Supreme God King

Chapter 3717: In the dark

Meng Fan kept dripping blood and incarnate, trying to rewrite history for a thousand times. With various identities and appearances, Meng Fan has been together with Ruo Shuiyi a thousand times and fell in love a thousand times.

But no matter what he did, in the end, Ruo Shuiyi died.

And many times, among them, more than 500 times, died in the hands of Heavenly Dao.

There are also many times to die in order to explore a higher realm, such as forcibly breaking through the realm, or even going crazy.

Sitting between true and false, Meng Fan was silent, and said nothing.

He did countless thoughts.

Deduced various laws and situations.

He found that every time, Ruo Shuiyi is not bound to die, as long as some causes and effects are changed, Ruo Shuiyi can escape.

But even if Shuiyi escapes once, there will be a second catastrophe, and a third time, endless.

It seems that no matter what Meng Fan does, Ruo Shuiyi is bound to die.

While Meng Fan was thinking about it.

In front of him, another person appeared.

A man with a height of nine feet and five inches, a slender figure, a handsome face, and flawlessness, seemed to be the ultimate creation.

The man is wearing a white robe, and there are blue clouds on the robe. Each cloud is a beautiful spiral, which is in harmony with heaven.

Meng Fan and the man looked at each other for a moment.

I just feel that although he and the man are different in appearance and temperament, the man is quiet and far-reaching, and Meng Fan is thick and heavy, but vaguely, there are countless similarities between him and the man.

Meng Fan was not surprised by the man's appearance.

At this moment, he is in a very unpredictable realm, taking a step back, living creatures, further, immortal, he is located between living creatures and immortality, all laws are ignored, all existence is indistinguishable from true and false, he has seen the past For countless years, he saw all kinds of things he hadn't seen, and even saw the dead Baibuxian.

So now, Meng Fan will not be surprised to see anyone.

Meng Fan opened his mouth and asked.

"Is all this true or false."

The man replied: "True and false are only general concepts, and there is no exact dividing line. Just like space, time, reincarnation, and four seasons, these laws do not actually exist, but sentient beings want to understand

This incomprehensible world, and the created concept of nothingness, reincarnation does not conform to the way of heaven, but if a person imagines the concept of reincarnation, and this person is strong enough, he can create the law of reincarnation, so true and false are not exist. "

Listening to the man's words, Meng Fan nodded: "You are the Way of Heaven."

"The word "Heaven Dao" has different sayings in different worlds, but yes, I am the Dao of Heaven. I am different from you and come from another universe."

The communication between men and Meng Fan did not use language at all. They used different languages, and they endured different rules.

But they have one thing, they are the same.

They are all the gods of their respective worlds!

There are thousands of ways in the world, different routes to the same goal, the same way of heaven, the communication between Meng Fan and the man is unimpeded, and the spirits and souls collide, and they can communicate thousands of times.

"I don't know why I am here." The man said softly. "Maybe because of'Resonance', you and I are so similar, maybe because of something else, but being able to see you proves that I am not alone in this world, and I am very pleased."

"Where are you from?" Meng Fan asked.

Man said: "I come from a subsidiary universe under the rule of the world of meaning, called the primordial universe. Many years ago, I was born in chaos, and together with many powerful creatures, I created the order of the universe and rebuilt the laws. But..." The man's expression was suddenly sad. "Life is impermanent, I am immortal. As long as the prehistoric universe is still there, I will live forever, but those friends who worked with me for the good of all beings have grown old and disappeared. Later, I have wisdom and have Thinking, transformed into beings, is called the emperor of heaven."

Meng Fan squinted his eyes: "I've heard of the prehistoric universe. Therefore, you have also stepped into immortality."


"But you are not a person of the meaning world, and even you are the enemy of the meaning world."

"It's not entirely correct. My attitude towards the world of meaning is always vague. The philosophy and ideas of the world of meaning are what I long for, but my world was once an enemy of the world of meaning. Protect my world and fight for my fellow citizens."

Meng Fan withdrew his thoughts and no longer asked the story of the Honghuang Tiandi, but said: "The law of everything

, I have lost meaning here, so if I change the past, do I really change, or deceive myself or others, or is it another world that I change? "

"When I stepped into immortality, I hadn't done anything, so I didn't know the answer to the question." Honghuang Tiandi also looked at the indistinguishable world in front of Meng Fan. "But I think if you change a cause and effect at this moment, it will become true, but the problem is, you can't change this cause and effect."

"Because it is destined."

"Destined to..." Honghuang Tiandi pondered for a moment: "It seems that it is also a rule."

"Fate." Meng Fan smiled.

Honghuang Tiandi said: "You have been here for too long. Soon, you will leave, or go back the same way, or continue forward. If you are here, you can't change anything... Then, maybe in the future, you can change There are many things, although the same is the Dao of Heaven, but you are much stronger than me. The true meaning of the Dao I can control, but more than two thousand, the true meaning of the Dao you can control, there are as many as 4,000, and they are still growing. The King of True Intention, the Lord of Law, can easily command the four thousand True Intentions, freely retractable, look at the world of meaning, and even look at all the known worlds. There is no such thing as you. What you can do in the future, even if it is meaning It is impossible for the world to know."

After saying this, the emperor was silent for a moment, and then said: "You and I still have many differences. In the final analysis, I am only the way of heaven transformed by law, and the way of heaven transformed into the emperor of heaven. I was born by law, with heaven and earth as flesh, and you , Is not only the emperor of the law, but also the emperor of the sentient beings of the world you belong to. Throughout the ages, in thousands of worlds, I don’t think there will be a second existence like you that can simultaneously rule the law and sentient beings."

Meng Fan stood up and waved his hand.

All true and false, have disappeared.

Behind him, a light appeared.

He turned around and walked towards the light.

Hong Huang Tiandi said: "You and I will see you again."

"I know." Meng Fan nodded.

One step, another step.

Get closer and closer.

He saw more scenery.

Ignore time, space, and all laws.

Then he stepped into the light.

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