Supreme God King

Chapter 3713: In full swing

The strictness, mystery, cruelty, and horror of the Lord’s Way make all those who can become Lord's Way believers have firm beliefs. The repeated blood refining sacrifices and the mass killings of infidels have made Lord Way’s reputation even stronger. The greater the coming, it also made some real empires feel terrified and shocked.

This year, Tianzhimei has not really made her mark yet, she is only the princess of the empire, but Tianzhimei is in the imperial capital, and has also heard of the main path, and the empire has clearly transformed the main path into the faith of evil gods and began to reject the main path. The border hunts down the main Taoists.

The conflict between the main road and the empire began.

But conflict, war, and death have always been the best whetstones for the main path.

After the main faith and the empire bordered, Meng Fan successively issued many edicts, making the empire the first enemy, calling on all believers to launch an offensive against the empire, whether it was a frontal attack, a secret destruction, or something to the empire. The assassinations of important people are regarded as merits by the main path, and if they die in battle with the empire, they are also regarded as sacrifices.

The believers themselves have fanatical beliefs, and many edicts have caused the border of the empire to fall into rounds of chaos caused by the believers.

Some frontier ministers were assassinated and died or were injured. In some places, secret churches of the main faith appeared, and even apostles appeared in the frontier to spread doctrine.

Although the empire was afraid of the main road at the beginning, the ministers in the imperial capital did not really put the main road in their eyes, because the scale of the tens of millions of believers on the main road was too small, and the followers of the imperial emperor were enough There are more than a billion.

After all, this is a land where vitality is thin and all kings rely on the power of faith for cultivation.

So religion is the main theme of this land.

The appearance of a powerful monk will create a new religion, and the demise of a powerful monk will generally lead to the demise of a religion. It repeats itself again and again, no big deal.

But the main faith is too special.

The complete doctrine, dressed in the cloak of "God", has an extremely strong core.

The religions in this land only allow people to believe in and provide the power of faith, and the "god" provides protection for these believers, nothing more.

The main path is different. On the one hand, the main path not only requires the power of faith, but also has strict requirements on believers. It is better to go overboard. It constantly eliminates some weak believers and constantly screens out strong believers. In addition, the doctrine of the main path It contains a lot of philosophy, martial arts, and profound meanings. It has clear explanations of the laws of heaven and earth, and everything in the world, allowing people to see the world clearly and clear the clouds.

All these have caused the main path to have a strong attraction to all people who want to improve their own strength, especially elites from all walks of life.

And ordinary people, because of the strictness and mystery of the main way, are afraid of them. In order to resist this fear, ordinary people also hope to join the Lord.


If you are afraid of tigers, you will be with tigers.

Therefore, in the first few years when the faith in the main road was raging on the border of the empire, many people on the border of the empire became believers in the main road. Even later, the empire found out that a frontier governor also secretly believed in the main road and continued to be The main believers provide convenience and shelter.

This incident really touched the fragile nerves of the empire. For this reason, the empire began to send a large number of judges and legions to the border to start a proof battle with the main road.

The fighting lasted for decades.

Since then, the main road has gradually become the greatest enemy of the empire, entangled and fought with each other for many years.

Until Meng Fan finally stepped into the realm of God King.

Meng Fan, who became the King of God, is stronger, and the power of the Lord’s faith has also become stronger. Meng Fan no longer retreats, but devotes himself to the battle of the Lord’s faith, in order to attract more believers and create more forgiveness. The torrent of willingness.

So Meng Fan first transformed the loose army of religious believers into a systematic and orderly main road army. The leader of each army was a strong believer selected by Meng Fan, and all army commanders carried one. Meng Fan’s personal magic weapon, as a proof, this personal magic weapon can also allow the commanders of each legion to communicate with the protectors of the main holy land at any time, and all the legions also have enough power to fight separately after they are established. , You can also expand the size of the legion and recruit more soldiers, but all legions must be self-sufficient, and the main road holy land does not provide resources.

After the establishment of the systematic legion, Meng Fan announced the start of the holy war, calling on the believers all over the world to attack the empire, and successively sent a large number of devotees to sneak into the empire and secretly develop believers.

Meng Fan personally appeared on the frontier battlefield, led the jihadist legion as a **** king, swept several imperial legions, and captured many towns and fortresses.

The empire began to fall completely.

In order to solve the problem, the empire sent two hegemons of the realm of gods to the battlefield. One of them led the army and the other had only one task to find the sovereign of the main faith and kill him.

The second man found Meng Fan, but was killed by Meng Fan.

The first person confronted Meng Fan head-on on the battlefield, and was miserably defeated and seriously injured.

A **** king died, and a **** king was seriously injured. This is a huge loss for the empire. In the entire empire, the powerhouses of the **** king realm are all peak hegemons, one of the few.

So the emperor personally consigned.

After the emperor of the King of Two Tribulations arrived on the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed. The faith in the main road was lost one after another on the front battlefield, and the occupied towns could only be let out one by one. Three years later, the empire regained all lost lands. The believer retreated to his territory.

The war seems to be over.

But eighty years of war

, Making a large number of believers of the main faith appear in the empire.

And there are many newly established secret churches.

In order to solve the problem thoroughly, the empire sent a legion to go deep behind the enemy and continue to pursue the army of the main faith. On the other hand, it searched all the followers of the main faith, imprisoned or killed them.

The war has become very cruel. There has never been such a cruel war on this continent. Both sides of the war have adopted a zero tolerance attitude and massacred each other.

This situation continued for decades.

The empire was horrified to discover that the faith in the main path had not weakened under the fierce blow.

Many scholars who study the faith of the Lord said to the empire that according to the various doctrines, traditions, rules and secrets of the faith of the Lord, they discovered that fierce fighting, brutal blows, even massacres and deaths, these are not really meaningful. The above weakens the faith of the main path.

Because before the start of the war, there was a horrible tradition of "one's own people slaughter one's own people" in the main faith.

It is called "Blood Refining Sacrifice", or "Internal Jihad to eliminate heretics".

Starting from the source of the Lord’s Way faith, the Lord's Way believers have gone through cruel trials to fight each other, and even after a hundred believers have killed only one way, they have continuously strengthened the fighting power of the Lord’s faith and the faithfulness of believers. degree.

Even many little kings of the Gentiles who believed in the faith of the Lord had participated in this massacre and sacrifice.

Finally, the scholars of the empire came to a conclusion that the faith in the main path is the faith of the evil god, it is terrifying, cruel, and cruel. At the same time, the faith in the main path also has a hard core, its many doctrines, philosophies, and the world The cognition of the law is very advanced, and many scholars are amazed. Moreover, the main belief is martial arts, good warfare, worship of killing and war, and even death.

For the main faith, war and death are the core components of faith.

Therefore, the crueler the war, it will not weaken the faith in the main path in the true sense, but will make the faith in the main path stronger and stronger.

When the empire is thinking about how to resolve the faith in the main path.

Inside the imperial capital, without warning, a large-scale turmoil occurred. of

It turns out that there are already many people in the imperial capital who have taken refuge in the main way of faith in secret, and there are many devout believers hiding in the imperial capital.

This rebellion had a terrible impact, because it was difficult for the emperor to tell which were true followers of the Taoist faith and which were just ordinary people. Because they were all mixed together, there were many manslaughters.

The riot continued for several months.

When the riot finally subsided.

Another news that shocked the empire spread.

The jewel of the empire, the beauty of the sky, disappeared in the war.

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