Supreme God King

Chapter 3683: Theocracy

Thirty years since the completion of Weiyang Palace, the city’s population has long been saturated, with residents remaining at 340 million. However, with the implementation of the household registration system, although the number of residents has not increased much, the number of kings has already Over 700,000!

Seven hundred thousand **** kings, this number, looking at the entire Great Reef, is the number one.

Leaving the Great Reef, there are many cities with the number of kings exceeding one million, but in the field of the big reef, except for Weiyang Palace, the city with the largest number of kings is only four hundred thousand.

However, most of these 700,000 gods and kings, more than 500,000, actually came from Meng Fan's original universe.

After releasing the God King of the Origin Universe, Meng Fan further accelerated the flow of time in the Origin Universe, and the Origin Universe once again filled up, and the number of God Kings reached 700,000 again in twenty years.

The giant city of Weiyang Palace has provided Meng Fan with amazing wealth. Every month, the Tianzi Tower transports tens of millions of tons of trade goods from the Weiyang Palace. The types include spar, elixir, magic weapon, rune fragments, Books, etc., everything you need, and at the same time tens of millions of tons of materials have to be transported. Large transactions have made Tianzilou earn amazing profits. At the same time, the transaction taxes provided by the large-scale trading market have also filled Weiyang Palace. Weiyang Palace has established dozens of vaults in the past 30 years to accommodate wealth.

Of these wealth, about 30% were used by Meng Fan to exchange for pure gold, and the other 70% was taken from the people, used for the people, and all invested in the construction of Weiyang Palace.

At the beginning of the 30th year, the administrative hall began a series of new construction plans to build Sky City.

In fact, with the ability of Weiyang Palace, it is completely possible to build Sky City on its own, and it can be completed in a short time. However, the administrative hall handed over the construction of the Sky City and took the method of bidding. Any business in Weiyang Palace can do it. Bidding, the successful bidder will receive a large amount of subsidies from Weiyang Palace.

In the thirty-third year of Weiyang Palace, the first Sky City was completed, and the Sky City can accommodate half a million creatures.

In the 34th year, three more sky cities were completed.

As Weiyang Palace becomes more prosperous and the accumulated wealth increases, the vault is filled up again. Everyone knows that wealth cannot be hoarded. Once it is hoarded, the existence of wealth loses its meaning and must be circulated. So the administrative hall A series of major projects were planned. Some of the projects were handed over to various merchants in Weiyang Palace through bidding, and the other projects were directly in charge of the administrative hall. Volunteers were recruited to participate in the construction, and all volunteers were paid very high.

After that, the Weiyang Palace will start a series of major projects almost every ten years to release the accumulated wealth. From the beginning to the next, the Weiyang Palace is prospering day by day, and the wealth also grows rapidly.

Fifty years have passed.

Weiyang Palace began to expand.

Using a large amount of wealth, Weiyang Palace purchased land from the lords of various places, gradually expanding the area of ​​Weiyang Palace.

Over the past fifty years, Meng Fan's red gold exchanged through Weiyang Palace's wealth, plus the red gold refined by the Origin Universe, has already exchanged for 600 fifth-class immortal crystals.

All refined by him.

As Meng Fan guessed, the continuous refining of immortal crystals produced a domino effect. The particles in his body were loosened and transformed one by one, and his physical body was infinitely close to immortality.

In the process, Meng Fan also overturned some of his previous speculations.

Immortality does not seem to be just the transformation of the flesh.

With the continuous refining of immortal crystals, Meng Fan's body is getting closer and closer to immortality, and his spirit and thinking have all undergone transformation.

The indestructible body provides a powerful carrier for the soul. In just 50 years, his mind and soul have continuously grown, the information that can be contained in his mind has increased several times, and various thoughts and ideas have been expanded.

Even Meng Fan's calculation ability has surpassed Daoshu Jufan!

In the past years, although Meng Fan's realm of strength and all aspects were much stronger than Daoshu Jufan, Daoshu Jufan was a creation of the universe, and his calculation ability surpassed Meng Fan.

But with the continuous expansion of Meng Fan's spirit, his calculation ability has surpassed Daoshu Jufan.

Based on the information obtained from the Metaverse Bow, Meng Fan guessed that his current calculation ability is about a quarter of that of the most powerful creation in the universe.

This calculation ability is already terrible.

Because of his powerful calculation ability, Meng Fan further simplified the method of refining pure gold, and the output of pure gold further increased.

In the 67th year of the completion of Weiyang Palace, the area of ​​Weiyang Palace has doubled through a large number of land acquisitions. As a result, it is divided into two parts: the outer city and the inner city. The inner city is the original Weiyang Palace and the outer city is the new one. The purchased land, through a large amount of construction, the outer city has also developed rapidly. Although it is still a bit weak compared to the inner city, it is also quite prosperous.

In the 70th year, Weiyang Palace has more than 700 million residents and more than 1.1 million gods.

There is no such a big city in the entire Great Reef.

At the end of the seventieth year, a large caravan arrived at Weiyang Palace.

This caravan consisted of 5,700 gods, equipped with dragon horses, hundreds of crimson carriages, 570 million tons of spar and 40 million tons of rune fragments.

The scale of the caravan is unprecedented, more than ten times larger than the caravan that enters and exits Weiyang Palace every month in the Tianzi Tower.

But more importantly, this caravan is not small.

The caravan comes from the Diamond Kingdom, one of the eight empires.

The leader of the caravan is also a god.

The status of the gods in the eight empires is very high. They are all under one person and above ten thousand people. They are only loyal to the emperor, similar to the national teacher and


And the gods of the eight great empires, without exception, are all ten kalpa **** kings, peak creatures.

Among the gods of the eight empires, half are guest officials from other universes. It was for the sake of pure gold and immortality that they entered the eight kings universe and served in the eight empires.

It was a big deal for a **** to arrive at the Great Reef, so when this caravan entered Weiyang Palace, the caravan was crowded with people watching the caravan.

The caravan handed over the goods in the city, and the mysterious god, with a dozen envoys and various gifts, entered the central hall and met Meng Fan.

In the middle of the hall, Meng Fan stood quietly, and many officials in the administrative hall, the commander and deputy commander of the city defense army, the city lord of several big sky cities, and various characters with faces and faces in Weiyang Palace stood behind him.

The Diamond Order, along with a dozen envoys, stepped into the hall.

The dazzling light filled the hall.

The diamond gods bowed their heads slightly towards Meng Fan.

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