in the Eight Kings universe to educate sentient beings here.

The meaning world of that period was still full of ideals and ambitions, and because the path of immortality had not yet appeared, the Taoists at that time did not think they were any different from sentient beings.

Peak creatures are still creatures.

So many Taoists settled here, established families and dynasties, and thrived.

There were eight Taoists who first settled here, so they were named Eight Kings Universe.

To this day, the Eight Kings Universe still has many bloodlines of the descendants of ancient Taoists, but they have also been integrated into sentient beings, regardless of each other.

In the eyes of the world of meaning, the descendants of these ancient Taoists are no different from sentient beings.

Even if the true Taoist master was suppressed or even exiled in the war of meaning and immortality, the blood of the ancient Taoist master was nothing.

But the status of the Eight Kings universe is still special, much higher than the other subsidiary universes, and it's closer to the meaning world, even closer than the Sara universe.

At the edge of the Eight Kings universe, a black hole appeared silently.

A cyan light and shadow flicked out, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the black hole immediately collapsed and disappeared.

The cyan light and shadow fell among the mountains of the Eight Kings Universe.

It is Meng Fan.

Half-step immortal Meng Fan, holding a metaverse bow in his hand, has applied the meaning of black holes to a very skillful level. Without any spatial ladder or spatial channel of the meaning world, he has spanned a long distance in just five hundred years. , Arrived at the Eight Kings Universe.

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