Supreme God King

Chapter 3686: invitation

The mighty mountains.

The mountain is slender and slender, like a black bamboo sticking straight into the sky, and there are several green polar discs around the top of the mountain.

In the middle of the peak, a hall is embedded in the peak.

In the depths of the hall, a dozen gods and kings were talking, and a woman was sitting on an altar-like high platform in the direction of their north.

The woman's face was soft and watery, but her eyes were as deep as an eagle, wrapped in a goose-yellow fur, with one hand on her chin, silently looking at them.

In the sky of the main hall, a golden invitation is floating.

This invitation, from Weiyang Palace, is an invitation to the leaders of Haodang Mountain to participate in the 80th anniversary celebration of the completion of Weiyang Palace.

These **** kings are all ministers of the mighty mountains, except for the woman's apprentice, who are the woman's children.

They were talking and arguing about whether to participate in this celebration.

Because this invitation is something special.

In the invitation, it was clearly stated that I hope the leader of Haodangshan will go there in person, and he can also bring up to eight entourage. If the leader of Haodangshan does not come-the lord of Weiyang Palace will personally come and invite.

This is a warning and a threat.

The meaning cannot be clearer.

Obviously, for the interception of the Tianzilou caravan, Weiyang Palace has found out that the main envoy behind him is Hao Dangshan.

At this moment, the reason these people are arguing is because most people are opposed to going to the celebration. They refuse all threats and warnings. They are very angry. They think that Weiyang Palace, which has just been built only 80 years ago, dares to threaten the mighty mountain. Give color.

Among the dozen or so **** kings, most of them are opposed to going to the celebration, and are ready to welcome the Lord of Weiyang Palace to come personally.

But two people thought they should go.

One is the third disciple of the mighty mountain king, and the other is her eldest daughter.

The mighty mountain king has thousands of disciples and thousands of children, among them the highest realm and the highest status, are now gathered in this hall.

And her three disciples and eldest daughter are all the **** kings of the Eight Tribulations, and can be called outstanding among the mighty mountains.

In the entire mighty mountain, apart from a powerful and extraordinary Taoist tool spirit that the mighty mountain king conquered many years ago, these two people have the highest realm.

Both believe that things are not so simple. Although Weiyang Palace has been established for a short period of time, it has grown so rapidly since its establishment and has grown into the largest city on the Great Reef, and the lord of Weiyang Palace is also the pinnacle. The **** king, it is said that a large number of masters have gathered around him. It seems that there is a big steward in Weiyang Palace, who is a powerful **** king of the Nine Tribulations.

No matter how you look at it, the private means can be used at will, but in terms of face, you must live well. If you really tear your skin with Weiyang Palace, it’s not good, and if the Lord of Weiyang Palace comes to the Mt. Passive, if the mighty mountain king goes, it will be "served". Various rumors will appear, and will think that the mighty mountain king has lost to the lord of the Weiyang palace. It is also quite terrible to make a scene, no matter how you look at it, the loss is too great.

"Mother." The princess said, and the chain mail on her shook with the movement. "Weiyang Palace has not only threatened our interests over the years since the completion of the Weiyang Palace. There are tens of thousands of kings of the Great Reef. There are also thousands of sovereigns, emperors, and business halls. There are more than a dozen people, most of whom have been operating on the Big Reef for tens of millions of years, and few of them have millions of years. Various interests are intertwined, and the rapid expansion of Weiyang Palace has actually squeezed their space and deprived them. We only took the lead in the interests of Hao Dangshan, and everyone has the benefits, but Hao Dangshan only bears the risk, which is unreasonable."

The mighty mountain king looked at his heroic eldest daughter and smiled: "What do you mean?"

"Combined vertical and horizontal." The princess said. “It’s very clear in the invitation that after five days, if we don’t reply, Palace Master Weiyang will personally step into the mighty mountain. Although the third brother and I disagree, it’s not because we are afraid of him, but we just can’t bear it too much. The big loss is not worth the loss. If he really makes a big fuss, maybe our tens of millions of years of business will be in vain. My daughter believes that we should communicate with the big and small mountain kings of the Great Reef, especially the powerful peak creatures, to fight against Wei Young. Gong! Since we are going to make a move, we will eradicate Weiyang Palace at once without leaving any troubles. Of course, it is very difficult to kill a peak creature, but we can at least destroy everything he has built, and even expel him from the Great Reef."

The third disciple is a tall man, wearing a white grimace mask, and he said: "Master, I agree with what the princess meant. The Big Reef is a big cake. Various forces have gathered here just to be able to To divide the cake, whether it is spar, black diamond, red gold, or immortal crystal, these things are limited. In the past tens of millions of years, the various forces on the Great Reef have gone through countless battles. , Friction with each other, reached today’s balance and shared interests together, but Weiyang Palace turned out to be born. If Weiyang Palace was at the beginning of its entry, he would visit the mighty mountain and the gates of the Great Reef to discuss the division of interests with us. Fortunately, Weiyang Palace is like an ancient behemoth, devouring various interests. The eight empires have established diplomatic relations with Weiyang Palace. Three empires have sent fixed caravans every year to sell a large number of contraband to Weiyang Palace. This benefit too big.

Weiyang Palace has hurt various big forces and various business halls on the Great Reef. It is unreasonable if we only fight against them. We should really contact everyone, and this is actually an opportunity. "

The mighty mountain king smiled and said: "Oh? How to say?"

"Take the opportunity to reshuffle the cards and make new rules!" The third disciple waved his hand violently. "We are going to

Weiyang Palace is portrayed as a target of public criticism. With Weiyang Palace as the target, various forces from the Great Reef will be gathered together to fight against Weiyang Palace and even lead to a war! After the war is over, we, as the leader, have a lot of power to speak, and we can reshuffle the cards on the Great Reef. Those peak creatures, we naturally cannot act rashly, but other forces, we can all make decisions, such as those who did not participate in the war. We can all remove the small forces, annex them, keep half of them, and distribute the rest to other big forces. We still have the advantage.

These are not important. The most important thing is that after the war, we can formulate rules. Using Weiyang Palace as a lesson, a balance must be reached in the division of the interests of everyone. As a balance, we will undoubtedly have the greatest decision-making power!

Master, this is a good opportunity. It is an opportunity to push the mighty mountain into the hegemony position of the Great Reef! "

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