Supreme God King

Chapter 3696: New order

The grand occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Daqing, the soft service of the mighty mountain, the dissolution of the Duhai Trade Alliance, the declaration of the King Jinding, the silence of many forces on the Great Reef, inform everyone that Weiyang Palace is rising at an alarming speed, and all the strengths will be compared Reshuffle.

After the dissolution of the Duhai Trade Union, Weiyang Palace successively merged several small forces in the trade union through buying and selling and renting, and also won many ports, and began to establish sub-city and trade towns outside the main city of Weiyang Palace.

Then, perhaps out of consideration of balance, perhaps to give some face, the guards of several newly established sub-cities and trading towns all hired elite fighters from Dewuzong.

It was equivalent to eating meat at Weiyang Palace and gave Dewuzong some soup.

De Wuzong took over the business.

Then, Weiyang Palace began a series of enclosure movements.

Weiyang Palace occupies the Great Plains. Most of the areas adjacent to Weiyang Palace are mountainous areas or swamp lakes. These areas have their own ownership. After Weiyang Palace established its majesty, these neighboring forces began to show their attitudes and rely on Weiyang Palace. Weiyang Palace has also begun to establish various trade alliances or strategic alliances with these forces. A large number of caravans and legions have been opened up, and there are large areas that allow residents of Weiyang Palace to establish commercial halls and purchase land. These areas and forces Although they are independent on the surface, they have actually been part of Weiyang Palace since these agreements were signed.

Because Weiyang Palace is too wealthy and the number of residents is too large, once the purchase of land and free travel are allowed, a large number of Weiyang Palace residents will flood into the surrounding area and begin to enclose land.

At the end of the 80th year when Weiyang Palace was built, the territory of Weiyang Palace was expanded by 60%, and more than a dozen sub-cities were established.

In order to maintain the newly merged territory, Weiyang Palace began to form a "joint defense force."

The Big Reef has always been inaccessible. There are many mountain kings and many robbers. Only powerful business halls and forces can maintain some peace, and the scope of maintenance is only within their own sphere of influence.

But the joint defense forces formed by Weiyang Palace will manage a huge area.


Forces that have established alliances with Weiyang Palace and concluded contracts can join the joint defense forces voluntarily, and the unified joint defense forces will pay their salaries. In addition to maintaining the safety of alliance members, the joint defense forces will also manage the security of all members’ trade routes. Even protect some larger caravans.

In addition to members of various forces, the joint defense forces also have a large number of mercenaries from the Dewuzong, almost 30%.

By the summer of the 81st year of Weiyang Palace, the joint defense forces had taken shape and became the managers of many trade routes. Then, the Weiyang Palace Defense Army and the joint defense forces began a series of "mopping wars."

The target of the raid is the many small mountain kings within the trade area.

These small mountain kings are in their own affairs, often doing some looting business. Weiyang Palace used this as a name for crusade. Within four months, 107 mountain kings were arrested and imprisoned in Weiyang Palace. All their territories were It was destroyed, and then a public tender was conducted to sell the land of the one hundred and seven mountain kings to Weiyang Palace and various merchants in alliance with Weiyang Palace.

These territories are free, because they are landless, but not everyone can get them. Sufficient money or resources must be used for bidding, and these resources and money will not fall into the hands of any individual. The joint defense forces will be responsible for the formation of a new treasury, and then jointly develop 107 territories.

At the beginning of 1983, one hundred and seven trading towns were established on the one hundred and seven pieces of land, forming a "Lianshan Trade Alliance". The members of the trade alliance are equal, and their public security is unified by the joint defense forces and Weiyang Palace is responsible for paying a certain fee every year.

In 84 years, Weiyang Palace and Jiang Cheng Palace went to war.

Jiang Cheng Mansion is a very large-scale force and a strong foundation in the Great Reef, the leader, and a peak overlord of the Great Reef.

This peak overlord is also a foreign **** king.

This war has attracted much attention, because since the rise of Everyang Palace, although all parties have rejected Weiyang Palace, the only one who really dared to fight against Weiyang Palace has always been the Duhai Trade Alliance. However, this trade alliance called for a truce in King Jinding. After that, just

Having lost any fighting ability, the hearts of the people were distracted, so Weiyang Palace has actually never confronted a truly huge force.

The conflict between Jiangcheng Mansion and Weiyang Palace started during the Duhai Trade Alliance War. At that time, Jiangcheng Mansion had a lot of business in the Duhai Trade Alliance. After the trade alliance was defeated, Weiyang Palace hoped to negotiate with Jiangcheng Mansion and discuss some solutions. The site was divided, but Jiang Cheng Mansion refused. Later, as Weiyang Palace was gradually expanding, the joint defense forces clashed with some privateers under Jiang Cheng Mansion. The conflict intensified and finally broke out in the 84th year. The war.

The scope of the war was very wide, but large-scale battles did not occur. They were usually border frictions. There were small-scale battles between the Joint Defense Forces and some regiments in the Jiangcheng Mansion. Later, Weiyang Palace sent an elite city defense regiment to assist in the battle. He also temporarily recruited many alliance members who were in Weiyang Palace to form a new army and stepped into the territory of Jiangcheng Mansion.

Jiang Cheng's house immediately summoned his younger brother forces to organize a counterattack, and hired a large number of legions from places other than the Great Reef. However, by this year, Weiyang Palace had become very large and powerful. In the friction of forces, the attrition of Jiang Cheng Mansion is getting worse.

In the end, Jiang Chengfu chose to pay a huge price and hire the elites of Dewuzong.

The Dewuzong has always provided excellent mercenaries for the Great Reef and the Eight Kingdoms outside the Great Reef. All profit-based Dewuzong has even sent legions to both sides of the war many times. However, the Dewuzong has always maintained a principle. , That is, on the battlefield, the mercenaries of De Wuzong are not allowed to fight each other.

Among the many businesses that Jiang Cheng Mansion did, there were also mercenary businesses, which contradicted the Dewu Sect. Therefore, Jiang Cheng Mansion did not want to send reinforcements to the Dewu Sect.

This time, I really found myself a little weak, helpless.

But the next result made Jiang Chengfu extremely angry. Dewuzong, who was responsive, rejected Jiang Chengfu’s request for various reasons, and then delayed Jiang Chengfu’s envoy. In the end, when Dewuzong had to make a choice. , Actually directly listed the various contradictions and small conflicts between Jiang Chengfu and Dewuzong over the years, but declared war on Jiang Chengfu!

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