Supreme God King

Chapter 3710: Cthulhu

After the leader's death, Meng Fan traveled the world.

He has great power, enough foundation, full knowledge, and his own way.

First, after a journey of several months, Meng Fan arrived at the border of a wasteland and found the destroyed cult shrine in a swamp.

The foundation of the altar was destroyed by a certain power, and it was submerged in the swamp. It took Meng Fan a few days to pull part of the church out of the swamp, and then lit the church with his own blood.

The light of the temple was fleeting.

A map of the underground treasure house was shown.

Meng Fan left immediately and found a treasure house. There were some dusty magical artifacts and many cult books, all of which were taken away by Meng Fan.

Then, he began to look for believers scattered around the world and few remaining. When facing Meng Fan, these believers had only two choices, or they could admit that the orthodoxy in Meng Fan was orthodox, accept his revised doctrine and become his own. The leader, either, die.

Compared with outsiders, inside religions, "heretics" who cannot accept Meng Fan's teachings are more dangerous.

Meng Fan used fierce and brutal means to gather five followers scattered outside. Before the cult fell, these followers were not high in status, low in realm, and not strong enough, but they were better than young and passed through Meng Fan’s Elimination and screening, these five people are extremely loyal to Meng Fan.

In this process, Meng Fan also did two things.

First, the doctrine was revised and renamed "The Main Road", and a large number of doctrines were also supplemented. Because of the lack of various books and texts, the completion process was quite difficult, but it was also beneficial. It was because of the doctrine. Missing, Meng Fan wanted to modify some content, and it became much simpler because it could not be confirmed.

Second, Meng Fan redrawn the **** tree of the main path, established the orthodoxy, and established the inheritance.

According to his drawing, the source of the main path can be traced as far as 150,000 years ago. Some wise men observed the sky and the flow of laws, and first realized the foundation of the main path, and then after generations, countless people complemented it. In addition, until hundreds of years ago, the main path grew stronger and stronger, but it was destroyed by all kinds of intolerant and all-loving forces. After that, there were very few followers of the main path. The one who survived, the highest status, was a protector. Under Meng Fan’s pen and ink, the life of this protector seemed extremely exciting and heroic, and he seemed to have become a hero. After the protector retired, he accepted Meng Fan as the only disciple, and Meng Fan naturally inherited the master’s path. Orthodoxy, become the leader.

In a deep mountain, Meng Fan began to re-establish his base area.

With a handful of five followers, he built houses, cultivated fields, planted grains, elixir, memorized doctrines, studied doctrines, devoted himself to practice, and studied martial arts in the deep mountains.

A few years later, this base area has expanded. Although there are still only Meng Fan and five believers, a large number of fields have been cultivated and it has begun to border some nearby villages.

The main way of the doctrine has been revised, and it has become both righteous and evil, advocating the way of the holy king and the way of domineering, asking the heart inward and asking the sky outward.

The five followers have also grown up in the past few years and become stronger gradually.

Thus, the main path began to emerge.

The main road base area is named the main road holy land.

The villagers around the main road sacred place admired the large number of elixir planted in the main road sacred place, as well as the transformed Dongtian blessed land, because they were all mortals, they also began to regard Meng Fan and others as "gods" and "gods". The servants, by paying tribute to the main road holy land, in exchange for the protection of the main road holy land, the main road holy land issued their own flags to them and accepted their various requests, such as rain, beheading beasts, etc.

The villagers began to believe in the main way, making Meng Fan finally understand what the "power of faith" mentioned in classical books is.

The power of pure faith, in Meng Fan's view, was not as strong as the vitality, but more pure, so Meng Fan began to vigorously develop followers.

Five followers, who were named five protectors by him, left the holy land, began to wander around, preached the doctrine, and recruited believers.

As time went by, people began to come to worship at the main shrine.

The Holy Land of the Lord’s Path has also begun to screen out excellent believers from more and more believers, join the Holy Land and become Meng Fan’s servants. On the one hand, they can enjoy the benefits of the Holy Land and practice the secret methods of the Lord’s Path. It also serves Meng Fan and the main holy land.

A few decades later, the main road holy land has occupied more than a dozen mountains, a large number of houses and fields have been built, and even several churches have been rebuilt, a palace for Meng Fan to live, the believers in the main road have reached There are hundreds of people, and the number of believers in the outside world has roughly reached more than two thousand.

At this time, Meng Fan had stepped into the realm of the gods, became stronger, and could vaguely touch the law.

Then, Meng Fan began to focus on further complementing and revising the doctrine, as well as increasing the mystery and solemnity of the main path, and even making the main path scary, fearful, and afraid to resist.

Meng Fan fictionalized a huge family of gods. Each **** actually corresponds to a law that Meng Fan felt. Then, supposing that above all the gods, there is a supreme **** who can manipulate and control these gods. The Supreme God is called "The Way of Heaven."

Meng Fan believes that pursuing the main way is to continuously march towards the Supreme God, and finally, plunge into the arms of the Supreme God.

He also imagined reincarnation, rebirth, apocalypse, and condemnation

Although all his imaginary powers, such as disasters, disasters, etc., are based on his understanding of the laws of thousands.

By devising various means of punishment, Meng Fan convinced the believers that once they violated the doctrine or rebelled against the main orthodoxy, they will usher in various disasters and punishments, and most of the punishments occur after death.

In this process, Meng Fan portrayed himself as the apostle of countless gods, the only son of the Supreme God, and the true **** who wandered the world.

Then, in order to further enhance the solemnity and mystery, and to make the believers more fearful and loyal, Meng Fan carried out a cruel "sacrifice" in the main holy place.

All the followers of the main path and holy land must participate, and within a few hours, kill each other, and in the end only 55 people will survive, and the more people killed, the higher the reward.

He stated that this was a sacrifice to his father, the Supreme God.

In the end, fifty-five people did survive.

Then, Meng Fan began screening these fifty-five people.

Through many days of dialogue, test of doctrine, and test of loyalty, Meng Fan only left 17 people.

Among these seventeen people, except for the five guardians who initially followed Meng Fan, the others, in Meng Fan's view, were all elite.

Therefore, he named the remaining twelve people the Twelve Apostles. They possessed great power, absolute loyalty to Meng Fan, and absolute faith in doctrine. Then, they left, continued preaching, and recruited believers.

After that, Meng Fan opened the main road holy land, allowing more people to live in the main road holy land.

And every few years, when the number of believers in the main sacred place exceeds two hundred, Meng Fan will perform another sacrifice.

In the end, there will always be only twelve people left.

And these twelve people have only three choices if they want to survive.

First, being a cow and a horse for the Lord’s Holy Land for fifty years, that is, being a slave, doing the most tormenting work, using all kinds of austerities to sharpen oneself, constantly studying the doctrine, giving up all enjoyment and leisure, and being ready to serve Meng Where dedicated.

Once they persist for fifty years, they will become the "piety" of the main road holy land, and they can own their own land, own study, and own slaves in the main road holy land.

The second is to challenge the twelve apostles.

After the first sacrifice, Meng Fan divided the ranks of all the believers. The highest rank is the protector of the main path. There will always be only five people. The five protectors have their own names and duties. Some are responsible for interpreting the doctrine, and some are responsible. Instructing believers, some people are responsible for rulings, judgments, etc., and their status in the main sacred place is only lower than Meng Fan.

The next level is the apostle.

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